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These lists are great! Has anyone made a list that also details the quality? I used to be able to keep track in my head but not anymore. There was a spreadsheet called "BB by year" in the vault but it's not really updated.

Like for Season 1, it would be like

Episodes 1-50

Video: Excellent

Language: English

Subtitles: No



Video: Excellent

Language: Dual English/German

Subtitles: No


That way we kind of hone in and which ones need to be upgraded later? Ideally, we someday have a full set of HD English videos without subtitles!

Edited by BoldRestless
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Also, Is there a list of how many episodes there are for each year? I think I have the totals for 87-95, but feel free to correct anyone

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1987: 187 
1988: 254
1989: 252
1990: 254
1991: 248
1992: 254
1993: 254
1994: 245
1995: 248

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I present you The Bold and the Beautiful Episode Tracker

This is the spreadsheet that I update daily, or when new videos appear on the YouTube channel. You can see a breakdown of the episodes by season or by year by clicking the 'Overview' tab. Seasons can be filtered via a drop-down menu. It's been two years in the making and I've decided it's time to release it publicly since I'm now confident it is accurate and reliable enough to be used on a daily basis. And while it isn't intended to replace other resources, I think it will compliment existing ones. And it has the added benefit of being portable and viewable for offline use.

Also, shout out to @Toups for his writers and directors lists. I was able to gather his data and merge it with the spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet I have doesn't have such a list, but I think I can look into adding a column in there, or a new sheet entirely. I still see room for improvement.

Let me know what you think!

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You are legit a legend. Wow. Wow. Amazing. Can I ask one stupid question. Why is one season 360 plus episodes? Did I misunderstand something. I am sure its got a clear explanation, I just am in the dark . Thank you

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No stupid questions @Althea Davis Basically when the show switched to September start dates for their seasons, it meant one of the seasons had to be extended to accommodate this change, which is why Season 8 is unusually long. Everyone over on the YouTube channel keeps asking "When does Season 9 start?!" and there has been radio silence from the people running the channel. I guess they want to keep it a surprise for people?


You're welcome! It's a great feeling when you can give back to the community when the community has helped you (as it has for me). This forum is the best honestly! Everyone is so friendly and helpful

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Just think, in about a year's time when Videoland catches up, we'll be able to complete the writer and director column. Also I believe VL is up to episode 2560 now which is very close to where the official channel stopped uploading. So if someone who access to VL wants to provide that info, feel free to send me a private message. Otherwise, I will happily wait for when I have access to those episodes.

I also have a question for all of you. The episode summaries from 1997-2008 (#2702 to around #5400) were copied directly from the old CBS daytime website. They are quite lengthy and the Wayback Machine wasn't able to capture all of them, hence why some are missing. Should I replace them with the YouTube versions which are quite a bit shorter?

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I could probably do it like this, just have two separate columns, but it looks kinda busy and ugly and I hate horizontal scrolling. But at any rate, I will keep both. The more the merrier.

And yes it has been a load of work to compile, but I have enjoyed the process overall. And I can see it taking a life of its own in the hands of others which will be fun to see.

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Something I could never say to anyone in my everyday real life:
What I posted back in November "I've been religiously tracking the episode numbers since 2018".
I can type that here at SON and nobody thinks it odd. When I joined here in 2020, it was so amazing to find people like me; and in fact I'm clearly a newbie at this since others have been tracking all the years!   

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I think it's perfectly normal. Someone has to do it and it's way better if more people can get involved.

When I started doing this, it was only to track episode numbers and air dates since we didn't have all the available information at the time (only two short years ago). But I'm amazed how far we've come in those two years. It has been a collaborative effort.

That's why I think this community rocks! Everyone here wants to contribute something, no matter how big or small it is.

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Thanks for the corrections @Troppo!

Not only did they get their repeat S25 playlist wrong on YouTube, they also mistakenly put the first episode of S25 as the final episode of S24, and then repeated it as the first episode of S25 when they originally did that playlist. Sheesh!

Your spreadsheet is incredible! I can't wait to explore it properly. Your excel skills are fantastic! 

Edited by BoldKara
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