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AMC: Lorraine Broderick named Headwriter

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I'm no fan of Frons, but how would she know after a couple of superficial meetings that he has no passion for the genre? And why would he need to know she played a forgettable role like Olivia on GH 10,000 years ago? I actually forgot myself until I read her message. I'm not sure she's being totally objective. I do agree with her about Capitol, though. The show was doomed anyway, because Bill Bell wanted B&B to replace it, but that Saudi Arabia crap killed the show creatively.

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For the trillionth time, who says OLTL is cancelled?

I'm so sick and tired of hearing about which show is over and under budget from random posters and bloggers on the web without seeing any actual basis. I don't doubt that AMC is over budget and OLTL is under budget but I need proof.

I know it's been mentioned that AMC does a lot of double takes and OLTL doesn't and that's one of the reasons they stay under budget yet Kristen Alderson on twitter talked about how her and TSH had to do 5 takes of a scene because they kept laughing....not a sin of course but obviously AMC isn't the only show who allows more than one take.

I can't find that DC podcast now which is odd, I wonder if they took it down? I even commented about how tacky I thought it were that they were gleefully announcing AMC in trouble and OLTL safe.

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What proof do people need? I believe it, for a few reasons: OLTL does previews, AMC and GH do NOT, apparantly they were originally cut cause they were too expensive to do. OLTL gets behind the scenes videos posted on Soapnet, AMC and GH do NOT. I seriously doubt any of these things would be done if OLTL wasn't underbudget

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I don't think ANYONE knows what is really going on.It is all conjecture. My prediction (and I have been waiting on a new headwriter announcement for AMC as my sign) is that OLTL will be cancelled first, without a doubt. Where there is smoke there is fire. Obviously AMC and OLTL will not be cancelled at the same time. That will be the "no name" soap- OLTL- and I have a feeling this will be announced within a matter of days, not months.

The part I cannot figure out is how much longer AMC has, I would think (barring a ratings miracle) they will be on the air until September 2012.. Otherwise (from what I can tell about the network scheduling, AMC would have to be cancelled in April along with OLTL? Certain posters here know how the ABC/local affiliate dynamics work, I do not..

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Everyone was so on this AMC is being canceled bandwagon that they seemed to forget the most logical endgame all along. It reminds me of an episode of Six Feet Under, in the opening "death" montage, there is this healthclub with a line of treadmills. The camera pans by, and on the treadmills there are a few in shape folks, then a hugely overweight woman..and then the camera pans to the totally ripped, in shape guy... and the ripped guy drops dead of a heart attack. LOL.

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If previews cost extra then I'll take your word for it. I personally don't understand what cost a day after preview clip might have but what the heck do I know.

It sounds like cost management to me. Like you mentioned yourself AMC doesn't have the day after preview, they don't have the behind the scenes videos or songs on itunes (thank the lawd) so AMC is saving money on that (money they might need to save since they are/were over budget). If you don't have money to spend, you don't spend it, doesn't mean you're over budget.

GH is a different beast, they might not get day after preview clips or behind the scenes but they get everything else.

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Tonja :blush:

I called Robin's hotline and even she was unsettled by the fact that Michael Logan ("this isn't tabloid journalism") of all people was reporting on this. As marceline has been saying, it's an added "last ones to know" stress for the actors. They don't need to be Twitter bombed by concerned fans right now. Turn those tweets into well-written emails to ABC. Even if it's too late or no one reads them, take comfort in knowing that you've perhaps helped to crash a server or two.

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I would think ABC money pays for previews etc, and not the individual shows. Also, it's not like Frons hands the EPs a satchel of gold coins the first of every month, letting them use for other expenses what they didn't for the actual show. I really doubt it works like that. I think it's a little more complex than that.

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