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I'm a big country fan so I will give my opinions:

Taylor: this is the first time I can say I didn't FF or change the channel during his performance. So I guess you can say I didn't hate him tonite

Mandisa: by far her worst performance... if you're going to sing Shania... be careful, "the Woman in Me" would've been much better for her voice than "Any man of mine"

Elliott: at that point in the show he was the best. however, he uses too much vibrato... if he would just keep the voice smooth it would've been the best for the night

Paris: i don't really like her, but this performance was okay... btw, if you watch Nashville Star, Kristen McNamara performed this one tonite too and was MUCH better than Paris

Ace: this is the best he's been in a couple weeks, but I think it will ultimately be his swan song

Kellie: she was fine... i didn't like the way she cut up Reba's song. I understand they have to shorten it for tv, but Kristen McNamara on Nashville Star did it better last week (or was it two weeks ago? :blink: )

Chris: best of the night IMO

Katharine: boo hiss boo... that was NOT country :angry: if i could pick who goes home, i'd send her packing... but alas i think she has too many fans right now

Bucky: okay so i flipped to the Gilmore Girls and missed his performance... but my hubby says i didn't miss anything :lol: the little bit i caught in the end when they show snippets of everyone i could tell he probably ruined a good song...btw Nashville Star's Chris Young performed "I may be a real bad boy, but I'm a real good man" and sang circles around Bucky's rendition... not saying much i know... but anyway, Chris Young is to Nashville Star what Chris Daughtry is to American Idol this season IMHO

my bottom 3 pick: Ace, Mandisa, Katharine and Ace is going home

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LOVE me some country music! :D

Taylor- My man didn't do so hot tonight, but I LOVE that song..I knew it and I think that's why I enjoyed it. He sang it the best way you can sing that song..it's just a really mellow one...anywho..I hope Tay is safe tomorrow...but who knows..

Mandisa- Country music is definitely NOT for her...I really really didn't like her song choice tonight...it sounded as if she couldn't keep up with the lyrics..ehh I dunno

Elliot- Awesome! LOOOVe Elliot and I love that song! Love me some Garth! He should def. be safe.

Paris- Eww. I am shocked Simon liked her peformance...again she can't sing country worth a dern...hehe. I hope she's in the bottom 3...

Ace- I liked Ace AND his song...but I'm a fan..so maybe that's why.

Kellie- LOVED her. She was great. Fancy is definitely a hard song to sing...and Reba does it 10 billion times better, it is her song, but anyway..Kellie did a great job singing it. She looked cute too! And I'm glad she had a chance to 'splain herself to y'all ..whether you believed it or not..

Chris- He was good, as always. I'm GLAD he finally didn't do it all rock-ish. I liked him tonight! He'll be safe.

Katharine- AWESOME. This was the ONLY song I didn't know tonight out of all 9 of them, but Katharine did a great job! She BETTER be safe tomorrow...

Bucky- He's alright, but I'm just tired of hearing his growling voice every week...I dunno..:huh:

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:lol: I know, me too!

Country definitely isn't for most of the AI contestants!

I loved Katharine's performance, and also thought Chris, Elliot and (unfortunately) Kelly all did well also.

Ace did better than last week and I thought Bucky did ok too.

I'm thinking Mandisa, maybe Ace and either Bucky or Paris in the bottom 3 tonight.

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OK just watched...

I think Paula was drunk last night...just watch her when the others are talking...and Ryan - NO to the beard...you looked horrible.

I love Gary Allen and Bucky just didn't do the song justice IMO. Same with Garth and Elliot's version - just didn't work for me.

I thought Kellie, Chris, Ace, and maybe Katherine were the best tonight.

Bottom three: Bucky, Elliot, Mandisa/Paris

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Not a great night for everyone once again. I think Kellie, Chris and Katherine were the best. Bucky was real good too. Taylor was ok but it was so kareoke. Paris was slack..u can hear all the nervousness in her voice and that she was concentrating too hard. Mandisa was horrible!! Chris was great...even Ace was pretty good. Eliiot wasn't bad!!

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You may not like Simon but he is almost always spot on each time with his judgement. He's damed if he does and damned if he doesn't.

I was SO glad Paula got booed. It's about damn time.

Chris: Very very good. Much better than the past two weeks.

Mandisa: Good. Average though. Not her best but still very good.

Taylor: Not so good. He's picked bad songs for the past two weeks; he gets a good one and his voice just sounded off. The song was NOT him.

Ace: Wow. I actually liked him tonight. He's still a creepy [!@#$%^&*]...

Paris: She did awesome. Very very good.

Elliot: Simon was SPOT ON about him. Nuff said. Still a fave.

Katharine: Good; not great. She needed a more WOW performance after being in the bottom three.

Bucky: Eh. He mumbles too much.

Kellie: Good; not stellar but it worked for her.

Bottom three is SO tough. I'd say Bucky for sure. Maybe Paris and Taylor? Or who the hell knows... it's hard... I predict we get another shocker though.

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