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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I like what they do with Carol. They were going in an odd direction with her right after Sophia died but she did refocus in the months before season 3's premiere. She seems to be so clear and strong, and she doesn't let her emotions or a nostalgic view of a "good" world get in her way. I absolutely loved the scene where she asked Carl not to tell Rick that she was teaching the kids how to use knives. She knows that world is gone, even if Rick can't bring himself to face it.

Has anyone wondered if there is some plague, if the Governor will have a cure (or claim to have a cure)? I don't know why I feel that way - I haven't read anything. It just sounds like some way they might bring him back in.

Edited by DRW50
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It ticks me the hell off when people say this show is terrible and is only popular because of zombies. Say what you will about the writing or producing (although I don't think it's ever as bad as it's made out to be) but this show has the finest cast on TV. Why do they never get any credit? I don't expect the sneering elite websites like AV Club to ever say as much, but it just feels like nobody acknowledges the cast.

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I don't know about that, most of the time I find Andrew Lincoln laughably bad. And the girl who plays Beth is not very good at all. And when Andrea was still alive I found the actress so incredibly off-putting that I hated the character even when she was the only one making any sense.

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I think Andrew Lincoln's great (Rick is an almost unplayable character, to me, and I imagine that's tough to work with, but he sells it for me). I don't think Laurie Holden ever fit Andrea, although I liked her at times. Emily Kinney has her limits, I agree. There are other people, like David Morrissey (the Governor), who I know are great, from their other work, but just don't work well with the writing or character.

I can point out a few people in the cast who can't act, but the idea is often that no one cares about the characters, they just want to see zombies. I don't think that's true. I think the show for the most part has a wonderful cast who give strong performances, and they do so even when they are just a minor part of a scene. The characters are why I watch, not the zombies.

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Well, the football game was adjusted up 8.4 so it beat TWD, but damn TWD did outstanding.

I actually find Carol's growth slightly unbelievable. A battered woman who loses her child is exactly the type of person I would think would crumble under these circumstances. However, I like how far she has come.

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I doubt it is a plague with a cure. The bleeding eyes of Patrick and the walker Rick was looking at suggests a form of hemorrhagic fever, maybe ebola. Originally, i had not made the connection to the pig dying, but these viruses are contracted from animals. It could be the pig but I would think that the rats are more likely the vector. Regardless, there is no cure or definite treatment. It will make its way through the group. I would think that the elderly, children and those with compromised immune systems will the first to become infected and die. They need to be careful about their sanitation and the animals that they consume.

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