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Just my two cents. For the partially muted episodes … these tapes are old, over 20 years and we don’t know when they have been digitalized. Tapes corrupt eventually and some data might be lost so .. 

As for wrong episodes I undertand it’s annoying but I don’t worry. I am grateful for every single episode from 1999 since it’s my favourite year after 1993.

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I can actually give you my opinion why THIS is not the tapes being old and etc.

1 - They have done this in the past!  They have uploaded corrupt episodes, which we have ON DVD and WITH PERFECT versions - so, yeah - this is a clear evidence that they have perfect copies of episodes, but UPLOAD different ones.

2 - The season 10 fiasco with uploading episodes that have no background music, that we have SEEN on videoland THEY HAVE PERFECT versions of - just play episode 2544 for example - on youtube it is corrupt without background music and on VIDEOLAND - it's perfect.

3 - The way they are skipping and mish-mashing with wrong episodes cannot be excused with anything other than laziness or just trying to fail the project. The quality of the tapes cannot excuse this, WHICH is the BIGGEST PROBLEM we all have. We can stomach bad quality and even no background music from time to time... but the mish-mash and the skipped episodes is another thing.

I am sure when 1999 starts being uploaded on videoland, it will have perfect audio, since I have SEEN that what is being put on youtube is not a representation of the quality and the way episodes have survived all these years.

I also don't think we should OK this just because we are getting something... I will repeat myself - if you are not going to do something right... it's sometimes better to not do it at all. 

Yes I am grateful for these episodes, but I find it very disturbing that new watchers will have to watch in this manner - with skipped episodes, corrupt ones and etc.

They need to get some backlash, so they can FIX this. There were people saying why bother complain about quality, when they were uploading disgusting 240p files... but because of people like myself and others THAT DID COMPLAIN every day... they decided to fix this.

We should complain and contact whoever in the hopes of helping this project be the best it can be. 

I mean... if they have time to upload these edited photo-captions on every clip with added 1080 sign... they HAVE time to check if the episode they are uploading is the right one.

Otherwise we risk complete chaos and people will NEVER watch in this manner. For a hardcore fan it's not a problem... I am sure... we've all seen these episodes... But for the newer viewers... which I think is the ultimate goal of this project - to MAKE people watch Bold from the beginning and in the classic years... it's unbearable.

I am not saying your point of view is invalid, I just have difference of opinion.

And I am kinda annoyed that I can't know FOR SURE if the episode I am watching tomorrow will be the right one, or a wrong one from past season... of it's going to have or not have background music. It feel like this is some kind of a joke. Someone was having a laugh under one of the videos they have uploaded - saying... they wonder if the person uploading is not drinking alcohol and don't know what they are doing.

Who knows... I am starting to think they may be right.

Don't even start me on these annoying 2005-2009 episodes that have the directors screaming before every episode and markings on each video that ruin the whole look and feel of the episode.


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I'm in agreement. Everyone is grateful that an effort is being made by the uploaders on the YT channel. I don't see it as being ungrateful if one complains. We just want better for something we care about. But I do agree if you can't try to do something right, why do it at all? It makes the viewing experience so frustrating.

Imagine if that was a new show airing on TV or something like Netflix...not knowing if an episode would be skipped, or delivered in bad quality, or shown without music. We wouldn't accept it for a new show, so why would the rules be different for an older show? As Althea has proven, they have been able to provide excellent copies to VL but skip, duplicate, crop and put inferior copies on YT when they have them available. I don't want to jump to the conclusion it's deliberate, but I do feel like there is a lack of care about it. When brought to their attention, they still don't go back and replace what's missed etc. It's like an "oh well" attitude. When VL have made an error, they've gone ahead and fixed the problem.

I would be so annoyed if this was the first time watching. I'd want to know what I missed. As for putting mislabeled episodes and bringing you back into Season 12 and wondering what the hell is happening to Rick changing his face back and forth from Jacob to Justin when the episode numbers are all in order??? Newbies would be so confused.

I would pay to download and keep all the episodes if they could assure me they would give me a quality product. I'd pay a couple of thousand to have them all to watch at my disposal and know they'd be around to watch in 20 years' time on a rainy day, perhaps when they've long disappeared from a streamer like VL or YT. 

I'm grateful. I just wish as much care would go into it as if it was handed to a die hard fan to complete the task. The show deserves that level of care.

Edited by BoldKara
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I am just Waiting for YouTube channel to show #2347 and #2349 to see if they have background music or not. Especially I am interested in Jessica's rape episode to be with the music. Videoland episodes did not have the music. Some older episodes from Videoland also did not have the music but I just wasn't paying attention back then.

When I asked Videoland to provide background music to these Two episodes #2347 and #2349 , I got this response:

"We asked the company for a new video with the background sounds. Because it's a realy old video, they can't deliver the music. There is nothing to be done. I consider this case closed."

Somehow I don't see it is very credible. Do you believe this explanation ? I mean they must have several different copies of the episodes.. It is unbelievable that they don't have the background music to these Two episodes. They have uploaded almost whole Grant shooting episodes last Year with no music on YT yet on videoland they do have the music. Rarely, but vice versa, the situation is repeated on videoland , that there is no music over there. Coincidence ? 

Edited by Pedro
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I am sure some VHS ripped copies will surface and we'll be able to add the audio to the highest quality video.

I am hoping they don't have background music problems in the future. It's disturbing to watch without music, especially rape scene. 

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