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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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Did he have much to do with the show after say the first season....??? Phillip Capice was the one in charge until he was removed in favor of Leonard Katzman. Now looking back at it I think it was a bad mistake to get rid of Capice.

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I don't think he had much say after the beginning years or so. He's never really referenced after that.

Whereas, throughout its run, even though he was not actively running the show, he seemed to have had more of role on Knots Landing. Probably because it was the show he always wanted to make and it only got to be on the air due to Dallas being a success.

And say what you want about the last two seasons of Knots or so, but it never went out as bad as Dallas did. It went out with some semblenace of class, dignity, and its identity in tact. Which is more than I can say for the original Dallas.

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With a second season of Dallas coming next year...I'd love to see Knots revisited again on TNT. I had a facebook friend from here wanting Dynasty back since Dallas has been revived again...but I dont see that happening without John in it.

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If it turns out the way Dallas has turned out, I'd rather Knots stay in the past.

It's an easier show to adapt for a new generation, but I just don't trust TNT and have never thought highly of their original programming.

I'd love for a Knots Landing reboot to be a success though, if only to see Devious Maids flop on Lifetime so Nicollette Sheridan (who will probably be part of it) can have her last laugh on that hack Marc Cherry...

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I do think it can be done without John. If they focus on the younger set. There is alot more of them on Dynasty than Dallas. Hell, the first episode could deal with the reading of Blake's will after his death. But, I do not think it would be on TNT. If these old series get continuations other cable networks will snap them up, which is fine with me. Just as long as they're are NOT on any of the four networks. They would die a very quick death if they were, IMO.

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Same. Moreover, in retrospect, KNOTS is (for me) the rare example of a show's lesser years -- namely, seasons 13 and 14 -- looking better as time moves forward. I'm not saying those were phenomenal years (season 13 just plain sucks, no matter how you look at it) but I definitely think I might have been more harsh on them than I should have been.

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Meanwhile, the thought of a KNOTS reboot, as wonderful as it sounds, has me feeling more than a tad skeptical. It has to be done right, with Jacobs (and Michael Filerman) allowed some opportunity for participation in order to help the new series' showrunner(s). But can we trust TNT to do that? Frankly, I'm not sure. (It's just too bad that TBS is probably out of the question.)

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I don't think I would necessarily say pathetic, but i do agree with your short and sweet point. The show just reached its 5th episode this coming Wed., and I just sit and read the comments about how the show needs to be revamped post haste. I tell you, at my age, there are many who have commented on this new Dallas that never would have watched its original airing like I and millions of others did. 10 episodes is too slow? Try 28-32. Starting in Sept. and ending in May. I can just imagine the comments about this show if that would have happened. I think it would have been cancelled after the pilot.

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I saw the original from day one and to have the show back is awesome. Does it have some faults/problems? Yes it does just like any show. Even ATWT with Douglas at the helm had some stories I didnt care for...Duncan and his castle for example...but back to Dallas...I am just thrilled TNT decided to revive this show again. Is it the great Dallas of the 80s? No....but it would be hard to recreate a masterpiece of the 80's which was Dallas.

A question...Isnt TNT owned by CBS?? Or so I thought....

And a comment...I noticed this weekend at Target that there was a TNT release...the show were Mark Paul Gosslear appears...dont recall the name since I dont watch but it had a 10 episode release and is now on DVD. I cant wait to see the new Dallas on DVD during Christmastime...lets hope there are some extras.

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I think Jacobs makes basic points about the flaws in the structure. You can't revamp that, but if they had listened to his ideas then maybe characters like John Ross, Christopher, and Ann would not be such failures.

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