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I think ( and this is just my opinion until Deedeee can answer this question) that Jack started his weeping period after Nikki miscarried the first baby.

It's really interesting watching him try to act like Terry. I wonder how Jack's stories in the early 90's would have been written if Terry never left. For one thing i don't think Victor would be as unstoppable as he has been for nearly all of Bergman's run.

I think we all would have gotten the Victor/Jack brawl we wanted to see, since Braeden and Lester were drama free to each other.

Edited by yr9190
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John seemed to have so little airtime in 1998 and then the character went to New York with Billy.

Was he written out permanently and then they changed their minds and brought him back, or was it done for storyline purposes (the Newman takeover and the SORASing of Billy down the road)?

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He was written out what seemed like permanently, according to the soap press at the time, although they probably would have brought him back for visits, like Traci. Then, I guess because of aging Billy, he came back permanently.

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There was an almost scuffle between Lester's Jack and Victor. Victor had just watched Nikki's goodbye video when she was dying and Jack came over to tell Victor to keep away from Ashley or something. Victor got pretty angry and they almost went for it. I have to admit Lester seemed intimidated, as many actors do when in those scenes with Braeden. Just remember too, it was Lester's Jack that lost Jabot to Victor, so not sure he would have won many battles even if he stayed. Plus Lester was coasting in his last year, seemed very bored or restless and unhappy.

I honestly didn't see a big shift with Jack initially, until after the Nikki marriage, and even that may have softened Lester's Jack, though I think the loveable bastard Lester did so well would have stayed. Bergman didn't seem to have as much fun, even when he was having fun.

I don't know that the stories would have been that much different, maybe just played out slightly different. I think I would have liked the Luan/Keemo story with Lester more for some reason. I have just never been able to shake the weasel from Bergman, Lester was just more loveable and fun. Every time I call Lester's Jack a rat and some other colourful words, I always do it with a smile on my face.

I see Vanessa, Casey and Nikki, is the other one April? Nice find.

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Not sure if this has been shown. An article about Y&R just before it premiered. Interesting, have we discussed Mary Grover as Leslie Brooks, if not does anyone know what the deal was and why she was replaced?


Edited by will81
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