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GH: March Discussion Thread

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Shocked about what, though? They did that when they arrived at the hospital. You could see on their faces that everyone was being strong and encouraging for Lucky and LIz, but none of them believed it would end well.

I think the scenes were all the more powerful because of the controlled emotions and voiceless reactions. That allowed Lucky and Liz to really have their breakdowns. Anyone else doing that would have taken away from those two IMO.

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I agree. She said "I wish there was more time", but there was more time. She didn't have to wait weeks, but let the guy process the situation at least. It would have been so much better if she had talked to Steve Webber about it first and let Jason have a day to grieve.

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Knowing full damn well Jason has no legal say in the matter. This is where being a strong, brave streetfighter raging bitch to everyone in your path does a major disservice. Stomps around, acting like she's Queen of the Stables, the Goddess of the Corral... and oops! One of the people she stomps on and snorts at is in the position to save her child's life. A child she forgets even exists most of the time.

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I imagine so. I can't see Liz turning her down. I mean, she might at first because she isn't ready to pull the plug, but she isn't going to let Josslyn die just because she hates Carly. It will probably fall on Lucky and Jason to convince Liz to let go.

I know I suffer from soap nostalgia, but I really don't feel this story the way I did BJ/Maxie. The sad thing is that I've only scene clips of it on Youtube and it still brings me to tears. This time, my upset is only a reaction to seeing the actors cry, it's not the story itself.

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I finally watched it all the way through last night and it was surprisingly better than I expected...But as I've said before and some other have mentioned, I think I would be more emotionally invested if GV were still in the role as I just don't believe JJ as Jake's father in the least...The show really effed things up by making him up irish girl's ass for all these months and then suddenly we're supposed to believe he cares about any of his kids...

and then OF COURSE selfish bullying Snarly ruined it all for me...The least liked woman in Port Charles once again proves exactly why no one likes the bitch.

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WOW, Jason thats f--king foul. GO Liz for slapping the sh-t out of him. I cant believe he went to her. If he had to do something for Carly, it would have been less insensitive to go to Lucky bc Liz simply cant deal with this right now. I have admit a part of me wish it was Carly asking and recieving that Liz smack


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Seriously Krisina? Wow. Can we kill her and harvest her organs?

Elizabeth goes from refusing to let them cut Jake up to agreeing to it within 13 minutes? Can they slow this the hell down. Whatever happened to playing all the beats to a story?

Wow, Dr. Monica Quartermaine just got called on the loud speaker. She is IN the hospital right now but of course we wont see her

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Everything is so f.ucking RUSHED it's ridiculous. I understand Jason going to Elizabeth but he didn't even blink before he was off to do Carly's bidding. That slap was perfection. It translated beautifully through the screen.

Lucky kissing Jason's ass and thanking him for giving up Jake was vomit worthy.

And how ugly is Carly. You can literally hear her hooves stomping through the hallway browbeating Jackson to do the surgery. And when she doesn't hear what she wants this bitch is so entitled she could care less that Elizabeth is grieving or that it's been a mere matter of HOURS to process Jake is on life support. She tries to stampede her way over to Elizabeth and bully her because all that matters is Josselyn. Liz, Lucky, Jake... everyone be DAMNED. And in a matter of minutes, mere minutes, Elizabeth caves. Disgusting.

Carly is so entitled she didn't even had to ASK Liz to give up Jake's kidney and Elizabeth's character was robbed especially given their history. If the roles were reversed Liz would not only have to beg but grovel for Carly's permission. She would have been called every name in the book and Jason would have told her how selfish she was. Worse, if Elizabeth had continued to say no today she would have been the selfish bitch.

GH is so putrid. Not even Becky's acting could save this mess of cow bullshit that utterly stinks.

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This and I am actually APPALLED at how completely underwhelming nearly every actor in this story has been save for Becky and at times Jonathan Jackson. Good grief, I could care less about Liason, JaSam or CarJax, but the rush job they have done on this story is completely ridiculous and cheapens the whole damn thing - not that it didn't reek of a cheap, useless stunt in the first place.

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