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AMC - Wednesday - October 20, 2010

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Which is the reason I'll never buy that Jack would look twice at the sleaze. I pray that Erica brings it up and throws in her face very soon. She is a skank. :angry: She sells one her kids and kidnaps another and we're supposed to beleive she is the bestest mom in the world. This quad sucks because there is no chemistry between E/C or J/K. I don't buy either couple. Here's hoping they keep Jerica together. :wub:

Me too :lol:

I wish I could care but I don't. I am so sick of Cooney drama. I can't stand him or his whining and wish he'd take KWAK and go back to his mountain never to be seen/heard from again.

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Trent Garrett....I mean wow. Do you guys like his acting or what, I really feel that this guy sucks! He was horrid today....he acts with his face and that's it. He does not know how to emote in the slightest. Every feature of his face is always squinting. Ugh! I just don't like his acting at all ... not into this storyline anymore. I really think this role should be recasted with a better actor.

I hope Ann_SS tuned into today's ep of AMC. Liza/Damon wub.gif they were in full force today, loved all of their scenes....so glad to see them bonding!!

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Trent's getting better. It's baby steps w/ him, he's adjusting. Remember Finn was just the same when he started off.

Tad can go f-ck himself! :angry: He can help Babydawl, mamadawl, Rissadawl, Ryandawl, Greenleedawl, Damondawl, Jamiedawl, Jakeydawl, Mandydawl...but let JR ask for one favor, ONE! and he's all you're better than this, you can can do this w/o resorting MOTHERFOCKER he's in danger of losing his son because someone has a beef to settle w/ his daddy! :angry: and you can't be bothered with?

Correct me if I'm wrong, that was JR who got a call and called a pissed off Liza to help him, who bailed Tad's ass out right? when he went and punched Damon's dad and faced charges, ungrateful hypocritical dad who always chooses everyone before JR. Adam wouldn't think twice to help his son, you..oh forget you.

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I think they're all decent (I still think this is by far the best Colby we've had) and compared to the teen scene on AMC in the past... well long time, they seem miraculously talented (remember those neighbours of Tad's with the band who befriended Colby? Or Mindy and the E-tard crew?). I actually think Fish Bricklock probably is the best of the crew (he's had the most theatre background though so I guess that makes sense), though I know others don't think much of any fo them.

And :wub:ed him and Liza today

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I usually defend Tad on here, but his actions today bugged me too. He's been hesitant and jealous of Caleb for a while now--and I think it's actually more than fair for him to agree to check out if he actually does have a dangerous past, which is all JR wanted (and seriously, in corporate cases like this, hardly somethign I'd call underhanded). Certainly Tad has agreed to ethically shiftier cases before...

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I have not seen today's episode yet, but in general Tad, as much as I usually do love him, is at best a part time "dad" to JR. His love is conditional as well. Act like a good "Martinized" person, fine. If not, oh well, no help or support for you, JR. I honestly think that if JR was not Dixie's son, Tad would be right on the "hate JR" wagon. Besides, Krystal still appears to have Tad's balls in a jar on her dresser.

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I have wanted JR to cut down out of his life for a while now. Tad has been awful parent to JR a lot of the time, and has constantly disappointed him and hurt him. Tad's behavior to towards JR a lot of the time is downright trifling IMHO. He would do more for Jamie/Damon than he would for JR. JR should have let him face charges for assaulting Paul.

I agree, I like all three of these characters. This Colby is my favorite Colby to date, and I like Asher and Damon as well. I like that Damon is maturing and trying to turn his life around. I like that the writers didn't make him so bad that he couldn't learn from mistakes, and grow and mature as a person.

Plus I don't think that he's annoying and he's one of the few people in Pine Valley that is actually shown working. He's holding down two jobs, most people in PV aren't shown really even working one job.

And I think that Asher is pretty cute and charming.

I definitely prefer them to the 2nd cold, wooden Colby and to the teens in the band, that moved next door to Tad.

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Tad is absolutely horrible when it comes to JR. I've said plenty of times that Adam deserves a LOT more credit than he gets. Especially in his hand in helping JR through the whole Miranda/Bess situation. He played the thankless role of convincing JR to give Miranda back to Bianca, and NOBODY acknowledges that. A lie that Tad willingly perpetuated, still Adam knew that getting JR to face the fact that the baby was Miranda was the right thing to do. And I am tired of Tad blaming Adam for every thing JR does that he doesn't approve of as if to say that if he followed "Dixie's heart," JR would gladly give up his son to a woman he's only known for 18 months -- instead of fighting like hell for the boy. However, didn't Tad torture and kill a man because "Dixie's heart" thought it best to give up Kathy rather than let her father raise her? Oh, wait, sorry. You're only allowed to torture, murder (Tad-Kathy) and concoct lies about babies being dead (Jamie-AJ, Jake-Trevor) to hang on to your children if you're a Martin.

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