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DAYS: Discussion for the month of December

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Im glad Im not the only one that feels that way. Ever since they returned almost 10 years ago,its been the same crap. Jack is irresponsible and puts his family second. Jennifer whines about how immature Jack is bc he cant seem to settle down. She gets herself distracted by other men who seem morefamily oriented, blah, blah, blah. I wish they had just killed Jack off to explain her being back in town isntead of going this route again

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Anyone else find it so disturbing how everyone started leisurely drinking around baby Parker?! Daniel asked everyone if they wanted a beer, then Chloe suggested white wine. I was like omg you guys can't wait until the baby is napping or something? Carly was holding the baby and was like "Want a brewski, Parker?" ugh that whole scene just annoyed me, I'm no dad yet but I know I would never drink around my baby or anyone elses!!

rolleyes.gif at Caroline.

Loving where the Hope story is going, I knew she would find a way to secretly put something in that note to Bo to get him to realize that she's in trouble.

This Will/Gabi stuff is just so sudden and there's been absolutely no buildup to any of it, but I still loved them today wub.gif they are adorable. I loved the scenes where they were text messaging each other! And lol @ the awkwardness that ensued when Rafe & Sami entered the building.

Wow, Johnny told EJ that he hated him. That was pretty intense. EJ deserves it though, he needs to realize the damage he's doing and just stop all of this. I LOVED his scenes with Kate. Her advice to him was so true and I love how once again she used her past experiences to fuel all of it. DAYS has been doing a nice job of that lately. Lots of history mentions across the board.

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Well…... the reality is that Europeans and Canadians are not as bothered by drinking as Americans seem to be, and considering Daniel, Chloe and Carly have all spent a good portion of their lives elsewhere, I don't think it was unnatural at all. Jewish children are given a taste as babies, so are Christian children in some denominations when they are baptized. And studies all over the place shows that kids who are raised around alcohol being a natural, normal part of life tend not to grow up abusing it.

I actually thought that whole scene was delightfully normal - especially Carly saying "let's keep to our gender stereotypes", lol

Kate was hitting all the marks yesterday. I'm actually really starting to like her. As for Johnny - that kid has great potential. Intense indeed.

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No, it's just written to suit the plot. That's why Sami's rivalry with characters like Nicole, Kate and Lexie are ignored. Alison Sweeney wants to be the shows leading heroine. And what Alison Sweeney wants, Alison Sweeney gets, even though she doesn't have the talent or looks to back it all up with.

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Wow what a great episode today.

The Phloe Flashback <3

Abe & Lexie getting airtime <3

Old Sami raising hell on Abe <3 Oh, how I wish we could have Lexie & Sami locking horns again.

I have to admit that I felt bad for Sami telling Johnny she didn't love him anymore.

Ben & Lexie? Hmmm could be interesting.

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Today's episode was so good!

PHLOE!! wub.gif Omg that flashback was amazing. I love these two together so much, today was the first real sign that they could possibly get back together in the future. Loved when Chloe said to Philip "Thank you for being the first boy who ever looked at me twice." Then DAYS picked the most perfect flashback to follow! It was great.

Lol @ Daniel saying the baby had a dimple and asking what side of the family could that have come from? tongue.gif Camera is on Philip the whole time, his dimples just out and about ;-). Loved that scene!!

Did Abe & Lexie feel distant to anyone else? I sure felt a distance between them...idk, they were just slightly different to me. But I loved the scenes they had with Theo, if only this story could have a bit more of a presence on the show! I felt so bad for Lexie when she realized Theo really didn't make much progress. Then Dr. Walter's came in wub.gif I saw some chem!! I think it would be interesting if those two got really close and ended up sleeping together.

LOL, loved Sami ripping into Abe! Then Bo settling her down, lol I love Bo/Sami scenes! I like how they interact.

Didn't really feel bad for Sami in the end with Johnny because didn't her and him make that secret signal to show that they love each other? I remember they made that up the other night when she visited him. She used it with him before she left. Those scenes were heartbreaking but then I felt really happy when they signaled each other. So smart of Sami to do that. EJ doesn't have a clue and I love it!

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