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Child actor Flip Mark, who played Julie's brother, Steve Olson, on two episodes of "Days" during its first month on the air in November 1965 left show business when he became an adult. He went on to have careers as both a travel agent and flight attendant. Nowadays, he lives in Arizona and works as a 911 operator. In a recent interview he stated: "It's fascinating and hugely rewarding to help people. It may not be as glamorous as acting but it's tremendously satisfying.” Pictured above are photos of Flip from his time on "Days", and as he looks today.
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Transcript of Yahoo! Chat with Days of our Lives' Lauren Koslow December 18, 2000

Lauren: Hi everyone, I'm really excited to have this opportunity to talk to you all!

mattes511 asks: Lauren, it was great getting in Soap Opera Digest with you at your fan gathering! Will you be having another one this year?

Lauren: Hi, how are you? I'm so glad you enjoyed the fan get-together. We're talking about the next one right now and we want to do something that would be really fun. If you have any ideas let me know!

mattes511 asks: Is it difficult to do fight scenes, like with Bryan Dattilo or Arianne Zuker?

Lauren: We love the fight scenes. We live for the fight scenes! Sometimes they bring in a stunt coordinator. There was the one I did with Louise Sorel (Vivian), that was something. Some of it was us and some were stunt doubles. The one with Bryan Dattilo where he tried to strangle me we were both going for it. They were yelling cut and I didn't hear them and the producers were very worried. It's great when Lucas gets to express his anger. The way Nicole has pushed him around has got to stop.

tomdebg asks: You were so glamorous at fanfest, what do you wear in your down time?

Lauren: I was glamorous! Thank you! Normally, I'm very eclectic. One day I'm in jeans and a tank top. I love long skirts and I like trouser suits sometimes. I really kind of vary my dress. I like to play with clothes because of my background as a clothing designer.

katedimera asks: Where has Kate's spunk gone now when she needs it most? I still love her to death, but taking verbal slaps from Victor, cowering at the sight of Sami, allowing Nicole to be considered a worthy opponent? She fought her way off a fishing boat and held her own with Vivian Alamain! Why is she letting all of this happen to her?

Lauren: Hi Kate, I love you! I agree absolutely with everything you say. It's a very difficult time for Kate. Nicole is not a formidable enemy at all. She really doesn't care about Nicole. She's seen numerous girls like Nicole on her way up. Kate knows what Nicole is doing. I think the love is over. The whole thing with Nicolas she gave up for loyalty to Victor. Ultimately, that's going to be his biggest betrayal. Cower before Sami? Never! You are going to see her actions are going to get stronger and stronger and stronger. Some amazing stuff is coming up. Don't worry! Kate will always survive. She is going to go through some bad things, but she is a fighter. Kate's been pulled in so many different directions. The whole thing with Lucas, and with Will. She had planned out what she was going to do with Sami, but the whole Lucas thing threw a kink in her plans.

cinnamondlo asks: I've heard that you recently did a poster. How can we purchase it?

Lauren: E-mail me for more details, [email protected].

Haythough17 asks: Do you enjoy playing the mean part?

Lauren: Well, I don't see it as a mean part. I think a character like Kate is fun to play. She is strong and she is a survivor. You never know what she is going to do. I don't think she is mean. She will do whatever it takes to accomplish what needs to be done. Somethings you have to be cruel to be kind.

kailey_kailey69 asks: Lauren, in your opinion, do you think that Kate and Lucas will ever get caught for the murder of Franko?

Lauren: Kate is a cat. She always lands on her feet.

mattes511 asks: Lauren, do you miss working with Victor Webster? I miss the Nicholas/Kate storyline very much!

Lauren: Yes. I think it was a very interesting storyline. We saw another whole side of Kate. It certainly showed Kate's more vulnerable side. It was the first time we had seen her vulnerable.

katedimera asks: If you had to name the most important ingredient of human beauty, what would you say it is?

Lauren: Kindness.

cinnamondlo asks: Do you have an official website or email address?

Lauren: Well my email is [email protected]. I don't have a web site just yet but we're still working on getting mine going. Kate Dimera has a fabulous website.

kozrocks asks: Lauren, is your husband still planning on coming out with his makeup line and where can we get it?

Lauren: It's going to be there but please be patient. It's a complete line and it's going to be out in the spring. I just used it today for a photo shoot.

stevec67901 asks: Lauren, do you pick out your own wardrobe for the show?

Lauren: Wardrobe fittings are so much fun! You get into this room with all these clothes. It's wonderful. We'll have fun conversations about what Kate is feeling like. Once I said, Kate's having a Black Widow Day! We do have great fun with the wardrobe. Kate has great clothes. We do make a point of Kate always looking perfect 'cause she's a person who wants everything to be perfect, when of course it's not.

mifisher2000 asks: Lauren, I think Kate really needs a great love interest! Why has it taken so long and when can we expect one for her? (The last two just aren't cutting it).

Lauren: I think you are absolutely right! Kate needs a good man! I think everyone would love to see it. You do have to find the right chemistry. It does have to be the right man. It will happen. We'll all be so excited when it finally happens.

bromale69 asks: Hi Lauren, have you been in any movies?

Lauren: Well, there is one with Rick Springfield, called Hard to Hold where I played the girlfriend of the drummer. I did some work out of the country, in Italy. It was great, just like a paid vacation!

boogerbarbiedolly1 asks: Is it true that your on-screen daughter, Billie will be returning in the not so distant future?

Lauren: I know that rumors are floating around. I don't think that's true. I think it's just a rumor.

janeln78 asks: Who are some of your favorite actors/actresses?

Lauren: How many times did I see Gladiator? I do think Russell Crowe is a great actor. I like Kevin Spacey, Annette Benning, Meryl Streep and Sigourney Weaver. I love Sigourney's whole approach to acting. There's so many actors I admire. For instance, Michael Caine, Jeremy Irons and Robert DeNiro.

ladydi_1960 asks: With Victor going for Nicole do you have your eyes set on Brandon?

Lauren: It's interesting that you should say that. We've always thought that could happen. See, that's the thing; there's only so many men in Salem.

hootergirl4life asks: Ms. Koslow, you are a great actress. I am interested in acting too. Did you go to an acting school, or did your talent come naturally?

Lauren: Well, I went to college and I studied theater, but I majored in Costume Design. I would highly recommend going to school to study. I'm actually going back to class in January. It's an ongoing process. You're always observing. That's what an actor does. I also believe in a formal education. My college experience was wonderful, I really recommend that.

blondiecenter_15 asks: What was your favorite episode?

Lauren: I enjoyed the episodes with Sami's comeuppance. I remember the showdown where I revealed what Sami was up to. That was good. I've had a lot of episodes that I've really enjoyed. I really like the one with John Aniston where where I smashed the dishes. I really liked that. It was the essence of what she was feeling. She was really letting her true feelings come out.

hootergirl4life asks: Is there any weird story lines you would like to see done with your character and another character that no one would expect?

Lauren: See that's why I'm an actress and not a writer becuase I don't know. I'd like to be a twin!

sassy_redhead_0912 asks: You are so young looking, how do you stay looking so young?

Lauren: Oh thank you so much. I love you sassy redhead! I don't know. I don't think there are any secrets. Stay out of the sun and use sunscreen to protect your skin. I try to excercise and eat right. I'm on the Blood Type Diet and it's really worked for me. I thought I was type O, but then it turns out I'm type A! It was a disaster but now it's all ok. It's pretty much a vegitarian diet. Eat Right for Your Type is the name of the book.

my_sensual_mind asks: What music do you like listening to? Who are your favorite current artists?

Lauren: I hate to admit this but I have the soundtrack to Gladiator. The music is really good. It's really wonderful. Janet Jackson is great. Alanis Morissette's last one. I still put Jagged Little Pill in too. I'm big on soundtracks, like the Almost Famous soundtrack.

boogerbarbiedolly1 asks: You made a CD?

Lauren: Yes I did. When I was on promotional public appearances in Egypt. I have a friend who helped me put together a CD and I did sing. I'm thinking of putting it out. I sing Rock and Roll. It's really pretty funny, I'm there in my black fringe leather. It was kind of a fantasy thing.

steviebond2 asks: What school do you recommend for studying acting?

Lauren: Well, it's hard to say. It depends on the person's situation. If you are in high school, talk to your counselor. There are some great schools across the country, like Juliard. I would steer away from 'how to audition' type classes. But do take dance classes and train your body. Certainly do theater. I just think it's very important to understand the tradition of theater. Do the classics!

tomdebg asks: Do you have your Christmas shopping done?

Lauren: It's terrible because I haven't even started. I'm busy writing out Christmas cards for the fan club.

mattes511 asks: Lauren, do you watch much television? What are your favorite shows?

Lauren: No, I don't watch that much. I really enjoy The Sopranos and Sex and the City. I watch a lot of movie channels.

ja_38b6 asks: Kate when is Lucas going to grow up and act like a man? He seems to hide behind you a lot.

Lauren: That sounds like Kate talking. Sooner than you think.

delissina asks: What do you want for Christmas?

Lauren: I already have my Christmas present, my mom and dad are out visiting us. That was the best Christmas present I could get this year. It's really been great for my family to be together.

cinnamondlo asks: How can we find out about your fan club?

Lauren: The adress: to Debbie O'Conner... If you drop her the note, she'll send you the application and fill you in on all the goodies.

katie338 asks: How many days a week do you usually work?

Lauren: I probably average 3 days a week. Sometimes it's one day sometimes it's five days. I get up around 5 am and I get to work around 7. I get my hair done and I do my makeup. At 8 we go over blocking and then we go back and we get ready. We tape out of sequence so I may be up at 9 and out at 12, or sometimes I come in later in the day to start that same process.

mae_2000ca asks: How do you think Phillip will react when he learns how you really are?

Lauren: Now that thought terrifies Kate. Losing her children, that's really the biggest fear she has. I think unfortunately for Kate right now that she feels fairly secure with Phillip and that could be a problem for Kate. But Phillip doens't know the other side and since he's so young, he might not understand. Lucas knows all about her though and that's why they're so close. They've been through a lot. I think it could be the most difficult with Austin and Phillip.

cutebrunettegirl asks: What kind of exercise do you like to do?

Lauren: Well, I don't like to do any excercise. Thankfully I really love to horseback ride. I have a horse that is in training right now. I do enjoy stretching and I would like to start doing yoga one day.

cactusbrain2000 asks: I hear you give to lots of charities, what are your favorite charities?

Lauren: This is a hard one to answer. I am getting involved with some about race horses.

wolf_cub23 asks: Do you have any children, if so are any interested in acting?

Lauren: Yes I have two children, a 10 year old daughter and a 12 year old son. Neither of them have shown much interest. My son recently took a drama class and when he was 6 months old he was my son on Bold and the Beautiful! So we might have a budding actor in the family.

ugk_cc asks: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Lauren: I plan on acting. I would love to do some work in independent films. Character acting where people would not even recognize me would really connect me more to my theater roots. I'm thinking of getting behind the camera a bit. I'm really itching to try out directing myself.

sheik_mabooty asks: Hey, what would you rather be: a well paid actor in cruddy movies or a low paid actor in a popular soap?

Lauren: If you're a well paid actor does it have to be in a cruddy movie? I would have loved to have been in American Beauty in the company of actors and a director like that in a role that stretches you.

katedimera asks: Here's one I'm totally lost on. Why does Kate always insist that she's flat broke without Victor's money? The character was already successful prior to returning after the Bill Horton affair.

Lauren: Now Kate you're being too logical! I've said this myself; I find it very hard to believe that Kate is penniless. As an actress, I always have my own private thoughts and I think Kate's lying! Would she really let anyone know if she had a stash hidden away? I think her poverty really did mark her and I think security is really important to her. Nothing would ever be enough.

labidebones asks: How do you feel about the direction of your story line?

Lauren: I think the story is heading in a direction that's pretty exciting. Things that have been happening to Kate have been happening for a reason. She's being tested and there is a reason that it's all leading up to something. It'll be really challenging for me as an actress. We're going to see some other sides of Kate too. She's really going to struggle.

Mandy7872 asks: You hate Sami on the show. How do you and her portrayer Allison Sweeney get along in real life?

Lauren: Ali and I get along great. We have fun doing what we do and we love playing villans. We really enjoy it.

Lauren: I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday. I hope you all stay tuned because the upcoming storylines are really exciting. It's really going to rock. I have this poster and I hope you like it. We're going to have a series of them and I'm working on my correspondence! If someone's expecting a letter it's on the way. Also I want to thank Jan for the roses. I love you all. Thank you so much for your support. It's been a lot of fun.

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I was very late to the party with Lauren Koslow -- probably because I liked Deb Adair so much in the role. Lauren played Kate with more camp and I didn't like the extreme places the writers took her over the years. But she finally won me over. I think she's one of the bright spots on the current show.

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Transcript of Yahoo! Chat with Days of our Lives' Renee Jones (Lexie) and Joseph Mascolo (Stefano) January 18, 2001

Renee: Hi, it's Renee Jones, I'm happy to be here and I can't wait to talk to you.

Joseph: Hello, this is Joe, I play Stefano. Let's chat!

mamirault asks: Joseph, how does it feel to play such an evil villain on a popular soap opera? Also, has anyone ever given you a hard time in public because of your character?

Joseph: First, it feels wonderful to play this character. He's fun. Mainly, the audience loves him, and that's why I stay. I'm constantly asked about negative feedback. Only one time, the lady in the grocery line let me go ahead...

auntiejudy63 asks: Renee how do you feel about Lexie becoming a true Dimera?

Renee: I am so happy to be doing this because it gives me an opportunity to play emotions I've never played on the show before. It's fun. I'm happy to have this darker side come through.

cantuono asks: Joseph and Renee, who would you like to work with on DOOL that you haven't worked with yet

Joseph: I cross paths with almost everyone.

Renee: I'd like to work with Millicent (Lili).

mamirault asks: Did you always know growing up that this was what you wanted to do for the rest of your life or did you have another job/career in mind?

Renee: Actually, I was working as a receptionist at a radiological lab when I was "discovered," taken to Manhattan and started working, modeling and acting. I always admired the radiologist I worked for and thought I would want to take classes to become a radiologist.

cantuono asks: Stefano are you going to get a love story this year?

Joseph: You know, this is always one of the big questions. I wish the fans would bombard the show with this request. I think it really is time for him to have a woman that was totally devoted to him for the reasons she knows. In other words, sees him in that light as a lover instead of what he does outside. So when he's out there doing whatever he does and they confront his love interest about his being a bastard she can say, 'I don't know that part of him.' Some say Kate would be a good match. There is a definite connection with Stefano and Kate. Or with whomever. The fans should really write the producers. You see a part of Stefano with his family (for example with Lexie), which makes him such a full person.

sweet_barbiedoll00 asks: Renee is it fun playing with the baby on Days of our Lives?

Renee: This is the most well-mannered, most beautiful little baby you would ever want to see. She, actually 'they,' (my son is played by twin girls) are a joy and I'm going to hate giving them up. I've become pretty attached to those two.

marvanne2001 asks: Joseph: Do you know what Stefano has going on in that hole in Ireland? Can you give us any hints?

Joseph: To be perfectly honest I don't know what the bottom line is. Tom Langan, who by the way I think deserves a lot of kudos taking over the head writing thing and producing...

Renee: I agree!

Joseph: ...he and I talked about this but we never really went into specifics. It's a family thing that happened far back, but really I don't know how it will turn out.

kins_abc asks: Do you think Lexie will want to know about Abe and Faye? And what about Brandon?

Renee: People have come up to me with all kinds of speculation, mostly they are positive that Brandon is Abe's son. I don't know! I thought that Brandon and Lexie were going to have an affair, but that didn't happen. So I have no idea what's happening with Lexie and Brandon. I love working with Matt, though. He's a fantastic actor and a fantastic person.

mamirault asks: Who do you guys think is Chloe's father?

Joseph: Well, I don't know. There are some scenes right now that have Stefano crossing paths with Chloe. We did a scene the other day where Stefano is moved by Chloe's singing. Overall, I don't know. If Lexie has a blood sister, that would be powerful because they would have this kinship.

neve_goddess asks: Do either of you have any desire to become a writer for Days or any soap opera for that matter?

Renee: I have NONE. These writers have to come up with a show a day, and to know the intricate histories of all the characters--we have such a path. Lexie has evolved from a cop, then a doctor, then a stay-at-home mom. It would be so overwhelming to have to come up with a script a day.

Joseph: I love the input of ideas for the characters. I try as well. We, as actors, we get tense about the script to make it as real as possible. The writer's job is so hard. They are writing the equivalent of 100 movies a year. Renee and I are so involved in our characters, but they have to think of all the characters.

mamirault asks: What has been your favorite storyline of all time on Days?

Joseph: Everytime I get asked this question I pretty much answer it the same way; I've loved all my storylines. There was really only one time that I didn't really care for a particular storyline and it was tough. But that was only one time and Stefano gets into one thing after another and I've had a ball doing it.

Renee: Well for a long time one of my favorites was when I found out I was adopted and Celeste was my mom. I loved it and I loved working with Tanya. There was a connection that I really enjoyed there. But I must say that I am thoroughly enjoying the storyline I am in right now.

kins_abc asks: What has happened to Celeste? What would she think of the current situation of Stefano and Lexie?

Joseph: First of all, we personally miss her desperately. Tanya is a wonderful actress, she's a serious person about her work and a beautiful woman. I was personally shocked to see her go but she hasn't gone totally. She is still around, always the mother. I thought the mistake was made when they started putting her with other people and changed her attachment to Stefano, it would have been a great foil to know who Stefano is. I would love to see her come back. Stefano has essentially trained her for life, and she knows a lot from way back. She is an energy that we miss on the show.

sianne_1980 asks: Is that your real accent on Days, Joseph? And if not, then what kind of accent is it?

Joseph: No the accent is not real. Out in public, people realize I don't really talk like that. Originally, I said that the character should really have an accent. I remembered two movies where I thought the accent was so wonderful; Italian actor Rossano Brazzi in South Pacific and a movie he did with Katharine Hepburn called Summertime. They really inspired me. That's what I kind of hooked into and thought 'that's it!'

Renee: Joe, where are you from?

Joseph: Transylvania. No, I'm actually from Connecticut originally. Sometimes when we have visitors on the set they will ask me where I'm from, because of the accent. I'll say Connecticut, and they'll say 'No, before that,' and I'll say 'Connecticut!'

litup2night asks: Renee, how is it working with James Reynolds and do you think Abe will stand by you if he finds out what you know about Marlo's death?

Renee: I would love to see Abe first have conflict over it, but then ultimately stand by me. Abe is so honorable. He needs to be not so straightforward, I feel. When it comes to right or wrong, he will never do wrong, but love makes you do things you wouldn't normally do, so I would love to see Abe help Lexie.

Joseph: I think that would be good. Abe should cross swords with Stefano on a certain level. I always thought it was absolutely brilliant that Stefanoano's son-in-law is the chief of police. Because Stefano is so protective of this child it would be a great thing for the Abe character to have to fight that and become really quite human because he's going to come to love this child himself. There could be a lot of conflicting things that would make it dramatically interesting.

Renee: Very similar to what Lexie is going through now.

JennM_DOOLfan asks: Do you guys think showing the pictures and pieces of Marlo's decomposed body were in bad taste? Many fans were somewhat taken aback!

Joseph: I remember we were both disgusted on set. At one point, I asked "Do we have to show it? Do we have to be so obvious." Especially the head because it was so scary-ugly.

Renee: I felt nauseous. Still, as an actress, it did help me get to that place emotionally where I had contact with Marlo. Sometimes as an actor you have to react to something that is not there. To have the real thing there helps.

spotz25 asks: Who is the funniest cast member?

Joseph: I joke around with everybody.

Renee: Drake Hogestyn (John Black) always has jokes, and the younger ones do pranks, but I don't really get involved with that.

Joseph: Once or twice I put real booze in a glass where the fake stuff was supposed to be! People'd gag and I'd laugh like an idiot, but nothing like that these days. The other thing is, and probably most folks don't realize also, is the time element. We are doing an hour show a day and it isn't like the old days in Hollywood (which I truly wish we could have lived through) when they actually did pranks on each other. Probably the only guy who can do it now and get away with it is Mel Gibson. Now we just don't have that much time, and the time you have has to go into the performance. Still there is a lot of lightness. We are also very fortunate to have a GREAT crew. They make it a joy to come to work.

Renee: They have the jokes and the asides.

Joseph: Sometimes we insert some crazy stuff into the script, just for fun.

cutes36 asks: What is the most amazing thing Drake has ever done to make you laugh?

Renee: The other day, we were on the plane. You know how when you stand up in your seat a lot of people hit their head on the overhead. Well Drake stood up and hit his head, but then we realized he was just faking it to get sympathy.

bettyannmccoy asks: Joe and Renee what do you like most about DOOL and what kind of music do you like?

Joseph: My favorite is classical and opera. As I kid, I loved rock, and I even like some country. I don't really like what rap has become. I thought it was very interesting and poetic in the beginning but it has turned into something else. I love classical music of all kinds, not that everything that is classical is great. But it was something that happened to me in high school, a piece of an opera made me cry. I thought if this can make me cry, then I have to get closer to it.

Renee: Joe, you are an opera singer, aren't you?

Joseph: No, I was a concert clarinetist. I've sung in musicals but I played in the orchestra at the Met Opera long ago with some of the greatest singers in the world.

cheer_gurl34 asks: Renee, I want to be an actress when I grow up. Any tips?

Renee: First, get some training. Find some acting classes. See if it is something you really love doing. The only way to really keep your sanity in this business is to love it because you are going to get a lot of rejection. Next, find an agent, but first see if you have any talent in class or by auditioning for plays.

Joseph: I've talked to a lot of people about acting, and no one talks about how difficult, and how competitive this business is. Everything that Renee says is true. You live with the rejection. For every role I've played there are 5,000 actors up for the same role. It is one of the most difficult things to do on earth and succeed at but if you get in, it is a joyful thing to do.

Renee: If it is something you really want, just let the rejection make you stronger.

daysfan02 asks: Renee how does it feel being nominated for an NAACP Award, which by the way you definitely deserve.

Renee: Thank you. To be perfectly honest, I don't pay a lot of attention to awards. My goal is to be the best I can be as an actor. A lot of award shows are the luck of the draw, some are political. Unless all the actors are doing the same role, how can you pick a Best Actor? Nevertheless I feel honored that my work was honored by the NAACP.

Joseph: That's true. She deserves it. I agree about the game of awards. How can you choose between a comedy and a drama for the Oscar, etc.

countrybabe68 asks: Joseph, don't you get tired of kidnapping Marlena?

Joseph: I've said it publicly that the last thing I ever want to do as Stefano is kidnap Marlena. First of all he's a smart guy and if he is rejected time and time again he'd have to be an idiot not to understand she isn't interested. The wonderful thing about it from the beginning was that she was unattainable and that's why he kept going for her. But the kidnapping has become silly. A few years ago I said "please don't ever have me kidnap Marlena again."

JennM_DOOLfan asks: What do you think of Faye as a love interest for Stefano?

Joseph: You know Jenn, that has come up several times. Many have written to me with that suggestion.

bella_500 asks: Joe and/or Renee, what are you like in real life?

Joseph: Renee is a boxer!

Renee: No, but I used to do Tae Kwan Do. No I am trying to master the piano. When I'm working a lot, I don't really have a life outside the set. When I come home, I have to work on the script for the next day. I do go to the gym, but I love to read, and am learning Spanish.

Joseph: With a show like this, there is no time for "a life." Books are big with me.

Renee: Joe has a T-shirt that says, "So many books to read, so little time."

Joseph: Books, music, tennis. I am designing and building a house. And traveling.

luv24jmg asks: Joseph, do you have as much fun with Rolf and Bart as I have watching you?

Joseph: Oh yes. They are wonderful guys. They're both pros, really fun.

richbon1099 asks: Joseph, I was so glad when you returned to Days. After your departure things just weren't as interesting. What made you leave General Hospital and come back?

Joseph: I did do GH for awhile, with the same guy who created Stefano. Then I did Broadway for awhile. But eventually the audience really pulled me back, as it does every time. I really think the audience has kept Stefano alive.

Stefanoanofanus asks: Do the Days stars ever visit online chat boards?

Joseph: Only when you guys call me!

Renee: I am computer ignorant. I have a computer, and I'm online, but I haven't checked my email in a year. It's on my list, though.

roski_us asks: Joe I saw you in Jaws 2. You did a good job!

Joseph: It was great. When I went down to Florida, it was long, but fun. So many people to run this huge shark, the same one that they have at Universal.

JennM_DOOLfan asks: Joe, we the fans OFTEN write the producers, but letters appear to fall on deaf ears. How else can we get our point across?

Renee: Definitely the producers. We have no clout as to where the storyline goes.

Joseph: I think the fans can email the producers, at daysofourlives.com.

cutes36 asks: Do you answer your mail?

Renee: Actually, I read every letter and make notes for my helper. She does the letter, brings it back for me to sign, then she mails it. That's why it takes so long to get a response.

Joseph: I read every letter. I started that because I dont always watch the show. I know the affect that I have on people because of the letters.

stacey36272 asks: Does it make it difficult shooting scenes out of sequence to connect with the storyline?

Renee: I personally like it better. We shoot according to sets, like all the scenes in a restaurant. I have no problem with it. The most difficult part is if it is a very emotional scene and then I have to go back to do a scene before the emotional one.

Joseph: But that's our job as actors. It's more difficult when we go out of order, to stay in line emotionally.

Renee: When you do a film, they have a script supervisor, but we don't have that. We have to remember it all ourselves--the emotion, which hand the fork was in, etc.

Joseph: There's hardly any time, cause we really work all day.

pjgreg asks: Joseph & Renee: Is it difficult to memorize a script the day before and do the producers allow you to ad-lib very much?

Joseph: I always do my work the night before, so it's fresh. It really is gut work, very tough.

Renee: With me, I need a few days to learn my lines--memorize, sleep on it, analyze. I don't want to have to think about the words when I'm acting. I'm always getting new thoughts about the scenes. I do see a difference in my work when I don't have the time to prepare. I've always had to work harder to learn my lines.

Joseph: A lot of people will ask about cue cards and such and personally I'm against using them. But some actors rely on them. Sometimes their eyes then follow the cards.

jada8899 asks: What are your families' opinions of the show?

Joseph: My family always watches. My Mother said to me once, "Don't you dare leave that show. That's the only way we get to see you everyday."

Renee: That is the best way that they do get to see you and how you are. If I'm stressed and I'm working a lot and not eating right my Mom will say "You're getting too thin, you need to eat some more food."

elvis_gurl asks: How has being famous changed your lives?

Renee: I don't consider myself famous. I'm a working actress, and when I'm recognized, the fans are so cool because they're always so complimentary. If I'm recognized, the majority of the time it makes me feel a lot better afterwards because I realize that what I do is not for naught.

Joseph: I am extremely flattered. Netherlands, France, Belgium, Sweden, Norway. Some countries are even three years behind, and they ask me questions about things from years ago. It's all great - so complimentary. You just don't think about it and you go about your life like anyone else but sometimes you notice people staring at you. One time, on 5th avenue in New York a lady stopped me with "It's you, you're" and I answered "Joseph Mascolo" and she said "No, no, no." So I told her I'd be whoever she wanted me to be.

Renee: Sometimes when you meet people, and you ask someone a question, like a teller, and they get a blank look on their face because they recognize you but can't always place you.

jai_los asks: Why doesn't Stefano have a web site?

Joseph: Gee, I thought I did. Maybe we'll put one together soon.

Renee: First, I want everyone to know what a joy it is to work with Joseph Mascolo. He always gives me 100%, and always picks me up when I'm down. I've really enjoyed doing this chat because it makes me feel closer to the fans. I'm certainly available if you want to do another one!

Joseph: It goes both ways with Renee. Renee is really wonderful. This chat was just wonderful. I want to thank everyone for the great questions. Thanks everyone for communicating to all of us.

Renee: Thanks again!

Joseph: Thanks, goodbye.

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Thanks. Who was the producer Joe worked with at GH, who created Stefano? (I thought Pat Falken Smith created him - I guess he meant producer). Wes Kenney?

Does anyone know what his least favorite story was?

He seemed happy with the show at this point but he was gone by the end of the year, wasn't he? I wonder what happened.

I wish they'd given Renee more to do on the show.

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