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Agreed 100%. Crap, I should have clarified better -- I really meant about your cheering Fitz. I asked so many people that last night because for me I was ohmy.png with a lot of "OH, SH!Ts" and "OM, HE WENT THERE!" and other crazy comments while I watched that go down.

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The problem I have with David is-----he doesn't or didn't seem to realize that it didn't matter that he was an AAG. He should have realized that when Huck was being held and tortured. That Pope and Associates continue to screw him in the name of protecting a client should have also told him that maybe just maybe he shouldn't trust any of them.

I didn't find Huck's conversation with Quinn hypocritical at all because he was right, she can't live in two worlds she can be either Quinn or Lindsay not both. If Huck killed Hollis for her (paid or unpaid) she would have definitely crossed over to the dark side, while he on the other hand crossed over long ago and seems to have no regrets.

Cyrus putting a hit out on James was no surprise, after all he had Amanda Tanner killed.

Finally, I don't think we've seen or heard the last of Olivia and Fritz, especially since there are more episodes to come.

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I went from "Oh [!@#$%^&*]!" to "Yeah, end that hag."

I'm okay with Fitz killing her because Verna drew first blood by trying to have him killed and she did it because she couldn't take responsibility for what she had done. If it had just been the election rigging I would've been bothered by Fitz's actions but she had him shot and because of her a completely innocent woman died. I looked at it as blood for blood.

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Thanks for reminding me it was suppose to be the season finale because it reiterated my belief all the plot twists in this episode was done for shock value only. Once you get over how "shocking" the episode is you're left feeling kinda empty. Her speech to Edison that was suppose to be some sort of an epiphany told me she has deep self esteem issues. And since we were suppose to find it romantic because she was clearly referring to Fitz, it didn't work for me.

Shonda is so determined to tell "flawed" characters that she's making them unlikeable. Cyrus putting a hit on James was too OOC. I don’t find any of them complex as opposed to self indulgent assholes who are caught up believing their own hype. The ones who are really good characters like David and Edison are treated like crap. There is no balance. None of her characters are organically grey because we’re beaten over the head by the plot twists she creates to make them grey. It's why the show always falls short for me from being a really good show.

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Understandable. I like the way you think, now why don't you watch more shows that I watch (at least drama wise) so I can see your thoughts.

Verna went out like a coward IMO... don't unload the contents of your dirty deeds because you're on the way out. Granted Kid Fury had me weak saying she had about seven more minutes of oxygen left that Fitz deprived her of.

I know you're not talking to any of us in general probably but I can honestly say I am never left feeling "empty" after an episode of Scandal. Plus even though it was probably originally going to be a finale I also think it was intended to wrap up that election arc before we embark on a new one and I don't have an issue with that.

Cyrus slays me - I have a love/hate relationship with him even more than I did with SOAs Tig and that's saying something. Aside from the sh!t Hollis has done that I want him to pay for I want Cyrus to pay for everything he has done -- starting with having Amanda Tanner killed and then trying to off your f**king husband! I swear the man will probably leave him and take the kid with when he finds out.

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It was hypocritical because, as usual, they're appointing themselves to decide what's right and what's wrong. They're being selective with their moral codes. Huck of all people should not make revenge the determining factor to claim she can't have it both ways especially because his first solution is always to kill people to solve the problem. Did he not want revenge on Becky for killing "his family"? If Olivia had asked him to kill Hollis he would have said yes, no questions asked.

Having Amanda killed vs James is completely different for the obvious fact that James is his husband and father of their child.

David clearly doesn't trust Olivia or her team and did try to help Huck when he was being tortured. The fact that Shonda has put him in a position to need their help proves she wants him indebted to Olivia to level the playing field between them. It's crappy writing because Olivia still isn't being held accountable for screwing him over - repeatedly.

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True and no baby is going to help a household... just ask Mellie. Oh man that clothing scene had me in stitches! I was laughing so much as they took off their clothes to prove they weren't wearing any wires.

I always see David as the person who would help Olivia and then need a little help and then say we're even like he did in the first season. Plus he's always telling her just because she helped with this and that doesn't mean he's going to have mercy on her for her foul deeds blah blah blah because I get sick of hearing it weekly and really do mute him.

I mean he will need their help when it comes back next week but sh!t, if it looked like I might be going away for murder I'm going to the best too no matter what my feelings are about them. Six days is such a long wait to get to the next chapter in this saga.

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I generally agree with you about the writing. There's not much transparency when it comes to the manipulation. I would much prefer to see David gone than to see him need saving by Olivia's team. The only possible thing of interest that may come from that for me is an attempt to salvage his relationship with Abby.

I also hope that James is allowed to move on as well. Cyrus isn't all that different from Verna in terms of collateral damage. It would be great to have a scene where James learned that Cyrus went as far as contracting his death to save his skin.

Even though Verna was no great loss and was on death's door, I just find Fitz doing it troubling. Had it been Cyrus or even Mellie, I would have no problem. It just seemed like too much of an attempt to reduce Fitz to everyone else's level and once you take away what seemed genuine about him, justifying that kind of a flaw doesn't matter to me. I don't care if I can understand how a person can make that sort of selfish decision out of fear in a split second. It's the necessary wrench in his whole idealistic plan to leave his wife for love. It's a major cop out for him not to have confronted Oliva whether it was meant to be the finale or not. She betrayed his belief in her and he doesn't tell her he knows what she did. Instead he uses Mellie to hide and "punish" himself for what he's done. I personally hope he keeps the secret and tortures himself with it because I don't ever need to see a scene where Olivia figures out that he killed Verna and then makes her constipated face as she buries his head against her chest. Fitz gets coddled too much and all this does is drown the admission that Fitz is not that man that they all talked up during those election scenes and after.

Had Huck just told Quinn that she should try to move forward despite Hollis, it would have been fine. The whole bit about not being able to stay on the team is a big so what for me. The same with Harrison's tiresome gladiator speech. At what point does the debt get paid? in their cases it seems they are supposed to be eternally indebted to Oliva. I would prefer that they get to a point where they just say that they are doing this because they want to and it makes them feel good or gives hem purpose than the constant debt repayment. At least Abby made her decision knowing the facts.

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Wow! What an episode! Fitz killing Verna was an amazing twist and now he knows that everyone lied to him. I think this will be a turning point for him because before he was always the dark and I thought that made him kind of weak. Now I'd like to see a more powerful Fitz. I love the Fitz/Olivia angst, so I definitely loved it when she finally agrees to wait for him, he shuts her down.

That James/Cyrus naked scene was funny yet pretty riveting as Cyrus admits that he stole the election. I'm on the fence about Cyrus putting the hit on James. On one hand, I've always loved badass Cyrus who would do anything for power, yet on the other had, I'm thinking it was too much because it showed that there was no "good" in Cyrus. Even though he's been lying to James, I thought he really did love him.

I agree about being sick of Harrison's Gladiator speech. Dude needs to shut up!

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That entire scene was just amazing soapy goodness. I loved when he was all screwing your mistress is one thing, but marrying her... LMAO he all but called her a whore. I know a lot of people said Fitz became interesting to them after he offed Verna. But i wonder if his balls really have dropped (sorry for the colorful imagery) or if he'll go back to being all mopey and crap.

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I [!@#$%^&*] LOVE THIS SHOW . It's so good!!! I can't watch it live due to school, but I love it! I don't watch a lot of primetime shows (Only like OTH, Degrassi, some comedies), but this show is awesome! It is very unrealistic, but it's still amazing. I don't expect it to win any awards, but it's definitely a not miss show!

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Fitz is so damn cold blooded.

I wonder who the mole is.

I couldn't stop laughing at Mellie trying to give Fitz a BJ in the shower and how unimpressed he was.

I hope Liv & Co. can help David get his job back... Twitter had me crying saying he worked at Everest or Job Corps. I always wanted them to work on the same side instead of their relationship being much like Lucy & Charlie Brown with that football.

I may have other thoughts later on, wanna see what else some other people thought.

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