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As I posted to you before I posted it because of what it says about DOD which has been the focus of this show for Viki since its inception. After watching the Video, I thought the OLTL board at SON might enjoy this. Its ok that you do not. Then just dont watch. Its that simple

At one point, I believe so. Not sure now though

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The point is if it doesn't have any actual OLTL content, maybe it shouldn't go in the OLTL thread.


You could have posted it as a status update - that's a great idea. You didn't because any time you see something, like a news item or a fake spumor, you usually don't fact check it or take very much time, you just post it. You don't wait to see if there is another thread - you just want to be 'first'. So you don't think about it, you just do it. That's what I have a problem with and it's why you posted this. People can differ, I stand by it.

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How about you use the IGNORE function then. But you wont because that will give you one less person you can TRY and BULLY into doing what you say. It will never work with me. So stop with me and be an ADULT

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No, being an adult is taking thirty seconds to check what you post is legit or relevant as opposed to posting it the instant you see it on Twitter. Which you don't do. But go for it, John, no one's stopping you least of all me.

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I wonder what happened to actress Julie Ann Johnson?   She was the second actress to play Joy O'Neill.   She also appeared on a commercial for Frito-Lay.


I am thinking that she would have been good on All My Children as Brooke's adoptive daughter Laura.

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As much as I loved watching Erika Slezak, Robin Strasser and Kim Zimmer in the same scenes, I have to admit that, IMO, Slezak and Strasser often overshadowed Zimmer.  Maybe it's because Zimmer hadn't been on OLTL for as long as the other two.

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Hot take of the month: I loved (and at times possibly preferred) Karen Witter's 'evolved' Tina under Gottlieb/Malone/Griffith. The material wasn't always perfect - nor could they have unseated Cord with Cain, not for good at least - but you could see the throughline, especially in her relationship with Luna.

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I thought Karen Witter was great, but I thought that she got the essence of Tina more under Rauch and whoever was writing in 1990/early 91 (even if I thought her stories were not that great). Tina from late 1991 on felt like an increasingly different character, backed up by how wrong Malone got her in 94/95 and in 2003.

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I think he did get her wrong under Krista Tesreau. With Karen's Tina it just seems mostly like a '90s outgrowth of the original to me, especially early on in fall '91 when Luna tells Tina they think alike or think the same way or something - and Tina is shocked to hear someone else say they feel the same way she does. It seems both so much like Andrea Evans as well as something new, as does Tina trying to conquer the country club and the Daughters of Llanview. But most of my experience with Andrea's Tina is on YouTube or in her 21st century stints, so I can only speak to that so much. I can't deny she is the ultimate Tina. I just wish Andrea's iteration had matured a bit more before the end of the ABC run when she finally did. I wonder how she could've played similarly socially conscious material. Andrea certainly has the skill.


Pretty sure Malone had Tina teed up to be the now-mythical C.J.'s homophobic mother in the original plans for 2003. Same with his alleged plans for Becky Lee Abbott to be a racist when he intended to pair Rachel and Drew in 1996. Both very wrong.

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I wonder why the CJ/Paul Cramer story didnt happen but I guess there were two big factors

Brock Chuncha was a flop as Paul

ABC vetoed Sarah Buxton as Tina


I wish they would have hired Cali Timmins for Tina

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Paul Cramer is the one of the oddest retcons in a soap filled with retcons.


It made me feel bad for Melinda Cramer and how she was being mistreated and kept from her children.  As I recall, Paul's entire existence was explained upon his entry and never re-visited or questioned.  For a soap that often prided itself on telling respectful stories about mental illness, I think that having two mentally ill sisters give birth and never have a relationship with their daughters was not very progressive.


I would argue that if a proposed CJ romance was squashed, it would have been the only impact that this completely useless character ever played in the plot.  First, his prior relationship with Babe was never explored and it was a total red herring.  Then, he forms this instant bond with nuKelly so he steals a baby for her within five months of meeting each other.  An unknown extra could have piloted the helicopter, delivered and switched the babies, and then been minor plot point in the story.  If you track back from the end of the story, the coincidence that Babe and Kelly were connected was not an essential detail; they could have changed infants in a number of other ways.  A triple-baby-switch-crossover is enough, his ties to Dorian and her family were completely superfluous and silly.  Finally, correct me if I am wrong, but by the end he wasn't even in the Cramer orbit with any frequency, and I don't think they ever told Addie about him.   


Oy, don't even get started on Sudden-Aunt-Betsy.  Dorian saved throughout med school to pay for Addie and then this bitch comes along?  I don't think so.  We met Dorian's parents in an already retconed history when she was with Mel, we didn't need a re-visiting to the convoluted Cramer family tree.  For all of the talk of "Cramer Women", Dorian, Addie, and Melinda together had five secret children (Cassie, Adrianna, Kelly, Paul, and Blair) that they never raised and that's a weird family detail.

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