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JULY 1982


Surprise! Lonely and at loose ends, Earl Bancroft paid his old college chum Kay Chancellor a visit and they ended up going out to dinner together. It just so happened that Kevin and Caroline decided to dine in the same restaurant, and they were shocked when they see Earl with Kay!


Dr. Marshall - Claire's doctor - and Dr. Daniels - a psychiatrist - were stunned when they heard Claire cheerily say Robert's name. But when they asked her to repeat the name, Claire just stared at them blankly. After the doctors left her room, Claire's expression turned to anger and fury. The rage within her began to surface. Suddenly she grabbed the game of jacks she had been playing, and with a horrible gutteral scream, hurled them violently at the door. Before leaving for a concert tour, Leslie asked her sister Lorie to stay away from Robert.


Meanwhile, Angela Laurence became friends with Traci Abbott whom she met at school. They spent afternoons together and Traci confided in Angela how she was a fan of Danny Romalotti, but Angela had never heard of him before. Mamie Johnson, the Abbotts’ maid, was worried about Traci being struck in her world of fantasies. When Angela realized Traci was having issues with her weight, she advised her to follow a very questionable diet.


As her daughter Patty's wedding was over, Mary Williams demanded that her son Paul gave her some straight answers about what he and Carl had been keeping from her. Paul reluctantly revealed that Carl had been suspended. Fearful and desperate, Mary paid Robert Laurence a visit and begged him to represent Carl. Robert told her he had to speak to Carl before he could take his case, and urged Mary to convince Carl he needed legal assistance no matter how much faith he had in the police department.


During the honeymoon, Jack kept watching other girls than his new bride Patty. She was upset when Jack asked to go back to Genoa City sooner than expected. When they arrived, Ashley noticed Jack was not totally committed to his new wife and she warned him to get his act together.


Angry over seeing Earl with Kay, Kevin confronted his father and accused him of having a fling with her. Earl hotly denied it, but Kevin didn't believe him. Earl Iost control and slapped his son's face! Kevin was heartbroken and disillusioned. How could his father cheat on his mother after all these years of marriage?


After talking things out with Robert, Carl reluctantly agreed to have the attorney represent him.


At Kay's urging, Earl tried to make amends with Kevin and said he was sorry for hitting him. Earl admitted that one weekend, 30 years ago, he went to bed with Kay. He asked Kevin to try to understand his feelings for Kay — he wanted her back in his life.


Victor invited Lorie over for a workout, and while he was engrossed in punching his bag, Lorie deftly slipped over to where his pants were hanging on a hook. She quickly rifled his pockets, but unbeknownst to Lorie, Victor caught a reflection of her action in the mirror. Lorie located the keys and tossed them into her sports bag. Victor saw her every move. While his back was turned to her, Lorie very quickly grabbed the keys out of the sports bag and moved to the open window, where Lucas' hand reached in and Lorie gave him the keys so he could make duplicatas and return the originals to her. Victor didn't see any of this.


When Victor explained to Douglas what happened in the tack room with Lorie, Douglas suggested that while Victor wasn't looking, Lorie managed to slip the keys to someone who had a chance to make ciuplicates of them. Victor was outsmarted by a sly female, Douglas pointed out. With the duplicate key in hand, Lorie sneaked into Victor's personal files at Prentiss Industries. She took out a handful of the folders inside and glanced through them. She then photographed the secret Newman files. After Lorie returned to her apartment, Victor came by to see her and declared she put on a « fascinating little performance » for him at the ranch. Keeping calm, cool and collected, Lorie claimed she had no idea what he was talking about. His anger surfacing, Victor took his keys out of his pocket and rattled them. He asked her if these keys looked familiar. Answering his own question, Victor said of course they do, since Lorie had her own duplicate set! Although Lorie continued to play innocent, Victor said he saw her take the keys from his pants pocket when she thought he wasn't looking. Then she had them copied. Lorie, feigning indignance, lied she did no such thing and asked if Victor had gone stark-raving mad. Victor retortd he probably had, to think he could ever trust her! « Please, this is all a terrible misunderstanding. I didn't take your keys. I didn't » Lorie insisted. Victor reiterated he saw her take the keys, but what puzzled him is why. Lorie finally admitted she did take the keys — she borrowed them for a little while. "Miss Brooks, you stole from me. And I want to know why. I want to know now!" he demanded. Lorie confessed she used the keys to get into his car, and suggested he look in the trunk. Victor left to do so, but was certain Lorie was simply stalling and he would find nothing there.


While in the park with Jill, John admitted that when he saw her out with Andy the other night, he realized for the first time how much she had come to mean to him. Jill was almost thunderstruck at hearing the words — it was the last thing she expected. Very gently, John took Jill into his arms and kissed her.


Victor was stunned when he found an expensive set of matching golf clubs in his trunk. Although he believed Lorie took the keys so she could surprise him with this present, in reality this was Lorie and Lucas' "fail safe'. plan in case Victor learned about the key incident. Feeling rotten about his accusations and suspicions, Victor begged Lorie to forgive him for doubting her.


Alex Morgan begged Pete Walker to let him go of their scheme before Carl’s hearing but Pete refused. Carl's hearing began, and of course he pleaded not guity. Much to Robert and Carl's chagrin, Pam and her cohorts gave very convincing, incriminating testimony.


Liz was mortified when Jill told her she met with John and she was convinced he was in love with her. Liz pointed out that Andy wanted to marry her and help her raise her son — John Abbott didn't even know she had a son, "You ought to be thinkin' about what Phillip needs, instead of what you want. That boy needs a father more than anything, and you've got a chance to give him one." Jill retorted she had to live her life for her — Phillip was just a kid. "John can give Phillip things Andy never will be able to," she pointed out. Liz asked Jill what about love, was John going to love Phillip the way Andy did, She pleaded with Jill not to take Andy's love away from Phillip — it would break his heart. Liz's words struck deep within Jill.


Lorie arranged for a meeting with Victor's ex-wife Julia, and said she needs some information about Victor for a book she was writing about him. Julia declared she didn't want to be included in the book as one of Victor's "achievements." Lorie then confessed she was writing an expose on how Victor reached the top of the business ladder. After explaining that she wanted to give Victor a taste of his own medicine and "balance the ledger" with her book, Lorie told Julia she needed her for the personal side of Victor. What lay beneath his charm, What was he hiding, Julia confided it was pain and fear of rejection that was buried within Victor's soul. "He's a man who has moments of insensitivity, callousness, even cruelty, but he's also a man with the capacity to be very tender, gentle, and loving." As Julia and Lorie were talking, Victor came to the apartment! Since Julia didn't want to see him, she disappeared into a closet. Victor apologized for suspecting Lorie of wrongdoing and said he very much wanted their relationship to go beyond where it standed. "You're the most enchanting woman I've ever met. You're a treasure. And when you smile at me with those big, beautiful eyes of yours, you literally take my breath away." Lorie was really blown away by Victor's disclosures, and utterly overwhelmed when he presented, her with a 12-karat diamond ring! "It, not just a present, Lorie. It's a commitment from me to you." Although Lorie responded she had no ided Victor felt this way about her, he said his feelings ran very deep. He slipped the ring on her left finger. "The ring is only a symbol of the depth of my committment to you. One I'd like to make permanent. I want you. I need you. I don't want to let go of you." Victor kissed Lorie deeply.


John Abbott was hurt when he saw Jill and Andy holding hands. Growing closer to Phillip daily, Andy told Jill he would like to legally adopt her son. "The kid needs a father, and I couldn't love him any more even if he was my own flesh and blood." When Jill said this was a bit sudden, Andy suggested she put it on the back burner for a white.


Feeling guilty about all the trouble Carl was in, Alex Morgan handed his old friend an envelope of money and insisted Carl take it. Carl agreed, but said he would pay every penny back as soon as he was reinstated on the force. When Paul turned to Commander Frank Lewis for a way to help Carl, Frank confided he believed there was a connection between Carl, situation and possible corruption within the department itself —someone in the department helped set Carl up. Frank suggested Paul infiltrate the syndicate and come up with some answers on who framed Carl. Paul would have to reject his family and become a social deviant,


After Victor had left Lorie's apartment, Julia came out of the closet and begged Lorie not to destroy Victor with her book, because he trusted her. He had opened up to Lorie as he never opened up to anyone before. If Lorie destroyed Victor, Julia warned, he would become even more bitter and ruthless than before.


When Andy brought up the plans for his wedding to Jill, Liz exploded with pent-up anger. "Well, Jill, are you going to tell him or do I?" when Andy demanded to know what was going on with Jill, she finally admitted that a man from her past had come back into her life and she was still in love with him. "I've tried to forget about this person," she explains with dif-ficulty. "I thought I'd never see him again, that he was out of my life for good. But he's not." Jill confessed she had been seeing this man while engaged to Andy. "How can I marry you when I feel this way about someone else?"


After Allison learned that Earl had been spending time with Kay, she marched into Kay's house and confronted her. Although Kay explained Earl's visit had been purely friendly, Allison retorted, "I don't know how you tricked Earl into coming here, but I can guess what your motives are. You want to add his scalp to the collection you've already got and you're determined to get back at me for opposing Kevin's marriage." Kay declared she had better things to do than carry on a vendetta against Allison. Just get it through your head that Earl and I have not been to bed together!" Since Earl came to Kay for companionship and a good time, that should tell Allison there was something missing in her marriage. Furious, Allison vowed Earl would pay for his "sordid episode" with Kay. Kay said she would show Allison up for the cold, scheming female who denied Earl happiness in life and his legal rights in bed. "I hate you, Kay Chancellor!" Allison shouted. « I've hated you for years! » Earl told Allison he was staying with Kay.


Despite seeing John Abbott on the side, Jill insisted she still loved Andy. "This man can give me the kind of life I always dreamed of," she explained. « Andy, I've been poor all my life. I don't want to spend the rest of my life scrimping and scraping. I want more. Now I've got a chance to go after my dream. And I have to take that chance. I'm doing what I have to do. The only thing I can do for me. » Hurting badly, Andy said he realized he didn't even know Jill — she was not the person he thought she was. Andy warned Jill that her whole little dream world would come tumbling down around her. "When it happens, don't come running to me! I'm a whole lot better off without you!"


Nikki overheard Kevin admit he still cared a lot about Caroline. Determined to break up Kevin and Nikki, Allison advised Caroline to fight Nikki with her own weapon — Caroline should get herself pregnant! Since Kevin loved Caroline, Allison reasoned, he would never stay with Nikki and her baby if Caroline were carrying his child. When Caroline objected to manipulating Kevin that way, Allison suggested she just tell Kevin she was pregnant — it would be months before he found out the truth.


Knowing Earl didn't really want to go back to San Francisco, Kay urged him to stay on at her house. She would even give Allison grounds for divorce! "She wants to believe the worst, we'll let her." Touched by her concern for him, Earl admitted he was in love with Kay. "I've been in love with you for years ... and all the denial and frustration of my marriage has just made that love grow." When Earl said his conscience kept reminding him he was married to Allison, Kay promised she would make him forget that. Earl then agreed to stay "as long as Kay will have him... Taking Kay in his arms, Earl kissed her with subdued passion.


After purposely starting a bitter fight with Carl, Paul announced he was moving out because he was tired of Carl and Mary always breathing down his neck. Although Carl tearfully begged his son to stay, Paul walked out.


As if the huge diamond ring wasn't enough, Victor gifted Lorie with a diamond-and-ruby necklace and matching bracelet, then topped it if by buying her a Rolls-Royce! Lucas was afraid the lavish gifts would end up keeping Lorie from getting her revenge. With great difficulty, Victor admitted he was deeply in love with Lorie. « I want you for my wife. Will you marry me ? » Although Lorie didn’t say yes, Victor took her in his arms for a lovely kiss. Because Lorie believed Victor had made up for his past misdeeds, she placed a wedding announcement in the paper the following day!


Over an elegant dinner, John admitted to Jill he had fallen deeply in love with her. Jill was ecstatic how long she had waited to hear these words! They kissed passionately.


When Andy insisted on helping Paul with the dilemma he was going through, Paul suggested Andy try to get a job as a bartender at The Golden Touch so he could get the lowdown on who was running the place.


Wearing only a slip and a robe, Caroline invited Kevin into her hotel room and declared she didn't want to go back to San Francisco. Although Kevin felt Caroline was making problems for herself by staying in Genoa City, she said it would be easier for them if they became lovers. "It’s what I want," she lied. "Can you tell me you don't want it, too?', Caroline begged Kevin to put his arms around her. "I've changed. I want to be different. I want you." Because he was only human, Kevin pulled Caroline into his arms and kissed her deeply and passionately. Feeling the tension in Caroline, Kevin said maybe in her mind she wanted to make love, but her body was saying no. It was the wrong time and the wrong place for them both. "Sex has to be spontaneous, especially when it's the first time." Believing she had made a fool of herself, Caroline asked Kevin to leave.


Carl was utterly devastated when he learned the police board had found him guilty! After 30 years on the force, Carl handed over his I.D. and badge to Alex Morgan. Mary's heart was breaking for her husband.


John finally broke down and admitted to Ashley that there was a woman in his life —someone he had come to care for very much. He wanted to have her to dinner so she could meet the family! Meanwhile, Jack warned Ashley that Jill was bad news. He paid Jill a visit and ordered her to keep her "slimy paws' off John or she would regret it! "Whatever, going on in that scheming little brain of yours, whatever you have in mind for my father, it's not going to happen! My sisters and I will never let it happen. Never!" With that, Jack left, slamming the door behind him.


When Victor and Lorie discussed wedding gifts for each other, she told him the perfect wedding present he could give her would be Prentiss Industries, since it had been a bone of contention between them for so long. Victor responded he would hate for her to expect something he couldn't deliver — he can't simply hand over the company to her. If asking for Prentiss Industries was going to open old wounds and suspicions that had no place in their relationship, Lorie said, then she didn't expect him to give her the company. Placing his hand tenderly on Lorie's face, Victor whispered, « You shall have that perfect gift, my darling. Prentiss Industries will be yours — after you've become my wife... » Moved, Lorie threw her arms around Victor and kissed him passionately.


When Lorie approached her sister Chris about being her matron of honor, Chris asked if marry-ing Victor was what Lorie really wanted, after spending so many months "in combat" with him. Lorie explained she simply changed her mind about the man. "I'm not asking anyone to applaud my decision, but the least you and the rest of the family could do is respect it ... and wish me the best." Because she couldn't deny her sister's request, Chris agreed to stand up for Lorie. Lorie told Victor she had to know he trusted her before she could be his wife. Victor insisted he did trust her. "Then help me to believe it," Lorie said with tears in her eyes. Gently, Victor responded, "All right ... the company will be yours before our marriage." They kissed. "I gave you more than one reason to despise me. You've given me reason only to love you. I'm sorry," said Victor. Lorie is deeply moved by his genuine remorse. Back at her apartment, Lorie took the pages of her manuscript on Victor and burnt them in her fireplace. When Lucas saw what she was doing, he blew up at her. How could Lorie do this after all the pain-staking work they put into this project together?


Allison paid Nikki a visit and told her Kevin and Caroline had "consummated" their relationship. Although Nikki didn’t believe it, Allison suggested Nikki put an end to the farce of living together with Kevin. "Why should my son and the girl he loves be forced to sneak around hotel corridors to be together? Why don't you step aside now, with dignity. Why continue to punish Kevin for what was both your faults by keeping him tied to you?" Tears in her eyes and feeling totally crushed, Nikki asked Allison to please go. "Kevin and Caroline love each other. They belong together and if there's a decent bone in your body, you'll give him his freedom — now!" Allison said on her way out. A shattered Nikki visited the Bayou for old times’ sake.


Traci attended Danny’s concert and was totally misty-eyed. Patty had noticed Traci’s interest in Danny and unbeknown to Traci, she asked Danny to court Traci. Patty was then shocked when she learned about Carl’s suspension.


Earl pointed out to Caroline that it would 'be best for her to leave town until the baby was born. Although it broke her heart to have to lose Kevin twice, Caroline realized Earl is right. If she stayed in Genoa City, it would only cause Kevin more torment. Her mind made up, Caroline wrote Kevin a letter saying she had got to leave him for good. "Please remember me a little," she pleaded, "and know that I'll never forget you." While Kevin was finishing the last few words of the letter at the construction site of Newman Towers, there was a commotion and a foreman yelled for Kevin to look out, Suddenly there was an enormous crash as a section of the building collapsed! Kevin’s pale hand poked lifelessly out of the rubble, still clutching the letter. His body was buried beneath the collapsed building. Several men struggled to extricate Kevin and he was rushed to the emergency room. Would he Iive?


Pete Walker hid Pam in a new apartment, afraid she would be found by Carl. Paul and Commander Lewis arranged for Tony DiSalvo, the manager of The Golden Touch, to be arrested for carrying a concealed weapon. After he got out on bail, Tony told Paul what happened to him, and Paul offered to use his connections to "take the heat off" Tony. Impressed, Tony returned the favor by offering to get Paul a job driving a truck from Chicago to Genoa City for a couple hundred dollars. Since Paul knew the cargo would be illegal, he said he would do the job for a grand, but Tony bargained him down to $500.




Determined to stop Lorie from marrying Victor, Stuart and Lucas stopped by her apartment and urged Lorie to get out of town before she did something she would regret for the rest of her life. « We're doing this for you because we're concerned you're in over your head —more than ever before in your life » said Stuart. Lorie angrily insisted she was not going anywhere and ordered them to stop treating her like an adolescent. "I've come to know a man in Victor unlike any I've ever known before. I'm privileged to be his fiancee." She was going through with the wedding because she had to follow her heart. Before their wedding at city hail, Victor handed Lorie an envelope. "It's all yours, my love. You control Prentiss Industries now." Tears came to Lorie's eyes. Before the ceremony was about to begin, Victor searched for Lorie in the restroom and was stunned when he saw an envebpe with Lorie's engagement ring on top of it. He read the letter: « My dearest Victor: My biggest regret in writing this letter is that it's going to cause you pain. If it's any consolation, and I truly hope it is, please don't doubt that I do, and always will, have a very special love for you in my heart. It would have been the easiest thing I've ever done, to marry you and Iive with you forever. But sometimes the past is stronger than the future. I'm afraid this is one of those times. We've both learned so very much from each other. You've taught me how important it is to love your enemy. Your enemy can become your closest friend. And as for you, Victor, I think that you've learned an even more important lesson. No matter how much you love someone, and I do believe you love me very deeply, once you betray your beloved's trust, things can never again be the same. Everything that goes around, comes around, Victor. You've betrayed Lance and me and it's come back to haunt you. We've battled, we've fought, we've loved. The circle is complete... Goodbye, Victor." Victor’s eyes glazed with tears as he began to feel the pain of rejection.

Back at Lorie's apartment, she was about to leave with her suitcase in hand when Lucas walked in. Lorie handed him the envelope from Victor. Lucas was stunned when he saw Victor had given Lorie the company back. Before she went, Lorie told Lucas she was returning the company to Lance. When Lucas asked if she was coming back, Lorie said someday — when she was ready. "When you do come back, I hope big brother's standin' next to you." With tears in her eyes, Lorie said she hoped so, too. Victor decided not to search for Lorie and to accept the situation.


When Nikki read the letter Caroline wrote to Kevin, she accused Caroline of writing it so Kevin would come running back to her. "This letter is the reason he was hue' shouts Nikki. "You're as guilty of this accident as any workman and down deep, you know it, don't you?" Caroline insisted she did intend to say good-bye to Kevin. "You meant to force him into leaving me, didn't you?" Nikki demanded.


Jack paid Jill a visit and made her a final offer — he would keep his mouth shut about the sexual harassment suit she was going to bring against him long ago if she didn't get too involved with John. The minute Jack heard there were any serious plans being made, he would tell his father the truth. Jill pointed out that Jack had nothing to gain and everything to lose by dredging up their past. « Would it really be so remote having me for a stepmother? » she taunted. « The way I see it, you'd better get used to the idea, because — face it, Jack — there's not a thing in the world you can do about it without hurting yourself more... » Jack warned Jill she would never marry his father, and if she made a mistake in her "game," he would bury her with it. Jack left, slamming the door behind him. Jill muttered to herself that there was nothing he could tell John to come between them. Jack just couldn't risk it.


Ashley was very curious about Jack’s hatred for Jill Foster. Hoping to destroy John's relationship with Jill, Jack revealed she had a son! Despite himself, John was simply incredulous — he couldn’t believe he heard Jack correctly. Jack tried to convince his father the reason Jill didn't tell him was that she was afraid he would lose interest in her if he knew she had a child. John already felt disillusioned with Jill. Knowing she couldn't keep it from him much longer, Jill admitted to John that she had a son. "He's very important to me," she claimed. Jill then explained she hadn't told John about Phillip before because she was afraid he'd lose interest in her. So many men would. She finally introduced Phillip to John.


Pleased that Paul has delivered the illegal goods from Chicago to Genoa City, Tony DiSalvo hired him to work at The Golden Touch as a bouncer. But Pete Walker warned Tony that he made a big mistake trusting Paul, since he was a cop's son. He wanted Tony to « dispose » of Paul!


When Phillip was introduced to John, the boy just stared at him. Although John tried to show an interest in Phillip, the child remained withdrawn. After Phillip left the room, John told Jill he felt her son resented him, but she begged him not to think that. John understood the boy's reaction, but he didn't understand why Jill never told him she had a son. Jill said she didn't tell John because she felt it would be the final stumbling block to their relationship. Hurt that Jill didn't trust him, John replied the only explanation he could come up with was that she didn't want him to know, and he felt very deceived. Hitting on a new strategy, Jill told John she loved her son dearly, but he was not exactly an average little boy. "Life hasn't been kind to Phillip. His father died before he was born. He's never known what it means to have a dad." She explained that even though she was young and alone when pregnant with Phillip, he was all there was left of the man she loved so much - Phillip Chancellor -. Through Phillip's eyes, he felt he had been abandoned by any man who ever came into his life including the father he never knew. "Any time I became involved with a man, Phillip felt like he was going to end up getting hurt. That's why he reacted the way he did when I introduced you... » Jill added that she didn’t like to talk about her problems, and that was the only reason she never told John about her son. "Can you forgive me?" she pleaded. Moved by Jill's story, John took her in his arms. Jill was relieved she pulled this off.


John told Jill he loved her more than he realized. She and her son deserved more than they had. « I'm asking you to marry me, Jill. If you'll have me... ». Thunderstruck by his words, Jill fell into John's arms and they kissed. John told his daughters about his love for Jill. Traci felt jealous that her father had less time for her and she ended up in a candy binge.


Robert was ready to tell Angela that he had developed feelings for Leslie Brooks. However, after a phone call from Claire's doctor, Robert flew to the mental hospital. Dr. Marshall told Robert he thought Claire might be a good candidate for a new drug. In a few instances, the doctor explain, the patients on this drug had a total and complete reversal. After Robert gave his permission for Claire to be treated with the drug, Dr. Marshall suggested Robert tell Angela her mother was still alive. But when the doctor admitted he was not all that optimistic the drug therapy would help Claire, Robert said he felt there was no reason to give Angela hope that she might have a mother.


When Kevin finally regains consciousness, he couldn't remember his name, or who Nikki and Caroline were, Distraught over Kevin's condition, Nikki went to the hospital chapel and begged God not to punish Kevin for her mistake. "If he's got brain damage now, it's my fault," she sobbed. -It all started with me and my lying. I don't ask to be forgiven, but somehow you've got to save Kevin. Bring him back to what he was. Let him remember. And when he remembers, I'll make it up to him — somehow do anything to have him normal again." She promised God that if he made Kevin well, she would walk out of his life, and stay out.


Back at the hospital, Kevin regained his memory and recognized Caroline, Allison and Nikki. Later, as Caroline was about to leave town, Nikki gathered her courage and begged Caroline to stay and spend a lot of time with Kevin. « I need you her. Kevin needs you. Down deep you know the only thing in the world you want is to be with him. I’m asking you to do that – for me, for him. Please say yes. » Although puzzled by Nikki’s sudden change of heart, Caroline agreed to stay for a few more days.


Hoping Cindy Lake would leave him to Pam Warren, Paul asked her out on a date and she accepted. But later, Pete Walker let Cindy know that Paul was Carl’s son, and warned her that Paul wanted information from her about Pam. She was to tell Pete if Paul did ask her about Pam sot hey could « stop him dead in his tracks ! » Pete also realized that Paul and Andy Richards were old friends.


Patty was very worried about her father Carl’s problems and Jack was not of great comfort as he was only thinking of breaking off John and Jill. Danny took time comforting Patty.


As summer was coming to an end, Ashley wanted to find a job. She was interviewed by Jabot researcher, Brian Forbes, who hired her without realizing she was an Abbott.


Determined to keep the promise she made in her prayers to God, Nikki turned to Robert Laurence for legal help. She explained she wanted to have her marrage annuled because Kevin was still in love with Caroline. Robert said there was one question he needed to have answered —was the child she was carrying Kevin's? Nikki responded that the only reason Kevin married her was to give the baby a name. Robert pointed out that he doubted the court would grant Nikki an annulment, because the court's first duty was to protect the baby from the stigma of being declared a bastard. The child was Kevin's legal responsibility. Victor visited Nikki and demanded to know what she hoped to accomplish by keeping Caroline in Genoa City. Nikki lied that she didn’t think Caroline was a threat to her marriage any more. Victor didn't buy that and said he wouldn't let Nikki get away with whatever devious plan she had come up with. "It won't work!" Victor was convinced Nikki was clearing the way for them to resume an intimate relationship while she continued being married to Kevin. "Only this time you're salving your conscience by making this Harper girl a smoke screen. She's to be the excuse for your infidelity. I'm to take pity on you and Kevin is to be silenced by an innocent friendship with Caroline." Nikki explained that she was paying back a debt she owed Caroline for making it easy to marry Kevin and for the support she gave her when Kevin was lying unconscious in the hospital. Nikki wanted to show Caroline she trusted her, and the only way she could do that was to let her have time alone with Kevin.  "I'm doing the right thing for everyone and no one is going to talk me out of it," she cried. After Kevin learned from Robert that Nikki wanted to dissolve their marriage, he left the hospital to confront her. When Kevin asked Nikki why she was using this particular moment to break up their marriage, she assured him it was not some kind of rejection. "You deserve someone better than me, Kevin," she explained. "And even though you won't admit it, you love Caroline." If they got an annulment, Nikki points out, Kevin could just pick up where he left off with Caroline. "Your life will be the way you planned it ... and I'll be fine. I'll manage alone. I'm trying to do the right thing by setting you free." Kevin angrily accused Nikki of using him just to get a name for her child and to support her until she could get back to The Bayou. He wouldn’t go along with the annulment, because he would have to deny his child. "I'm sure as hell not walking out on my kid, and there's nothing you can do  about it!"


Since Kevin wouldn't agree to an annulment, Nikki insisted she wanted him to divorce her. If he wouldn't, she would divorce him. Coldly, Kevin relented: "All right! You'll get your divorce, but not until I'm damned good and ready — when the Newman Towers are completed sometime next year." Nikki said Kevin was fighting for nothing — the baby she was carrying wasn't a Bancroft! "I'm not carrying your child, Kevin," she revealed desperately. "I lied to you because I had to have a name for the baby and I remembered we'd slept together, so I laid it on you. You have no responsibility and no rights to my baby. I tricked you! Now will you divorce me and go back to Caroline," Because she couldn’t face Kevin any longer, Nikki ran out the front door. "It’s not true ... it's not true," he muttered, stunned.


At Jack's urging, Traci tried to persuade John not to rush into marriage with Jill — she was too young for him. John insisted that he loved Jill very much. When he guessed that Jack put Traci up to this, he became furious. « He's using you, Traci, don't you see that? I will not tolerate his poisoning your mind! » Traci tried to defend Jack, but John told her not to bother because Jack had a personal vendetta against Jill. John wouldn't let his son come between him and someone he cared about very rnuch. "I think this marriage is going to make all the difference for me. Believe me, I'm very certain this is what I want" John assured his daughter.


More determined than ever to break up John and Jill, Jack asked his model friend Diane to come up with a beautiful, well-bred woman for his father to fall in love with so he would forget Jill. After Jack assured Diane there would be money in it for her friend, Diane promised she would come up with just the right person. When Diane's friend Gloria met with Jack, she told him she had always been a gambler at heart and loved a challenge. She would pull out all the stops to make John forget Jill — forever. Jack was delighted. Ashley told Jack she wouldn’t help fighting John’s marriage to Jill. Phillip was hurt when Jill told him she considered shipping him off to a boarding school.

Growing more and more captivated by Leslie every day, Robert invited her to the lakehouse and declared his love for her. Leslie responded that she loved him, too. Drawing Leslie close, Robert kissed her long and lovingly. Meanwhile, at the mental hospital, Claire murmured to herself: "Where am I ?." Although she was confused, the drug had taken effect and Claire was coming back from her 16-year sleep! When a janitor tried to rape her believing she was still catatonic, Claire managed to defend herself. Robert and Dr. Marshall arrived and stopped her from strangling the janitor. In Genoa City, Leslie worried that Angela wouldn’t accept her as a stepmother.


John, deeply concerned about what Carl had been going through, offered him a job at Jabot as a security guard. « It's the least I can do, Carl. Please don't look at it as a gift, because it's not. As I see it, I'm helping to pay a debt this city owes you. I want very much to do this. Please consider it ». Although Carl was impressed by John’s depth, sensitivity, and generosity, he couldn't accept the job. He accepted another bunch of money from Alex Morgan though. He had a spat with Mary when she questioned him about Pam Warren and she left the house.


Cindy began to fall for Paul so she kept mum to Pete and Tony that Paul pumped her for info on Pam. Under orders from Pete, Tony phoned Carl and told him Paul was working at The Golden Touch. "Check it out for yourself," urged Tony. "Look like Paul's got a pretty good piece of the action over there." Not wanting to hear any more, Carl angrily slammed down the receiver. "You're out of your mind!" he screamed at the telephone. Carl was outraged when he walked into The Golden Touch and saw that Paul was indeed working there... « What the hell is this? » he demanded. As Tony watched, Paul ordered his father to get out. When Carl refused, Paul shouted, « I said, beat it old man! You hear me ? », His eyes practically popping out of his head, Carl whacked Paul's face, sending him flying. Almost on top of Paul, Carl hit him again: "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" Totally out of control, Carl continued to hit Paul violently. « You dare set foot in this place! This hole! After what they did to me! How could You do this to me. » Paul ordered his father to stop it and again screamed for him to get out before he threw him out! Staring at Paul, Carl was utterly stunned, in total shock. He left without another word.


Traci was happy with  her summer in Genoa City and having spent time with Danny. She wondered what happened to her mother who abandonned her family years ago. Before leaving for college, Traci wrote Danny a farewell letter. "This is probably the hardest letter I've ever had to write. There's so much I want to say. So much I want to thank you for. You can't imagine what it's meant to me getting to know you this summer. Having a chance to spend time with you ... someone I've idolized. Realizing that you do care — at least a little — for me as a person has been the most fantastic thing that's ever happened to me. But now is time to say good-bye. Danny, I want you to know that you've given me some beautiful memones to cling to. Having a friend like you, it's something I'll remember all my life ..." As she was finishing the letter, Traci looked up and was stunned when she saw Danny standing in her doorway! He was the last person she ever expected to see. Danny said he couldn't let Traci leave without coming over to say good-bye. When Danny glimpsed the letter, Traci let him read it. He told her it was the most beautiful letter anyone ever wrote him. Taking Traci by the shoulders, Danny kissed her on the forehead. "You just remember whose special friend you are. I’ll be seeing you," he whispered tenderly. After Danny had left, Traci began sobbing. "I can't do it. I can't go, I just can't!" she cried, clutching Danny's photo to her chest. Later, Traci let her father know that she didn't want to go away to school. She couldn’t stand the thought of it and begged John not to make her go. She wanted to attend college in Genoa City and be with people she really cared about. John responded that deep down he was happy she had made this decision.


Kevin demanded Nikki tell him who the father of her baby was. "For God's sake, will you tell me the truth ? Was it someone you loved? Or just a casual affair? I want to know the answer!" Nikki begged Kevin to forget all this but he couldn't. "Don't you know how much I wanted our marriage to work? For the sake of the child — a baby I had learned to accept and was prepared to love? I clung to the hope that the child we were going to share would bring us closer. Now you've taken that hope from me — ripped it away. Do you have any idea what you're doing to me ? » When Kevin accused Nikki of not knowing who the baby’s father was, she exploded and shouted: "What kind of woman do you think I am?! Of course I know the baby's father! It's Victor!" The news hitting him like a bomb, Kevin turned white. Nikki immediately wished she hadn't said what she did. She confessed that Victor didn't know he was the baby's father. "I lied to him, too. I lied to you both. Now are you satisfied? You know the truth, Kevin. You can't deny me a divorce now, can you?" Feeling enormous pain and hurt, Kevin said he had got to get out of there, and slammed out the door. Nikki broke down, sobbing.

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To those who've furnished "the vault" with 1982 clips, thanks so much!


It's easy to see what a haphazard mess the show was in the very early 1980s, when an entire family could be swept off the canvas in one episode.  ("Mom, Dad, I'm moving to New York.  Won't you go with me?  I just remembered that I have a gigantic apartment with maids and butlers there!  I've asked April to go with us!  We can finally be a REAL FAMILY!  Oh by the way, we're leaving in five minutes!")  Sometimes if you missed an episode, you didn't know what on earth had happened to various characters.  Sometimes even if you DID watch all the episodes (I did), you'd still start wondering, "Hey, whatever happened to Greg Foster and Peggy Brooks?  Weren't the two of them in the middle of a storyline?  Haven't seen 'em in weeks!"  


But Bill Bell's writing could be so POIGNANT when he pulled out all the stops.  I watched Jerry Cashman's death scene last night.  I remember watching it when it originally aired, and I had no idea John Gibson was being written out.  I was completely surprised by Cash's demise.   After the scene ended, I sat there crying my eyes out --- I was just a kid --- and I could recall later that the dialogue somehow compared a person entering Heaven with a performer walking out onto a new stage and not knowing what to expect.  Honestly, that scene still stands up 38 years later.    Cash's line, "When I can no longer hold a champagne glass, then I'm a dead man.  Ha, ha."  And then his champagne glass crashes to the floor.  Wow.  And Kay's glass drops as well.  (She's dying INSIDE).   Nikki comes in babbling with the chaplain, and Kay Chancellor shushes her and says, "He's making his Entrance right now.  Can you hear the music?  I do.  He's Headlining tonight.  He's finally becoming the Star he always wanted to be."  Goodness.  Soap writers don't give PERSONALIZED death scenes like that to characters anymore.   Those lines were specifically chosen for a character who'd always wanted to be a "star", but had instead lived in messiness and squalor.  Like Cash.  It was a great ending for his bizarre character.  When things went right for Bill Bell, they definitely went RIGHT.   And in my opinion, that was a scene which was just about perfect.       

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I wonder if Jaime Lynn Bauer had stayed on, if Bell would have made Lorie and Victor the super couple instead of Victor/Nikki ?  Bell loved Bauer and Braeden and it was probably excited he was pairing up his favorites onscreen. I wonder if Lucas had stayed if he could have been paired up with Nikki  as they both pined for their true loves ? A Lucas/Julia pairing would have been good too. 

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I think so, too.  Didn't he say something to Lorie along the lines of, "Next time I see you, Lorie, I hope Big Brother is standing right there beside you."  

I don't remember seeing Lucas at all after that.  


About a year ago, several of us on here had a LIVELY conversation about who in the hell ended up with young Brooks.   They'd all fought over him like cats & dawgs for YEARS, culminating in the famous boat scene, and it appears they all left town without him.


Lance basically said, "I'm leaving town since I've lost Prentiss Industries.  I'm leaving in five minutes!  Bye!"

Then Lorie said, "I'm going to look for Lance with these proxies.  I'm leaving in five minutes!  Bye!"

Then Lucas vanished.

A few months later, Leslie said, "I'm leaving town on a never-ending concert tour!  Oh, and I'm leaving in five minutes!  Bye!"  


Presumably Brooks was still around, unseen, and left with Leslie, but none of that was made very clear in Bill Bell's haste to usher them all out the door.    

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Because after all the recasts and reconfigurations, the two main "draws" remaining from the original core families were Jaime Lyn Bauer as Lorie Brooks and David Hasselhoff as Snapper Foster.  

Hasselhoff opted out during the spring of 1982, and then Bauer opted out during the summer of 1982.  It was just all over for them after that.  

The rest of them were only peripheral characters, and he had three new stories that he wanted to tell:  the saga of the Abbotts, the triangle of Victor, Nikki, & Kevin, and the tale of young detectives Paul Williams and Andy Richards versus the "syndicate".   He tried to keep Chris Brooks Foster around for a little while (didn't work), and he tried to keep Leslie Brooks around for a short while (didn't work), so he wisely just gave them all the heave-ho.  

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Yes that sounded like Lucas last scene, i thought maybe he had 1 more scene after but it seems like he vanished after Lorie did, they should have still had a send off for him since he was a leading man at one time.

When i heard how Chris Brooks stayed until September and then she realized she wanted to be with snapper that was odd, we all thought she was going into a new storyline with the habit cosmetics and all of a sudden she was dropped.


Does anyone know if Chris Brooks got a send off and who her last scenes were with?

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This was also reflected in the ratings, although I think the huge rise of ABC at that time played a big part as well. If weekly ratings for the early 1980s were easy to find we'd get a clearer picture.


Y&R early 1980s annual ratings (I posted these earlier in the thread but reposting to save digging)

1979/1980: 8.8 (3rd). February 4, 1980 expand to 1 hour and time slot change from noon ET to 1 pm ET. The top 2 daytime dramas were General Hospital and All My Children.

1980/1981: 7.8 (6th). June 8, 1981 time slot change from 1 pm ET to 12:30 pm ET. The top 5 daytime dramas were General Hospital, All My Children, One Life to Live, Guiding Light, As the World Turns.

1981/1982: 7.4 (tied with As the World Turns for 5th). March 1982 EP change from John Conboy to H. Wesley Kenney. The top 4 daytime dramas were General Hospital, All My Children, One Life to Live, Guiding Light.

1982/1983: 8.0 (4th). The top 3 daytime dramas were General Hospital, All My Children, One Life to Live.


1980-1982 saw the ratings drop during the transition but by 1983 the transition was pretty much completed, the ratings went back up, and Y&R became CBS's #1 daytime drama. As we all know, during the rest of the 1980s Y&R would topple the ABC big three one-by-one and eventually become the #1 daytime drama.



That's clearly the General Hospital action/adventure influence. I noticed H. Wesley Kenney's era had a good number of action/adventure elements.


We hold Y&R to a higher standard but even Bill Bell was not immune to the 1980s trends of Dallas/Dynasty influence, action/adventure, supercouples.


Edited by kalbir
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Yes, and by 1983, Y&R was also back in a position to win the Emmy for best show, which hadn't happened since 1975, as the "new improved show" was fully developed and finally realized after three years of wandering aimlessly in the desert (1980-1982).  

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It may have been wandering, but things developed at a fast pace, which I liked and was refreshing to see, rather than just plod along for years as some of the stories before and after that time frame have.  Between 1979 and 1983 would include some of my favorite stories, with Suzanne Lynch, Derek Thurston, creepy Edward, Vanessa, Michael Scott in Victor's basement, Pete Walker and the mob, Rick Daros, Lorie getting back Prentiss Industries, the family transitions, Patti shooting Jack, Tony DiSalvo, Nikki's baby drama, Eve Howard poisoning Victor, the list goes on.

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Oh, no doubt.   It was a strange & interesting time period for the show.  And it definitely had its high points.   A lot of the dialogue was witty and clever, and several of the stories were completely engaging.   I looked forward to it daily, just for the unpredictability of it.  

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In the September synopses, she kind of had. She said Jack she wanted to be released of her Jabot contract and she left for London. They said their goodbyes. I wonder why Chris was kept from April to September with absolutely nothing to do (except Lorie asking her to be maid of honor at her wedding with Victor, she was never mentioned).

And what about Greg ? Last scene in March ? No mention since he tried seducing Chris during the Snapper/Sally mess. We saw him in one or two of the earliest 1982 clips in the vault.

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