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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I was invested in what was happening the moment it happened  but thought a lot was filler to glorify and sell Negan.  The bus sequence, the bit with Carl, Negan's love of his own voice.. I was thinking "we get the point, can you show me Carol now?".   He needs more interesting dialogue if he wants to be a character that apparently gets paid by the word.  Nobody else had dislogue for the entire hour!

Also, the cliffhanger was needless.  

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I think the problem the show faces is they have to somehow make the conflicts these people face even bigger than the last one. I don't think that is necessary, just different. So you had the Governor(a more complex and interesting villain in a weak story IMO) who was clearly sociopathic and now you have to top that by getting someone outright crazy. That's what I believe the show feels it needs to do. Not me. But I am not one who thinks the blood and gore is all required. Unpopular but my favorite season is still the one they spent on the farm.


Frankly while I know people loved Glenn and Maggie, I'm glad he's gone. They gave him more than 9 lives to the point it had gotten ridiculous. I'll miss the character but IMO it was time. Abraham gone - zero impact.

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Yeah, that was too much for me.  I don't watch the show for gore either and I'm not a fan of torture porn.   I hated Denny on Grey's Anatomy and I already hate JDM's character on this show.  Denny almost destroyed Grey's for me and I could see Negan doing the same thing.  With Glenn being killed off, what was the point of last season's "Is he really dead?"  It's just seems so stupid now.    The show is just so repetitive with its "Big Villain of the year" and there's just no end in sight.  I really hope the 8th season will be its last. 

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"Suck   my   Nuts"  Abraham did little for me as a character over his time on the show---except for his one-liners. Even as he was clearly about to die, he delivered. 


I honestly believed Eugene would go, as he had just stepped up and became a little heroic--usually the sure fire way to be killed in the zombie apocalypse.


I actually thought that was Glenn hanging from the bridge at first...had to rewind.


Glenn's death because Darryl punched Negan will lead to a lot of angsty story, don't know if I want to sit through Darryl feeling guilty, thought we had enough of that with Beth

Sasha/Rosita/Eugene taking Abraham  and the ladies making 'Peace' was a nice scene.


I have no use for JDM as the 'big bad' of the season.  @Toups ITA about Denny on Grey's.  I did like him on The Good Wife, though.


Onward to the Kingdom and Khary Payton---who appeared so briefly on GH as the pediatrician Terrell Jackson that they brought on and never used....Looking damn fine           vvvvvvvvvv

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Looking forward to light, fun scenes of Carol/Morgan coming up.


Last night's Talking Dead with most of the cast and the men in charge was enjoyable (I wish I could have been in that audience, who really seemed to be thrilled to be there.  I especially thought the respect they gave to the fan that passed away. This is one show that truly loves their fans.

Danai and Lauren were looking gorgeous. I thought the Memorial to Glenn (and even Abraham ) on TD were very well done-Glenn's really showed his growth from season 1-6.



 All in all I didn't need so much gore, but I liked Prick knocked down. I can't wait for them to pick up and save themselves.

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This villain in particular needs some work in the writing dept.   He just showed up and the producers devoted two episodes in a row to him, this last one entirely him.   So for those of us who didn't read the comics and don't get excited at the mere mention of the name Negan, what is there to watch?   Last night he was the entire show, literally.   It was like a one man show.  The dialogue wasn't even all that interesting to be honest.  Also, when Rick handed him the ax why not just put it right in his head and drive back with machine guns blazing?  

The more I think about it the more I come to the conclusion that this episode was one of the worst yet.  It had 5 minutes where it was assaulting you with misery, and then an hour of stalling and speeches.   I have a feeling the reviews will be bad to mixed about this episode, and that before long people will find week after week of Negan tedious.

Edited by quartermainefan
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The ratings were really good with around 17 million viewers.



Like some other people in the thread I'd like the show to come up with some kind of end game, even if it takes them a few years to get there. At this rate I don't think AMC has any reason to do that though. I imagine keeping production costs down isn't that hard when the cast changes so much.

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I am waist-deep in two big work deadlines and I still haven't had the stomach or morale to sit through last week's episode, but hey, at least Steven Yeun already has a new job*:


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(* - Steven Yeun can also be heard on Netflix's new Voltron animated series.)

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Ezekiel is a good addition to the show.   There is rarely nice people introduced so he is a welcome addition especially since the show is down some good guys.  Some things you just have to accept, like his insta-attraction to Carol, and how it is Alexandria never met any of these new settlements before Rick and the gang came along,  but I am willing to look the other way through a plot hole or two.  Alexandria went all this time without so much as giving Negan a grape but everyone else has been offering up their weekly harvest apparently.   Another thing is when these groups started forming how did Negan get even a single recruit if Ezekiel and Alexandria were right up the road offering a much better deal with no potential for baseball bats to the head.


Carol has to get over this silly contrived head trip she has.   It still is from out of nowhere, and she is needed to save the day back home.   Also, Morgan said he was there two days and she seems to have convalesced a few days more, you would think this town would have lent him a horse to go tell his own settlement Carol was safe and sound and they had new friends.

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Finally watched the premiere. Considerably tamer than I expected, but still ugly. Scott Gimple is a very talented showrunner IMO, but his yen for writing in weird montage was at its worst here - the endless jump-cuts of each character in Rick's mind, with little quick flashes, the shots of them being hypothetically battered, then the lame fantasy sequence. All super-cheesy stuff he usually doesn't go for. Between that and the torture tease it was easily TWD's weakest season opener ever. After a certain point the show's bag of tricks to prolong stuff - focus on a single task while flashing back and forth - gets old, especially when they're not trying to innovate in the ways they often do and the only thing they're putting off is a tired gorefest like the Negan double-kill promised to be. (It was gory, but not nearly as much as I'd expected.)


It can only go up from here, and I say that as someone who thinks the Season 6 finale was deeply underrated. That premiere was balls, and I blame the overwhelming pressure over Negan and Lucille from the fanboy audience/Kirkman/geek media. I think if they get back to doing their own thing their way - and Jeffrey Dean Morgan can be a part of that, so long as Negan is not invulnerable forever - they will be alright. But I can't really argue with any claim that the show devolved into misery/torture porn in that premiere. That's a claim often unfairly leveled at the show IMO whereas the comic absolutely is misery porn, but in that premiere it was at its worst. Utterly botched on every level, except the great performances and the wonderful final scene with the survivors struggling to pick up the pieces and help Maggie and Sasha (also really lovely: the moment they gave Sasha and Rosita).


And before Carl gets to it: Yes, the Negan/Rick interplay near the end got vaguely sadomasochistic.

Edited by Vee
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^ I'm with you in rarely thinking this show is torture porn. The only other time that it seemed that way was when three people were bled out at Terminus with Glen, Rick and Bob next on the block. Also, I only felt that way when I watched that episode the second time. What bothered me more than the actual gore was watching all these terrified people down on their knees crying waiting to be bashed over the head or see it happen to someone they loved. Part of it is having watched these people for years.


I actually muted the TV and stopped watching after Michonne tried to intercede for Carl.  I just couldn't watch Rick cut Carl's hand off, so it took me a few mins to realize that didn't happen. I was glad Maggie wants revenge.

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