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September 30, 1992! :) It's def the follow up episode from 9/29/92 cause you see more of the Ryan/Nina confrontation after she found out he's been married to Victoria while dating her and more of Olivia with her family fighting for her life. This person just uploads the different scenes for each storyline in 1 episode instead of uploading the actual episode in sequence.

I still have some of those clips on my old computer....at least the one from december 1990 (btw I think it's actually 12/18/90 which is the actual date.)

unfortunately it's hard to see stuff on my old computer because the screen is now messed up so if i tried to transfer stuff with a flashdrive I would'nt be able to see it that well. :(

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Thanks for the date. So you mean the clips titled "Olivia in the hospital" are not all from the same episode? I thought they were creating episode titles like you and SOS do. From comments I had three different dates which I thought were three different episodes from 1992. That is such a bummer about your computer! Can you anything at all? What if you copied an entire folder on a flash drive and then browsed it on another computer?

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After watching that fabulous episode I mentioned earlier, i decided to go back to YRfan's reposts and start from the beginning. Lots of juicy stuff! Since I started in the late 90s this is mostly new to me. I had no idea that Dru wasn't interested in Neil and was trying to get with Nathan. It's also interesting to see just how good Victoria Rowell is. It's obvious why Dru became as popular as she was. The structure of the show is also fantastic. People in retrospect have said that Dru/Neil/Malcolm/Liv were isolated, but I don't think that is true at all. Of course they weren't allowed interracial pairings, but that is not Bill Bell's fault. These characters (plus Mamie, who is wonderfully used) were all over the canvas and didn't feel like after-thoughts. I don't think Tonya Lee Williams gets enough credit for how good she is as well. She is truly one of Y&R's best leading ladies.

I look forward to watching more of this so I can see how it all unfolds! I also must say that Brenda Epperson is the best Ashley. I don't wanna hear it. I like Eileen as Kristen, but besides her stint on B&B, her Ashley has mostly been a bore.

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hey guys, Just posting the links of what I have uploaded from February 93 so far on dailymotion.....these are all re-uploads, and I wanted to make sure you saw them!









2/8/93 (There is a cable outage that cuts out about 10 or so minutes of the episode.)


well let you guys no when more will be ready! :)

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Not that I know of. Are those minisodes still available? I know they had Victoria and Cole stuff on there too.

Here is where YRFan23 left off... Chris B I think you'll like these scenes with Neil & Dru's from Feb 11!

Feb 9, 1993

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Feb 11, 1993

Edited by BoldRestless
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There are about six different Y&R minisodes. The preniere. Katherine and Phillip in the 70s. Snapper saying goodbye to Chuckie. Cole and Victoria. Tricia taking Victoria's place. Christine and Danny marrying. I thought it was just a few! I wish they would add more 70s/80s!

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Michael killed but didn't kill Rebecca just like Sheila killed but didn't killed her shrink just like Phyllis killed but didn't kill Sasha. happy.png Ambiguous murder became a favorite tactic for the Bells in the 90s.

Poor Nikki sad.png

Heh loved the scenes of Lauren thinking it was Traci sending her the puzzle pieces.

Interesting to see the beginning of Paul and Christine and the beginning of the end of Danny and Christine. Late appearance of Carol! Does anyone have episodes of Michael's infamous tunnel and living in the closet?

Edited by soapfan770
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I have the start of the story but unfortunately not the actual episodes that show him attacking Cricket then Paul saving her.....will post those soon! :)

It still amazes me how Michael was able to turn his life around after all this and especially "killing" a woman......I know it took years for Michael to be accepted into regular G.C society but he is just so vicious here. Rebecca was brave to try to stand up to him but of course she didn't stand a chance.....I loved the outdoor woods area they show when the couple finds Rebecca.....very horror film centric.

You know, A missed opportunity I think could have happen is making Carmine turn out to be Rebecca's son. It would def make sense, him coming to town after learning it was Michael who was responsible for her death then what better way then to get back at him buy hurting his family starting with the affair with Lauren.....I think he would still be the right age and Rebecca's motivation for wanting all that money would have been a little more deeper since obviously it was really cause she wanted to support herself with her son that she didn't tell Michael about.

I still wonder what it would be like to see Traci and Sheila interact if they even did? if you watched the 2/1/93 show I posted it still puzzles me how they actually have Ashley talk about Sheila to Traci like she knew her a little better then we thought.....

Carol is on an episode of May 93, I will post soon....I think that was one of her last appearances....too bad they just wrote her off.

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It may not have been shown onscreen but IMO there's nothing ambiguous about Michael murdering Rebecca. I think it was better that way, because it was super violent and didn't need to be shown. It also made for a big shock when a body was found by two random characters walking in the park, but they confirmed it was Michael right away instead of making it a "mystery." (Y&R's murder mysteries were never that great, even Bill Bell's IMO). I watched it with my mom as a kid and remember both of us being so shocked. And then Michael's phone call to the hospital shows what a sociopath he is, that he could feign empathy like that while being giddy inside. Such great acting from CLB. If he had been a "name" actor/character by then he wou;d've had his first Emmy.

It's kind of funny that Scott is going on about what kind of psycho would do that, and to think today that psycho is married to Scott's then-wife!

To Y&R's credit I do appreciate the fact that they actually sent him to jail offscreen and had him rebuild his life. He never was punished for Rebecca's death but that's realistic, a lot of crimes go unsolved, and if he had been found he would've probably gotten life and could never have returned to the show.

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Heh, I do remember seeing not too long ago Ashley talking about Sheila and it was pretty was weird considering how isolated the story was. Same goes for when Sheila was calling Christine and Danny over for dinner because of the so little interaction.

In a perfect Bell world both Kevin and Adam should have gotten the Michael Baldwin treatment but unfortunately they did not. Even for Michael it took at least seven to eight years before his credibility was finally established, the utterly ridiculous engagement to Christine aside.

BTW BoldRestless, you're not the first I've heard about Bell's mysteries being lackluster. I believe we saw that with the George Rawlins murder, the Who Shot Victor mystery(should have been written differently IMO), and Faren's background.

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