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I am keeping track of actor/character appearances in all episodes I watch, yes, but that's quite a separate project, as I'm only able to watch a few episodes a month. 


2nd era: July 12, 1993 - May 12, 1995


As I said last time, episode #10,000 aired on May 12, 1995.

Episode #9,548 aired July 12, 1993, as according to the Corporate Archives in Cincinnati, OH (http://www.oocities.org/televisioncity/studio/5185/sources/vidsources.html)


Between these two dates, I have the following pre-emptions verified:


1993 (post-July 12): September 6 & 10; November 25 & 26; December 24 & 31

1994: February 2/3 (because the 'Bell Tower' episode was pre-empted in much of the country, it was re-broadcast on February 3rd); March 17 & 18; September 5 & 9; November 24 & 25; December 30

1995 (pre-May 12): January 2; March 16 & 17


Taking these pre-emptions into account, I'm coming up 10 pre-emptions short.


According to btm0815ma's comments on magilla71's 1994 video's on youtube, the show was pre-empted on January 17, 1994 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbv9jZMbKLg). The January 14 episode (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKmq6-qW1IE) does say 'join us again Monday', but I'm assuming this might be one of those unscheduled pre-emptions. The episode that btm0815ma says to be from February 18 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhKtPEWYKek) says the show won't be seen the following Monday, which would be February 21.


So if btm0815ma is to be trusted (and I think he/she is, based on their multiple specific datings), January 17, 1994 and February 21, 1994 would have been pre-empted. That leaves 8 more pre-emptions. I have the following episodes (exactly 8) marked as 'potentially pre-empted':


September 13, 1993: Oslo Accords signing

June 30, 1994: O.J.

July 1, 1994: O.J.

July 4, 1994: O.J.

July 5, 1994: O.J.

July 6, 1994: O.J.

July 7, 1994: O.J.

January 24, 1995: O.J. (opening statements)

So, assuming these 8 episodes were all pre-empted, I'm actually able to connect episodes #9,548 through #10,000. But I don't actually know for sure these 8 episodes were pre-empted. I know the show was pre-empted because of O.J. a lot, but I'm not sure it was these exact dates. Again, any info would be much appreciated!


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3rd era: February 3, 1993 - July 12, 1993


This one I've actually managed to connect. So no questions this time, just supplying some info. 


As specified in my last post, episode #9,548 aired on July 12, 1993.

February 3, 1993 saw the debut of Jelinda's theme. According to this page (http://www.oocities.org/televisioncity/studio/5185/music.html) on the show's music history, it was episode #9,437.


Based on these two numbers, the show must have been pre-empted twice between these two dates. And since CBS pre-empted the show for NCAA Men's Basketball in March every year since 1991, these must be the dates:


1993 (post-February 3; pre-July 12): March 18 & 19

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Since that one wasn't really a question, here's the next one:


4th era: November 10, 1992 - February 3, 1993


As specified in my last post, episode #9,437 aired on February 3, 1993. 

According to the Corporate Archives in Cincinnati, OH (http://www.oocities.org/televisioncity/studio/5185/sources/vidsources.html), episode #9,381 aired on November 10, 1992.


Based on these two episode numbers, 5 episodes were pre-empted in between those two dates.


I'm sure of these four pre-emptions:


1992 (post-November 10): November 26 & 27; December 25

1993 (pre-February 3): January 20


That leaves 1 more pre-emption, which I would guess is either one of these two options:


December 31, 1992: New Year's Eve

January 1, 1993: New Year's Day


Since January 1-episodes were pre-empted more often than December 31-episodes, I would guess January 1 was pre-empted and December 31 aired. Unfortunately, though, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the December 31 and January 1 pre-emptions.


For example: In 2004 there was a random airing on January 1, something that defintely didn't happen any other time since 1998 at least, and I in fact have no other January 1-episodes confirmed since 1981. Meanwhile, December 31 was always pre-empted after 1997, but definitely aired in 1985, 1986 and 1987.


Again, any info on the above two episode dates, as well as any info that helps making sense of CBS's December 31 & January 1 policy, is much appreciated.


I'll be back later (I'm not sure I'll have time tomorrow, but I should definitely be back the day after) with another connected era (October 2, 1991 - November 10, 1992), as well as another unconnected one (June 3, 1991 - October 2, 1991).


Edited by Brolden
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I always liked Anne Sward's portrayal of Lyla. Was her exit something Marland had planned? Or did she get written out in 93 after his death because of budget cuts? I know she came back temporarily in 2000 under Sheffer. But it always felt strange her not being on the show in the late 90s when Katie was re-introduced all grown up.

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5th era: October 2, 1991 - November 10, 1992


As specified in my last post, episode #9,381 aired on November 10, 1992.

According to the Corporate Archives in Cincinnati, OH (http://www.oocities.org/televisioncity/studio/5185/sources/vidsources.html), episode #9,102 aired on October 2, 1991.


Based on these two episode numbers, 10 episodes were pre-empted between these two dates.


I'm sure of these 8 pre-emptions:


1991 (post-October 2): November 28 & 29; December 25

1992 (pre-November 10): February 17; March 19 & 20; September 7 & 11.


That leaves 2 more pre-emptions. There are 2 episodes that I suspect may have been pre-empted:


December 31, 1991: New Year's Eve

January 1, 1992: New Year's Day


Since I have no other suspicions about pre-emptions in this era, I'm assuming these are correct. But since the logic behind December 31 & January 1 pre-emptions is kind of unclear to me, as well as the fact that very few episodes from this era are (currently) available online (there could have easily been a random separate pre-emption in there somewhere), I would still much appreciate if anyone can verify (or contest) these two dates.


I'll be back later with June 3 - October 2, 1991  



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6th era: June 3, 1991 - October 2, 1991


As specified in my last post, episode #9,102 aired on October 2, 1991.

According to Chicago's Museum of Broadcast Communications (http://www.oocities.org/televisioncity/studio/5185/sources/vidsources.html), episode #9,019 aired on June 3, 1991.


Based on these two episode numbers, 4 episodes were pre-empted between these two dates.  


I'm certain of these two pre-emptions:


1991 (post-June 3; pre-October 2): September 2 & 6


That leaves 2 more pre-emptions. Unfortunately, I have no leads whatsoever as to which other two dates could have possibly been pre-empted in this era.

As always, any information will be much appreaciated!


Up next: January 8, 1991 - June 3, 1991...

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In the 90s they still had post-season baseball games in the afternoon still and CBS had the rights. You need to check those dates in October 1991. 

October 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 were the ALCS (Tues, Wed, Friday, Sat,. Sun) and the NLCS were October 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16 - Wed, Thus, Sat, Sun, Mon, Wed. - 12 & 13 were Saturday and Sunday, so soaps weren't pre-empted. But on Wednesday the 9th, they wouldn't have shown two games at the same slot, so one had to be in the afternoon. I can't recall how many days didn't have soaps, but I remember seeing promos about how you won't miss anything due to baseball years ago.

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Earlier this month a bunch of us were discussing some of the timeline of events in 1985-1986 and the topic of Sierra and Lily's birth mother revelations surfaced as a topic of discussion and we were talking about that whole storyline of John blackmailing Lucinda over her secret about Sierra's maternity and when Craig knew and whether he wanted to also keep it a secret. I was going off of a memory that Craig discovered the truth when he and Sierra were engaged and he demanded that Lucinda tell Sierra the truth.


Interestingly enough, I came across this clip from CBS.  I thought I had seen all of these classic clips from CBS over the past few years and I'd only seen the shorter scene of Craig kissing Sierra in her wedding dress but not the longer one where he actually threatens to tell Sierra the truth himself if Lucinda doesn't tell her.


I could just cry at the video quality of these clips!  I guess, CBS is only allowed to show clips?

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Loved those classic Craig and Sierra clips! I always forget that Sierra didn't know Lucinda was her mother upon her arrival given how quick Lucinda was to meddle into Sierra's life. 


So I'm rewatching late 1992 eps and just two questions I have I can't why remember or fill the gaps in for sure:


1. Barbara and Frannie never ever made up did they? 

2. Hal's death story is extremely peculiar; Barbara and half the town thinks he's dead, the other half thinks he just left town and abandoned Barbara, and then of course Tom knows he is still alive. Why the "secrecy" about Hal's death when it seems everyone close to Barbara knew he was dead. 

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1. Not on camera, as I remember.


2. I think it had a lot to do with ATWT hoping BH would return. As I recall, there was some kind of gap between finding out Hal had left and finding out he was undercover as the Lombard chauffeur. And then that he wasn't dead. And having to maintain the fiction that Hal was dead created conflict for Tom with Margo and Babs.

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