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This was one of the better storylines of Erin's final years. I love the bareness of barerfoot story.

It still sickens me to know what happend to Jessica years later when Bree took over.Erin's jessica lived a pretty good life as Viki's daughter. She had problems (like this one) but she survived them without turning into a different personality every other year. I heard Erin saw what was ahead for Jessica and decided to get out before things went too crazy. Wery smart. I liked Bree when she was playing Normal Jessica but the alters...expecially when several of them came out at the end, i didn't like at all. Not the jessica I grew up with.

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Oh i am quite sure she would have done Tess very well. Watch this from the 4th of July 2001. Actually even though she wasn't Tess, i thought she did a better Tess than the version Bree did. I like Bree, i just thought they went totally overboard with her. She was either pregnant or splitting off into Tess (and the others.)


My thing is, if you want to see a great actress take on multiple personalties, watch Erika Slezak in 1995. if you want to see a soap opera actress take on multiple personalities, watch Bree in 2011.

Edited by BKuzak
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To me, it's not as icky as it sounds. It's not like they grew up together or were even "step siblings" for that long. Clint had a stupid affair with Lindsey Rapport and then married her for about '10 minutes' before he dumped her. Jessica and Will were friends and things happend. and she had only met Will maybe less than a year eariler. By the time Jessica lost the baby, Clint and Lindsey's marriage was long over.

Now if Roxanne turned out to be her mother and Jessica had an affair with Kevin or Joey (or even Cord), that would have been sick since they all grew up together.

It's not like when Mitch Laurence tried to rape her (Bree) so he would have a daughter with his "daughter".

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He did not like the way he charater was being protrayed. Ever since they broke up Viki and Clint, they really didn't give him that much to do. He tried a relationship with Carlotta and that failed. then they kept teasing the audiene that he and Viki might get back together but then that failed (a couple of timoes). and then the LIndsey thing didn't capture the audience. I think it was a mututal thing where he was tired of not getting jucy stories and they didn't really know what to do with the character. They did bring him back to the show several times before they recasted.

BTW, it became Clint's pattern. He married Lindsey because Viki refused his marriage proposal. 10 years later, he married Kim because Nora broke up their marriage to go back to Bo. As Nora said, "I have shoes older than her!" LOL

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JFP cut Clint Ritchie to cut the budget for more of her people, IIRC. The character of Clint had been floating around for a few years at that point, and was able to be taken out.

I did think the Clint/Lindsay marriage was a good idea at the time, but in practice, looking back, it was little more than a plot point that had nothing to do with Clint.

I always did (and always will) want Erin back in the role of Jessica. But they would have to never mention the DID again, and/or eradicate it from existence. The character was completely destroyed by the end of the ABC run, which is why Natalie had become, over the last ten years, the more viable successor to Viki as show heroine than Jessica.

Edited by Vee
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You know in my mind, i say that Viki sent Jessica to Switzerland to see Susanna Hanna, Viki's threapist.. That's why she wasn't in the PP episodes. Then when she's intergrated, she'll come back as Erin and all the DID stuff will be over for good. Viki was known to live without it for years and years. Between 1969 and 1985, Viki did not have a reoccurence (despite her eneimies trying to pull Niki out) and after she was intergrated in 1995, She was the one who pulled NIki out the first two times NIki came back.

Edited by BKuzak
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