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I agree. I actually think Sammi's reason for being this season is giving Sheila some story.

As for Lip, I think we are going to see him take a fall now that he's really trying to do good. I hope he ends up overcoming whatever huge obstacle is thrown his way.

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OK, so the final two eps of S4. I watched them a few nights ago, so I don't have too much to share at this point.

Mickey's coming out was pitch perfect. The entire plot of the episode worked, Noel rocked every single line, and it was just flawless. I'm so happy to have stuck with this storyline because it really has been very satisfying. I think the #1 thing I love about S4 is that these characters, all of them, have really gone on true journeys that brought about major changes.

Sheila and Sammy can just go away, to be honest. I loved Sheila, and I thought she was awesome in her role as Karen's mother, but if obsessing over Frank and having outlandish storylines will be her only purpose, then I'd just rather them write her out. Everything with her is just bad and conflicted with the rest of the show this season.

They certainly put it out there Lip is supposed to be the responsible sibling vs. Fiona as the irresponsible sibling, and I'm all for that because I've always seen the potential in Lip to be successful and the potential in Fiona to be a massive f*ck-up, but I think they went too far with Fi. She's a screw-up, but they basically stripped her of all of the positive qualities she's had over the years. All of the prison stuff was very contrived and hollow.

Ian's bipolar stuff is interesting, and Mickey's response is spot-on for someone who's just finally allowed himself to accept his love for this person but is now being confronted with the possibility to losing him. I just hope they don't lose the dirty, grimy core of who Mickey is in all of this.

Debbie's story made absolutely no sense throughout the entire season, which is a shame because it had a promising start. Matt was a pointless character who's motives were never made clear at all.

The season premiere is free on demand, so I guess I'll get to it soon. I did watch the very beginning earlier, and lovely to see Emma Greenwell's name no longer in the opening credits. Mandy should only recur as Mickey's sister/Ian's friend at this point because her future with Lip is nonexistent. He barely thought about her all season outside of a comfort f*ck.

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I watched the season premiere, and it looks like it's gonna be a great season!! I just love how the show's music and cinematography are directly linked to whatever season of the year it's set in. The music in particular was pretty good all throughout S4 and looks like that'll keep going into S5.

Sheila, Sammy, and Frank can all go, to be honest, especially now that Frank has seemingly learned nothing from his brush with death. Take Chuckie's fat ass too.

Carl's injury is random, must be something that happened to the actor in real life. Now that his voice has dropped, I hope they start doing real things with the character because he's gonna look stupid doing the same old things.

I HATE the fact that Debbie's helping Frank with his beer stuff. Just gross. Another character who seemingly never changed during last season.

Lip :wub: Love that he's over all of the south side BS.

I'm not crazy about Mickey selling other people's stuff, but I guess I'd rather that than him being whitewashed into upstanding citizen. I hope Ian's little trysts isn't their "story" because, as cliche as it sounds, I'd like to see them deal with something as a couple this season before problems arise. I don't expect them to be at Kev/V levels of stable, but it's just annoying that the second they are publicly official, something crops up to tear them apart.

Fiona is back to herself this season, thank god, and I enjoyed her in the premiere. I wish she'd stop hooking up with her bosses, though. I like the dynamics of the diner, and I really liked that the guy was strict on her about the money owed for the pie after the Gallaghers ate there. A huge thing with Fiona is that she's used to people letting her get away with things.

Kev/V are gold. Glad they can have problems without having problems with each other. Not surprised at all with Kev jumping into the mother role with the kids while V is not as nurturing. It'll be interesting to see if/how they go down the househusband/working mom route. V running the Alibi would be epic.

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