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The original plan for them was a new start for Ashley. Blade was someone who didn't lie to her like Victor but still had an edge.

The problem with Blade/Ashley was Micheal Tylo (an actor like Peter Reckell would've been great in the part). Also while Blade was fairly interesting Brenda's Ashley was too soft for that relationship hence constant Mari Jo. He was solid with Jill (Jess has chemistry with EVERYONE) but with Brenda's Ashley Tylo was out of place. By the time Brenda went on maternity leave they were basically done.


That story nearly ruined EVERYONE involved. The only story on any soap that comes close to how much damage it did to a show as a whole & all characters involved is the Bianca/Babe babyswitch on AMC.

Edited by DeeeDee
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So who was that "mysterious" woman who bought Cole/Nina/Ryan/Victoria to dinner? I have scene the clips of them getting calls from the woman, but don't recall them ever revealing who it was that bought them together.

I wish more Full episodes from 1995 were on youtube. Minus all the Nick and Sharon clips i have seen from that year. It would be neat to see the original episodes and how everything came together that year. (since that specific Y&R year seemed like it had bloated story-lines)

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Hey yr9190 I do have a couple episodes from August 1995 that I mentioned I've always thought about putting up on Youtube. They're alright, nothing too much going on in any of them. The one I mentioned earlier up I have dated to Friday, August 4th 1995 and goes like this:

-In the aftermath of Matt's shooting Nick is in jail and Sharon is begging Nick to let her go to police to tell them about Matt raping her. Nick says not to otherwise it would give him motive to the police. Nick learns Matt is still alive and not dead as previously thought. Victor brings in Mitchell Sherman and John Silva to represent Nick, but Nick doesn't budge in telling the truth. Victor tries to break Sharon into telling him why Nick would shoot Matt but fails. In the meantime Matt is comatose barely alive, barely hanging on and remembers hearing gun shots. In the meantime Amy is wandering the streets disorientated.

-Nikki is a HOT mess and shows up at the Newman Ranch desperate as she's just found out about Nick being in jail. In a hilarious scene, Hope tosses Nikki out, berating Nikki for being MIA in the crisis and for being mysteriously absent for the past couple of days with no way of getting in touch. Nikki barks back why does she even care and Hope declares that as Nick's stepmother she most certainly has the right to have an invested interest. Nikki finally leaves for the police station, only to come face to face with Victor demanding where the hell she has been.

-Brad shows up at Newman and dismayed to find Jack in Victor's chair. Jack is less than thrilled with Brad, apparently being absent too for the last couple of days(connect the dots to the above) and is conducting business as usual, including closing one of Brad's important deals that's been working on. Brad is furious with Jack. Jack says every ship needs a captain, but Brad declares this ship has two captains.

-Oh boy, here's the bulk of the episode. Nina is preparing to leave on a week's long trip to Toronto for a writing convention, but is feeling uneasy about leaving for so long. She stops by at Ryan's office and asks Ryan if he wants her to stay but Ryan encourages to keep her plans saying it will be good for her and of course he'd call her all the time. Sweet talk between the two occurs. In the meantime, Cole is dismayed to find a stressed Victoria awake and working(on a VERY old looking laptop too!). Victoria says with all that is going on with Nick she needs a distraction and to catch up on work. Cole tells her to take it easy and to take the day off and Victoria is about to agree when the phone rings. It's Jeri Paulsen, Cole's apprentice. Victoria snatches the phone away and hangs up on Jeri. Her and Cole bicker about Jeri being a threat with Cole spending all that time working long lonely hours with her and her constant calling of the house. Victoria announces to Cole she needs to take some paperwork to RYAN to obviously Cole's disgust. Victoria shows up at Ryan's office just as Nina is leaving and the two share a very awkward moment with Nina telling Victoria she's sorry to hear about Nick. Nina then leaves and drops off Phillip IV/Chance at Flo's and confides in her mother that she is most worried about Victoria and Ryan working together while she is away. Ryan and Victoria share some small talk over Nick's arrest and the toll its taking on her. Just as Nina confides her fears to Flo, Victoria asks Ryan if her ever thinks of what life would be like if they were still married. Ryan says he doesn't, he's married to Nina and she's married to Cole. She kisses him on the cheek and leaves. In the meantime, Cole calls Jeri back and apologizes for before. Jeri, looking at a picture of Cole asks to set up a lunch date with him which he agrees too.

Edited by soapfan770
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Haha thanks for that summary soapfan. I think you should post that episode as it does sound like a pretty good episode even if not much was going on. The part with Nikki and Hope sounds like fun, also the scenes with Brad and Jack as well as Ryan/Nina/Victoria/Cole.

I also have many classic episodes from the 90's that i bought from ioffer. Well worth it if you want to see old episodes and not too expensive. I have episodes that spam from February 1989-November 1993. I also have uploaded most of these episodes on youtube and will provide the link to my channel so you and everyone else can see my episodes. I have enjoy seeing these classic shows, however some episodes are indeed pretty boring. They are not bad, but just have periods were not much happen, kind of like your August 1995 episodes. Also i was shocked at how bad some of the scenes jumped around. There are some episodes where a character is having a scene with one person and within the span of another scene would suddenly "teleport" to share scenes with someone else. For example on this one episode from May 14 1991, Leanna is having a scene with Brad and she gets freaked out when she finds out that Jill might be taking over her show, with a close up of her facial expression. Then the scene cuts to Nikki which only lasts a bout a minute or so, then to Victor's office and in walks Leanna not only arriving there faster than what she is suppose to, but in an entirely different outfit that she had on when she was with Brad. So stuff like that tend to puzzle me, and i am not quite sure why Bell did not notice how messy or rushed it made some of the shows seem....

anyways here is my link. enjoy :)


BTW, That scene that everyone was talking about earlier, the Nina "worn out tramp" scene, I actually have that episode from February 16 0r 17 1989. I will post it when i get the chance.

Edited by yr9190
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This has probably already been addressed, but how seriously did Bill Bell consider curing Hope's blindness? Is that why she returned in 1996 even though they had no story for her? I remember Signy talking about it in interviews at the time. Did they write her out because they decided not to do the story?

I was annoyed at how casually they killed off poor Cliff, although I guess now I should be glad, as they would have said he abused Adam, since he couldn't compare to Victor.

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No idea but from what I remember story-wise it was never much an option for hope to gain eyesight. They talked about visiting a specialist or even saw one but it was always clear that is nearly impossible to cure her blindness.

By it it was also more powerful that those sluts Nikki and Vickie kept spouting ther insults at Hope for "trying to steal Victor" and "connocting a powerful scheme to get into Victor's life". How I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATED both of them during that time.

Nowadays I would wish that Vickie would trigger any emotion... LOL

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Do you think that the writing for it was good, however? Meaning, bad premise/story, but at least the writing was solid? And did the characters ever recover from it?

It WAS pretty disgusting that Victor's sperm was making the rounds in Diane, Ashley and Nikki's purses, though.

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Very seriously. Her disability was always treated with the utmost respect. Except when she & Victor were fighting about if she should have Adam.

No. She was written out because Bill decided (stupidly) to focus on Shari more than her. So Shari was propped while Signy was let go.


He was a genuine good guy.

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Did the Kurt Costner story play out as planned or was it cut short? I know when he first arrived the soap press talked up the possible story for Katherine. Then he had the stuff with Hope and Ashley but that seemed to get snipped. I also thought the way they resolved whether he'd killed his wife was a bit rushed. I thought the woman who played his wife, Linda Dona, might have made a better Ashley recast than Shari.

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