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Ivana is one character I can't see this time around without thinking about her gruesome end. It makes me see her in a much more positive light than I remember. That, and the realization that she is a teenager who will never see her 20th birthday. She is only two years older than Jessica - I don't think I really understood before that she was so young.

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I thought so too, but then I heard her say she was 18, and a few weeks later she said she was 19 (this was around the time of Jessica's 17th birthday party). 

I guess being a "super model" makes her seem older and more experienced. But learning how young she really is made me see her in a different light.

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Well, I actually enjoyed the Spectra focus during the early spring (it's so rare) and the whole Anthony storyline (for the reasons I mentioned in that very lengthy post a while back ;-)). I find it kind of fascinating how while being very charming, he is still this negative influence on everyone around him, especially on Sally and Macy, without them even noticing that he is the corrupt file that makes the entire hard drive go haywire. I found the estrangement between Sally and Macy interesting but its resolution rushed and unsatisfying (literally just one episode in which they agree to go back to normal) - I was expecting more of a development there.

Anthony and Connor have excellent chemistry as pals.

Taylor's "death" of course is the most anticipated event of this period and seeing it now it is obvious that Taylor was always meant to return (since the plane stopping in Morocco was mentioned very early on).

I was amazed at how quickly Brooke went from planning a wedding with James to getting engaged to Ridge.

And I was curious about the Jessica storyline simply because I didn't remember a lot about it (it was clearly the least "important" storyline of that time period). I remembered Jessica mainly as playing the violin badly (and she really does!) but other than that she is more immature than I remembered her, and Dylan actually didn't treat Ivana very well the way he discarded her for Jessica.

There are some aspect of this storyline that strike me - first, the Forresters' obvious discomfort with Jessica's introversion. They keep pushing her to get out of the house and have "fun", but it's their kind of fun, not hers. They want her to go to the beach rather than, say, a symphony concert or the library. Second, the way the models' unhealthy relationship with food is mentioned without being problematized (Ivana saying "this is the kitchen - we don't use it much", the models always working out and talking about having to burn off two grams, Jessica suddenly swimming in the pool to get her already thin body in shape after hanging around the models). Third, how easily Jessica gave into peer pressure and got drunk on her birthday party, and how quick Sly was to take advantage (after living with Macy passed out drunk in his bed every night for weeks without taking advantage of her) - this is clearly where they decided to alter Sly's character and make him more of a bad guy and I feel he wasn't that unambiguously bad at first.

My general feelings about early to mid 1994 is that the pace is lower than 1993 (which was possibly the best year so far) but that the ground work is being laid for future storylines (mainly the Princess Leila story). I remember the second half of 1994 as better, and the first half of 1995 as some of the best the show has ever been. Let's see if my expectations will be met!

Oh, and I have no words for how much I loathe Eric for having a vasectomy behind his wife's back knowing she wants children!

Edited by Videnbas
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I do not rememner at all Bridget being shot story in 1994 so it is like watching it for the first time. 

Since i am a huge Stephanie fan i totaly dislike the way Eric treats her - he knows she is falling for him and she left Jack but still Eric wants to try again with Sheila....

And yes i dislike the vasectomy story. It is wrong even if Sheila is his wife.

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1994 has been up and down so far. There seems to be change in writing style...  episodes that are melodramatic full of people talking to themselves and episodes with smart edgy ironic dialogue. We all know why this is. Thank God for the other writers... I think the Marocco storyline is interesting and fresh in a way... but in another way it's the first absolutely unrealistic storyline where the show is now starting to get soapy and absurd. The first 7 years it was realistic psychological drama. Now it's getting a little cartoonish. I mean Taylor got out of coma and wanted to walk and she was walking in full hair and makeup in like 1 episode. The Dylan, Jessica, Ivana, Sly is so teenage dramedy on Hallmark channel... it's just on another level. It's like the IQ of the show suddenly dropped. From delicate and intricate manipulations and good plotted drama it's becoming Uneven, bumpy and strange... some sort of TV fast Food... a lot of naked men and stupid teenage dialogue. There are still great episodes and I am looking forward Taylor to comeback and ruin Brooke again... but... I am sad to say the show has lost its magic somewhere in 1994. I hope it regains it soon.

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I do not remember Stephanie pushing Eric to vasectomy i think whe was kind of surprised by his action.

BTW i have to say that Karen's leaving is may be one of the few explaind leavings in BB. First her mother called asking her to take few days off, then Bill came to give her his stockes of Spectra and Karen giving them back to Sally - so no reason for Karen to stay in LA.

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I came across This and I Felt Like Sharing:

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Here Are A Few Promos and Clips Of When B&B Was Launched In here Brazil, I said A Few Times The Only 2 Soaps To Ever Be aired Here were Santa Barbara (1991 -92) and The Bold and The Beautiful (1991 - 92), With The Title "Paixão e Ódio" (Passion and Hate) but They Tried B&B again In 1999, in a Different Network! This Time with a more Translated Title (Belas e Intrépidas) which is basically the Bold and The Beautiful in portuguese

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Thanks for sharing. Judging by the clips this is from Fall 1994

How very cool. I had read remarks that B&B aired in Brazil but never knew about the time frame. They aired it late at night at 10.30 pm? Interesting
I guess the Telenovela industry is just too big and there is no other major market which would pay for the portuguese dubbing. However, I can't think of a mjor spanish market for B&B either despite that it is simulcast in Spanish in the US since 2001. It just never clicked with Latin audiences I guess. As we all know, it's very popular in many French and English speaking foreign markets, though

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