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ATWT: September 2010 Discussion Thread

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Yet, I was never hired for the job....lol

I had seen previews of it months ago.......I havent seen the eppy yet....I am sstill 5 shows behind. I cant believe tomorrow is the last day.

Awww...Zendallfan...didnt know you were an ATWT fan/viewer.:wub:

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The ATWT/Colleen news piece actually aired during my local 6 o'clock news. I was surprised that they included it. I would've liked for more cast to have been featured in the news story, but I'm sure they had troubles tracking everyone down since everyone's so scattered now.

After the ATWT/Colleen piece, some dumbass local news anchor chimed in and said, "oh, I'm sure they'll all be on DVD soon!" ---- What. an. effing. moron.

If anyone hasn't read the Nelson Branco interview he did with Jon & Martha, go read it!!! Jon talks about how he channeled Martha during the Lilden scenes, and Martha revealed that she won't be watching. (She says it's to move on, but I'm sure it's got to be very hard for her...knowing her history with the show, with Marland, Jon, and Lilden; and knowing that fans, cast, and crew all wanted her back--and she was open to it, as well, but it all fell on deaf ears.)

I will say... I have only cried 2x in ATWT history, since I started watching faithfully around eight or nine years ago. The first: Molly & GhostJake's last dance at Mabel's. The second: Today's last 5 minutes. When Jon lost it, I did too. I don't even remember much dialogue. I just remember thinking about "what if Martha was in Noelle's place right now", and I remember Holden's voice cracking....and I cried. Like a baby.

And again, when Carly announced she was pregnant (which I had pretty much guessed from Carly's reaction yesterday). When she said "G-Man"....my lips started quivering again.

Damn you, CBS, for pulling the plug on this brilliant series!!! Monday will be the first day in my 23 years of life that ATWT will no longer be around. I grew up watching it...with my mother, and her mother (my "Ninnie"). And now that it's going, I feel almost like I'm watching a part of my life (and a part of my heart) die with it, too.

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Also, I wanted to add that I heard (today) that they will be doing an ATWT piece on CBS's The Early Show tomorrow morning. The day of the finale.

I also tweeted Leah Remini about the loss (her talk show will be replacing ATWT, so I asked how she felt about it--and I suggested they cover the soap in memoriam-style) and here's what she had to say:

"ATWT is a piece of broadcasting history. Its in a category unto itself airing 54 seasons. Hope 2 mk ppl smile"

"I totally understand your feelings. although they would hv to fill their slot w/something. Hope we can. Who knows. "

"I understand honey. Sorry you are sad. All my best to you. "

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That was great of you to ask Leah that. I'm glad she gave a gracious response. I'm really sorry for you about the situation with Martha Byrne. I go on about what's been done to some of my favorites or why they didn't bring someone back but to see these key scenes for your favorite character being played a stranger must be just unbearable.

I'm still behind, so I'm not sure if I will watch tomorrow. I might. I'm thinking of watching the Henry/Babs wedding as my last episode, as I haven't seen that yet, and a happy ending for Barbara with a man who sees her as a hot and funny woman is probably the closest thing I will get to a happy ending with ATWT's last months. I still wonder if they should have ended with those splendid 25th anniversary episodes when Frannie returned and Bob and Kim got remarried.

I'm not sure if my strongest early memories of ATWT being Margo pulling the plug on Casey are some kind of irony, but either way, I still hate to see ATWT go. The promise of what might be and what was and what it meant to me. I love the soap format and I have watched a lot of soaps but ATWT and GL were the first two I loved. I always felt like ATWT had my heart and GL had my head. While I could often be moved at GL and furious at what was done to so many of my favorite characters, I also had some sort of perspective and I could still keep on going. Looking back I'm amazed that I lasted so long. ATWT on the other hand I just had such emotional investment in the show that the bad decisions made or stories or characters which bothered me, I took more personally, and my ATWT, which was so specially and carefully built up and then yanked away starting in 1995 and 1996, was harder to adjust to. I would leave ATWT for long periods of time and keep wondering if the show I knew would ever return, I'd try again, then give up a little more hope each time, and just assume that it was a part of my past and not worth looking at again. Fortunately a lot of fans were much more patient than I was and they helped keep ATWT going, and that's part of the reason I tuned back in last year, for the end.

Even with so many changes, and with final episodes devoted to dud characters, the essence of ATWT is still there. The last week of GL was so flawed but still featured many of my favorite characters and people I never thought I'd see again. While that isn't true for ATWT, I realize that many of my favorites never left. They were always there. And they will still be with me and with us long after the finale. For us there really is no finale. These characters were built to be in our heads and our hearts and that can never truly go away.

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Marie Masters and Michael Park are on the Early Show today

From Colleen at twitter:

The last day of the "World"... Michael Park & Marie Masters on. The Early Show this AM ..

Not to worry Babs & Henry peeps.. We will be there... Stenbeck-Ryans all... For one last x

Lot 2 read. 5-prt intrvw @WeLoveSoaps.TVGuide. AH/ NPR tmrw. [email protected] soon

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