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Does anyone even really care at this point?  For all I know she's living her best life with Jane or is just straight and single.  She's 75 years old.  The rumors have been around for years as well as her nude pics which I. CANNOT. EVEN. LOOK.  AT.  Despite her willingness to make epic TV movies about her life I think there is a lot we don't know.  And I don't really care.  It's fun to make jokes and stuff, but there are also a ton of rumors she was with Drake for years as well.  From her late in life flannels and jackets I might assume she's a lesbian, but she's been with a ton of men so maybe she's just into the cabin fashion vibe?  At the end of the day Dee is still a legend..

Edited by carolineg
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I'd always assumed Seven Brides was a period show, so watching that intro and seeing the  Jeep come into view was a surprise.

Drake landing Days was the best move for him, as the rest of that cast must have been abducted by aliens  (apart from RDA and River).

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Actually, @Franko (and @carolineg), I was thinking Edmund Grey.  Like I said elsewhere, Drake and Susan Lucci shared amazing chemistry when they co-hosted the Daytime Emmys, but I think he would've been great with Julia Barr (ex-Brooke English), too.  Heck, depending on the timelines, because it's all like a blur to me now, they could have even paired Drake (again) with Genie Francis' Ceara, who I felt was in a dead-end relationship with Jean Le Clerc's Jeremy.


The TV series adaptation of "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" was an adaptation in name only.  Otherwise, it might as well have been an entirely different entity.

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I am trying to picture Drake as Edmund and could almost get it.  I don't know if he's as dashing as the late John Callahan though.  He projects a little more high class than Drake IMO.  I believe Ceara was gone or on Loving at this point. 

Listen, Dee Hall could openly proclaim she's a lesbian tomorrow and my first question would be when is this sh*tty devil story ending...?  ETA I would also profess my undying love for her work of course as well..

Yeah, I am not getting the vibe Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was much more than hot guys on a horse lol.

Edited by carolineg
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The only thing I would be interested in Sonny talking about these days is his undying love for Brenda.  Since that's not going to happen I will just let it all play out.  I genuinely don't give a [!@#$%^&*] about Nina or Nixon Falls, but that's for another thread lol.

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