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AMC Friday 6/4/10

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Another really good show today.

I loved when David finally let his guard down and admitted to Greenlee that he's scared and concerned about what happened to Erica, too. It was a nice touch that he referenced having a special relationship with Erica.

Yesterday was Erica's great fantasies and today was Greenlee's. I can't wait for Erica to come back and confront her again!

I like how everything is being set up to happen around Jake & Amanda's wedding. Now we have Ryan asking Madison to be his +1 and Jack vowing to look for Erica if she isn't back by then. Earlier this week, we had Colby & Damon planning to sleep together that night.

The show really has struck gold with JR/Annie/Scott. As much as I've defended Brittany Allen this past week, she really just wasn't up to par with them today. I want to feel something for Marissa, but it's difficult when the character keeps being so wimpy.

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I think Annie and Marissa have all the makings in this story to develop into a good soap rivalry, but Marissa is the weak link in this story. She gives Annie nothing to work with. It looked like she was finally stepping it up in the end but Annie shut her down. She was right when she told David the other day that nnie doesnt atack outright and she's alot more subtle with her bitchiness. Thats correct and why I love Annie bc she's so sly and knows exactly what to say. She can be bitchy without actually being bitchy, if that makes any sense. Marissa is so out of her league and she is going to make herself miserable if she thinks she can stick around and go head to head with Annie. At this rate, she's a better match for Emma. Even little Kathy had more devious, manipulative bitch potential in her than Marissa

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I think you nailed it right on the head. Annie knows how to get inside Marissa's head and really set her off without causing a scene. Notice how all Marissa can do is raise her voice and try to make intimidating faces. She doesn't get it. Annie's a G, she's hit the block more than a few times. Mean voices and mean faces don't faze her. The only time Annie really goes after Marissa is when she just wants to get rid of her. If she plays head games, Marissa sticks around and thinks she has a chance. If she just shuts her down, Marissa scurries away with her tail between her legs.

The only thing besides a recast Marissa that would make this even better is if there was some senior figure, one who lives in the mansion and is involved, but isn't emotionally involved to the point that he/she makes things happen. I just wish Kelly Ripa would come back full time.

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Would you two just stop talking [!@#$%^&*] about me for one --

Oh, Lord, I think I've been possessed by the spirit of Farah Fath.

Quick, someone hand me a mirror. I need to make sure my hair hasn't turned into a cockatoo.

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Ok, that Erica and Caleb scene towards the end was just WRONG. WTH, they could have at least captured a shot of oh I don't know, the part of the blanket that was actually on FIRE. Instead, Caleb just rushed to her, threw her on the couch, and groveled all over her!! Seriously weird, I was so shocked when I was watching cause I really thought he was gearing up to rape her! Damn show had me out of my seat LOL!

I was turned off by Erica/Caleb today. Enough is enough with him being so rude to her. And the scene with him shooting at the ranger coming towards them was horrible! SL was trying way to hard, not believable at all :\ MN needs to calm down, to. Just wow.

I liked the show overall, though. Pretty scandalous of JR to lie about Annie like that....but you can so tell that he did it because he's jealous of Scott and Annie's relationship. It's eating him up inside. Thank you for the screen caps, Cheap21. Loved what you captured of JR/Annie/Scott. This is the best storyline on AMC right now hands down.

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I was turned off by that also, he threw her down like a rag doll, poor susan only weighs 90 pounds. It would of been a better scene if we had actually saw the fire, and if erica could of explained why his pouncing on her scared the crap outta her.

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