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GH: August Discussion Thread

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Its beyond creepy. Of course GH would never go there but Spinelli is more into Jason than his own girlfriend is. Spinelli seems more into Jason than he was with Maxie. Its just odd, for a lack of better word. He has fantasy sequences involving Jason. He lives with Jason and refuses to go out on his own. He is depressed when Jason isnt around yet comes alive and is super excited to have him back. Its like GH is telling the story of the gay guy falling for his straight friend, without actually telling that. I know Im not the only one that sees this. What makes things worse is that they write Spinelli as such a cartoon that everything he does is exagerated and over the top.

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That could be true. Definitely...It's just something about the way they write Spinelli as well as the way Bradford plays him. He is so...connected to Jason, and lights up everytime he sees him, and was far more heartbroken when Jason went away then Sam was...

And something about the way Bradford poises himself in the seems, I just feel like he's about to lunge into Jason's arms and start kissing him passionately.

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Here's the promo

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu-8gJMHIME?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu-8gJMHIME?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu-8gJMHIME?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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As soon as I heard about how great this would be and oh look Adrianne is going to show Y&R what they lost, I figured it would end badly. GH sucks at returns and they obviously had no real purpose for her character besides being a lame obstacle for a lame couple. No one in this story has a drop of chemistry and the only thing I can pay attention to is if it is some kind of morality play about asexuality or the perils of Hollywood on young women.

If I didn't know better I would think the Lante sex scenes involved knockout drugs...

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:ph34r: Sometimes it seems like I am the only one rooting for Brooke to be dunzo with Lante and move on to what they are all calling N00KIE(use zeros if you have to) and yet I think the storyline with Lante couldve had so much potentila if given the right about of attention as ONE Lante love scene has......

Whatever happens at the end of this week I am still a BL fan and soooooo wanting her to be done with everything and move to her own sl.......I mean one where she gets to be in love with someone that loves her and its not about plotting to hurt someone......move away from it Guza and rebuild the BL we all know and love...I can take new BL just not so .......Carly-like hahaha :lol:

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a.)this could have been posted in the GH discussion thread. No need to give her any additional attention.

b.)this is fun, but not nearly as fun as the stuff from Deborah Blackwell's team for SOAPnet. Those by far trump the funny/cheese factor over Giovinazzo's ego.

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Can't believe I am saying this, but I agree 1000% with this. Also, the way he treated Elton the Wedding Planner?!


But that's where the true camp factor comes in. Guza thinks he's developing this "brothers," "buddy buddy," friendship with anything mob-related and the way the scriptwriters develop it and the way the directors/editors execute it comes off as incredibly queer to a more astute audience.

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Dear God, I don't need a long introduction into Brenda's new life or her tepid conversations with dayplayers we don't give a crap about.

Someone fire a damn bullet at that bitch already and get the show swallowing Brenda show going already.

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