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It was during the custody trial after Babe died. JR was drinking, in part because Amanda drove him to it (she was paid off by David to do it, but she felt guilty about doing it), and AJ drank some of his dad's booze and passed out. David reunited with Krystal and they married and sued for custody, saying that JR was an unfit parent (which was really not a well thought out plan, considering that Krystal lost custody of Jenny to Tad). This was when Erica and Adam were together in their weird sort-of relationship. To avoid turning over AJ to foster care, Erica and Adam took him "on vacation" and then Erica returned to Pine Valley, leaving Adam and a nanny in hiding with AJ, but Erica then sneaked JR in to see his son on his birthday. The judge had AJ stay with Jesse and Angie while custody was determined and both parties had visitation.

Adam did some digging and found some dirt on Krystal (which we later found out was the existence of Marissa and that Krystal had sold Babe's twin for a black market adoption) and blackmailed her into torpedoing the custody case on the stand - she testified essentially that David was violent, and JR got his son back.

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Krystal was too busy lusting over David and those two were actually pursuing custody of Little A but the judge wouldn't allow it. Krystal/David was a truly toxic relationship & it severely damaged Krystal I think. She stayed with David after he manhandled her and caused her to fall and bruise her face! Dumb ho!

I can smell the Grandma Boring episodes coming. LOL.

Adam's little obsession w/Erica came out of left field but I liked it (loved the portrait he drew of her!). I really enjoyed their scenes together. But you can so tell nothings going to happen, because Pratt also had Erica/Ryan getting closer at the same time and, well, we know how that travesty went sleep.png

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Adam and Erica had a few good kisses, and she lived with him off and on for a while there, ostensibly because the yacht club had been damaged in the tornado, and she was fond of wandering around the mansion half-dressed. And she did tell Colby and JR right before the trial that she loved their father.

She was very much on Adam's side, wanting AJ to stay with his father, but there was a very interesting scene right around the time Adam started blackmailing Krystal. Erica walked in on Adam talking to a very shell-shocked Krystal (who'd just been told that she had to sink David's chances at the trial or he'd tell the world she'd sold Babe's twin), and later that evening, Erica caught David sneaking through the tunnels to spy on Adam. Despite living with Adam and supposedly being on JR's side, Erica told David that Adam most definitely had something on Krystal because of what she'd witnessed, and then she let David leave without ever cluing Adam in. I remember watching it going "WTF is she doing? Whose side is she really on here?" because she clearly hated Krystal, but she wasn't willing to let David be completely ambushed either.

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SL/Erica's soliloquy in the April 10, 2009 episode.

"Do you think that I really want to be so engulfed in my children's lives? I mean, I'm Erica Kane! You think I have nothing better to do? I mean I would just love to get back to my career, to my life, to my anything! But no, no. I am just too busy all the time, I am just picking up all the pieces! Every time I turn around I have to pick up the pieces! I mean imagine Zach and Bianca teaming up to create a child. Are you kidding? I mean what were they thinking? But I will do it, I will save my family because I have to. I have to do it. And it is not easy to save a family when everybody has gone insane. And that includes you. I mean lets just look at this. We have Fusion in freefall, Zach is filing for divorce, Kendall is pining away for you and you have the gall to encourage that! I mean I know that Greenlee is gone and I know that that hurts but that does not give you a free pass Ryan! You stay away from my daughter and you stay away from Zach and you know what, better yet just get a grip, get a grip all of you! So I can get back to what I really care about: MYSELF! MY LIFE! MY LOVE LIFE! NEW BEGINNINGS! MEN! Oh my god, if I had a love like Kendall has with Zach - oh I cannot do this, I just cannot continue to do this, I cannot, I cannot do it. Oh my god, now I ruined my outfit!"

LMAO, what did people think when this happened? I thought Susan really delivered!!

Also....ETA: I just about died right now. In the episode that followed, AMC played the vamp ("dun dun dun") before the opening. It didn't go with the opening at ALL but I got chills hearing that again. Loved it! @0:50


I think she could've been torn because David had just saved Ian's life (and Kendall's) not too long before and she probably felt like she owed him.

Edited by AllMyDaysatGH
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LMAO. I actually LOVED those scenes with Ryan where she's freaking out like that, and then later when they end up in a cabin in the woods and Kendall shows up with the police and finds Ryan with a naked Erica. laugh.png

I thought Ryan and Erica had good comedic chemistry, much in the way that Erica and Tad did. Rather than them having an actual affair, I would have preferred if there'd been some reason for them to pretend to be a couple so we could have the humorous factor of everyone in PV freaking out over the idea that Erica and Ryan were sleeping together without having to see them actually, you know, in bed together.

One of my favorite Erica/Ryan scenes (aside from those car/cabin ones) is when they're in bed at his place and Kendall calls. tongue.png Except for, you know, the creepiness of Erica and Ryan being all over each other.

Edited by ellabelle
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When I get back later tonight I'll see if I can find that scene. Erica didn't act torn at all. These are two people who once loved each other, and a year or so after that conversation in Adam's house, they took turns tying each other up, talking about love (and Erica's dislike of Greenlee), flirting, coming close to kissing, and when Erica participated in Gayle and Ryan's ruse to trap David, David gave up the info they wanted ONLY when he believed Erica was about to bleed to death on his living room floor. When he caught up with Erica later he told, "You know I would have done anything to save your life" and "I thought we meant something to each other."

Erica's interactions with David were always really complex and layered with so much history, a lot like her scenes with Adam from the 90s onward. That's probably one of the reasons I enjoyed the character on screen with both men.

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The Kendall/Ryan/Erica scene was really funny at first but I hated how Erica was acting like a brat afterwards and taunting Kendall about wanting both Zach/Ryan

I have to admit I did find Susan & Cameron really funny together. They were a great comedic pair.

I was so excited about that phone call scene because Kendall wasn't on my screen for like 2-3 months (besides the 40th anniversary ep) and I couldn't wait to see her in HD. Otherwise, I found it sickening! Once again I'll say what a wasted opportunity not having Kendall raise hell over RyIcka!

Edited by AllMyDaysatGH
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