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Revenge: Discussion Thread

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I hope they answer the most obvious, glaring question---if Victoria is such a control freak, why hasn't she kept tabs on Amanda's whereabouts all this time?

The other obvious question is---is Charlotte actually Amanda's half-sister, and if so, does Amanda know? 'Cause it seems really really cold-blooded of Amanda to use that clip of Victoria's session if there's not something more there.

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I also am REALLY intrigued by the Daniel/Tyler relationship. Either they screwed each other at college, or (which I think is more likely), Tyler is secretly pining away after Daniel. Perhaps in a drunken stupor, Daniel fooled around with him, and he took it more seriously? who knows... but I'd love to see that angle develop. Tonight, when Tyler turned Daniel over in bed, there was an unmistakeable look of longing on his face. Emily is a cold, cold bitch. Damn, what a perfectly cast role. And notice how they found a litle girl who had the exact same mouth as Emily. The resemblance was scary. It's so refreshing to see a drama that is a DRAMA, serious as a heart attack with no stupid crap to wade through, no lame attmempts at light comedy, that kind of crap breaks the mood and the stride of good drama, but writers and producers today seem too stupid to realize it. and let me just mention how fabulous the hair and wardrobe are. Everyone looks well put together, people's hair is actually COMBED (Gosh, I've been watching Y&R too long) this is the standard which network TV drama should always aspire to. It's what it USED to be on a nightly basis.

Edited by alphanguy74
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Damn! I was wrong about Queen Victoria not being as bad as it seemed originally. She claims to love the guy then conspires to keep him from his daughter and locks her in an institution. Although, I could almost wonder if she was trying to protect Emily from someone who wanted to see her dead.

I'm also wondering if Charlotte is Emily's half sister. I'm pretty sure her age fits.

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That's where I think Stowe is so good---there's always these little teases Victoria regrets what happened. But then she's so cold-blooded blackmailing and manipulating those around her, you understand where Emily/Amanda is coming from. In some ways, it's like Victoria meeting her personal, more vicious, Mini-Me.

That little girl who plays Amanda looks so much like EVC it's almost impossible to believe they don't recognize her.

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Yeah, I agree, MS is perfect in this. I can't remember the husband's name, but when Charlotte gave in because he asked her to, I swear I could read Victoria's mind, just by the look on her face. "Sure, you'll do anything for him, but if you only knew. He's the monster, not me". I may be wrong, but I swear that's what's happening.

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If Emily is Victoria's daughter, maybe Victoria had her locked away so nobody would find out? I dunno, it seems too simple that she always saw Emily as a girl watching her and knew she probably knew what she had done stabbing her father in the back.

The only thing that btoehred me about today was I felt like I had to stretch my sense of disbelief just a bit too far with all the stuff about the basically asylum Emily (I won't bother calling her Amanda) was in. I've volunteered at a similar place, and there's next to never a time when a child is one on one with a shrink or other adult, somebody else has to be in the room, etc. But if I'm willing to believe that Amanda managed to get the surveillance tapes even from there, then I guess I'll go with it.

Oh and I HATE Declan. All the more. I just wanna punch him in the teeth--something about his acting choices, though the pseudo James Dean dialogue he's given (what teen talks like that) doesn't help. Just... No.

Edited by EricMontreal22
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I actually, sadly, think it's gonna be more straight forward than that. I'd rather your take, but I think Tyler wants Daniel to be unhappy and maybe dead--his own revenge for somethign that happened? I dunno (maybe he killed Daniel...) I mean he waited noticeably a long time to turn Daniel's head down, and I saw zero look of longing there, more contempt or superiority. Wouldn't he have tried to put the moves on Daniel if that was the reason to get him drunk, and it wasn't just to lead to the ruin of his life?

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Victoria is a real piece of work. Pretty much making sure Amanda was put in a mental home and not taken care of. She deserves everything that is coming to her. I also think that her daughter will turn out to Amanda/Emily's half sister and this is why Victoria has issues with her daughter. I love that Emily knew the therapists role in what happened to her. She really does make sure everyone she harms deserves it and the casualties are few and far between with minimal damage.

Declin needs less screen time. I do love his brother (Nick, Jack?) with Emily and like him in general. Daniel's friend needs to get drunk and sex him up. I really like him as a possible spoiler for Emily in her plans with Daniel. I like that whole set of character with Jack, Daniel, Emily, Daniels friend, and the girl who works for his mother. Their interactions are interesting to me.

I loved what Emily did at the fundraiser and how she included herself to throw suspicion off herself and to perhaps make people feel for her. And locking that woman up in the storage thing? BRILLIANT! This is why shes so bad ass to be honest. She is on a journey of revenge and its a justified mission. What this woman did to her as a little girl is horrendous, and the producers keep you rooting for her because she didnt actually hurt the woman, just fucked with her and then led the police to her. And the twist that the storage unti belonged to Graysons? Flaw. Less.

Frank is sexy.

I am so torn with Emily. While romance is not her goal, i totally ship her with Daniel because they are great. Yet, i also love her with Jack and can see future drama there. Also, is Nolan gay? Are they just not saying or did i miss something? I know they are playing Daniels college friend as a question right now, but was unsure about him because so much goes on per epsisode that sometimes i forget parts.

I cant think of the last time i made sure to watch a show twice to be sure i didnt miss anything.

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I assumed Vicotira needed Amanda out of the picture because Amanda knew and she couldnt let that get out. It would ruin her, it could tip off people to look into the matter closer, etc... So, making her be put away in a mental place discredits her. Victoria was a woman in fear and the only person who could connect her to the guy was Amanda.

I think its a TV show and your sense of disbelief needs to be stretched for far more on this show alone to be honest, lol.

I think you are both right.

I think that Tyler is gay, and in love or was in love with Daniel. I think some drunk college fooling around happened. Daniel was ok with it, but over it and didnt want anything but kept a friendship going and Tyler became obsessed. Now he is driven, obsessed even, with getting revenge on Daniel for using him, hurting him. I also think he had a poor upbringing and is jealous and thats why he is almost out to take Daniels place and push him out (See getting him drunk, blaming it on him, and making Victoria think he himself was innocent, therefor making her grateful). I think he is almost along the lines of Emily is a journey of revenge, and at some point they will have to face off.

I agree. Why would Victoria not keep tabs on Amanda? Unless she did, and when she was released there was no trail to track. But it needs to be adressed.

I dont think Emily thought much about Charlotte in this situation. It was another way to hurt Victoria with lasting effects.

I agree. I wish they had gotten a different looking girl, and revealed emily had slight changes, a nose job, a brow lift, etc just to alter herself enough in case anyone remembered Amanda or had photos of her.

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I'm not sure if Nolan is bi, but I'm pretty sure he likes women. He seemed to be interested in Emily's party planning friend in the first episode. I think we are supposed to believe he is so geeky that he cannot make friends or get a girl. Yes, given his billions that's hard to believe. Maybe it's just better to think he wants friends like Jack, who can't be bought. I love Nolan and I hope his quest to befriend Jack works out.

I still think it's at least possible that Victoria had Emily put in that mental ward to protect her from her husband. I think we are going to find out that he is an absolute monster and that Victoria was protecting Emily for her father's sake, but that she had limited options. I also think he threatened to take her children from her, if she didn't go along with him, but I'm totally speculating here. I want to know more about what Emily's father was accused of, so that we know how bad Mr. Grayson really is. Bad enough to kill a little girl, if he thinks she knows something?

I was thrilled to see that psychologist pay. I only wish Emily had kept her locked up for weeks, but that wouldn't have been practical. I hear they are going to switch things up next week and get away from the one take down a week formula, which is a good plan, I think.

Please, let the ratings be good this week.

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