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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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But weren't they fake fighting when she first came back, that slap and all? I forget what caused Kendall to have it out for Erica again. And yes, everyone was saying how much AM looked like SL when she first joined the show. She is beautiful, so is SMG (who perhaps looks more like she could be Victoria Wyndham's daugter).

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I cant even remmeber but it was stupid. Erica wanted to take the fall for Frankie's murder to protect Bianca so she decided to get the once person who would hate her enough to send her to prison....Kendall. Kendall who hadnt seen her in 7 years adn had nothing relevant to add to the case was brought on to stir up trouble and make Erica look bad. This was about the time I tuned of AMC. Maybe someone else can calrify

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SMG's time at AMC was also a lot more exciting imo. The original s/l and the subsequent Richard Fields stuff was miss a day miss a lot, it was very entertaining stuff to watch which definitely smoothed over any shortcomings her acting may have had (and there really weren't any). I think she did very well for a kid her age. I agree that the laypore[/Corvina] stuff was dumb and her stuff with Del I've pretty much forgotten, but Erica's long lost daughter was the best Kendall s/l ever.

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I loved Anton/Kendall, but he was bitter throughout that marriage and drooling over Julia. Kendall was scheming with Corvina and that story IMO was the stupid, all I remember is there was some leopard statue for months. I didn't enjoy Kendall's story that second year, except for everything that led to her going back to Alice - makings amends with everybody. It was like going from nice home-cooked meals with Kerica to dog-food due to SL/SMG's issues, IMO.

The show, IMO, gave a very valid reason and it played into Kendall & Erica's history. In the seven years Kendall had been gone, Erica never once contacted her until she needed her for Bianca's sake. I'd believe that as Erica could only manage an I'll always care about you at the end, they had been on bad terms until that goodbye. Then on Erica's side, Kendall came back so willing to throw her under the bus. I liked that they kept the chasm going for a couple more years.

SMG's Kendall played much more of the bitch than the vulnerable and AM's Kendall played a good bit more vulnerable than the bitch. In the end, I preferred AM's version. I thought both actresses did a wonderful job with Kendall's long-term main story vein, the need for Erica's love and the self-destructiveness in that.

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I honestly think part of it comes from the frustration of having a character shoved down our throats year in and year out played by an actress without the ability to project any depth. Like I said, Lish can be perfectly competent, and I think she would've been better served if she were playing a supporting character, like an Amanda. But to position this one-note actress into the show's lead heroine was a disastrous miscalculation on TPTB's part, and then to let her down with bad writing just compounded the whole thing. I'm fine with having a character appear in every episode. That doesn't bother me that much. But for heaven's sake, if you're going to play a character 24x7, at least hire an actress who has the ability to carry all that story and who can elevate the writing when it's weak.

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