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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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I will admit as a grown man, I still watch D:TNG. :lol: I started watching the show when it premiered n America, back in April 2002. I have seen just about every episode, so wanted to discuss the show with fellow fans. Season 9 just wrapped up in America, and the movie "Degrassi Takes Manhattan" will be airing this summer.

Here is the NEW Season 10 promo

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Can't wait for it! It is going to be 48 episodes. The first 24 will be shown during the summer for 6 weeks Monday-Thursday, and the other 24 will be shown during the normal school year.

Since there aren't new episodes to discuss now, I guess we could talk about our favorite characters, storylines, and episodes, as well as this new promo.

Edited by Eric83
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I mostly enjoyed the second half of S9. I'm not an Alli fan at all, so the first half was a big snooze for me. I'm actually not big on any of the freshman characters. Clare makes for an extremely boring lead, KC's a douche, Connor is a non-entity, and Alli is annoying as hell. The older characters have all more or less grown on me, particularly Holly J. (I fought liking her long and hard because there is only ONE Paige in my heart), Sav, Riley, Anya, and Jane (who I've always liked).

Whatever the heck they're doing for S10, I'm interested in seeing how this works. Yeah, it's gonna be 48 episodes, but it's really 24 two-part episodes. So basically, the show is expanding from 30 minutes to 60 minutes.

Finish S2, but know that S3-S5 is where it's at! Any episode where the main title is on the back of Marco's jacket.

Edited by All My Shadows
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Yes, you do have alot of ahead of you. :lol: Seasons 3 and 4 are the best ones IMO. I would love to go more into detail, but I dont want to spoil anything for you, but if you dont mind knowing feel free to ask me anything about characters and what is coming up. I am a total Degrassi fanatic, feel in love with The Next Generation after seeing the original Degrassi series awhile back.

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So what were/are your favorite characters and storylines?

As for me I love Emma (Season 1-4), Manny, Spinner, Marco, Paige, Jimmy, and JT.

I have so many favorite episodes and storylines. I loved the whole drama surrounding Rick in season 4 which lead to the shooting, as well as Emma getting an STD. (Sorry if I spoiled anything YRBB), also loved Paige and Darcy's rape storylines, and Marco's coming out storyline.

I will forever be disappointed with Season 7 the whole Degrassi/Lakehurst stuff could have been gold and filled with lots of drama but it just fell flat.

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Most of the main characters from the first five or so seasons were favorites of mine. Especially Manny, Craig, Jimmy, Paige, Spinner, JT, and Sean. The only character I absolutely could not stand from those days was Ashley fricken Kerwin. I actually liked her in the first season, but after she had that falling out with Paige and went all emo and depressing and "deep," I was done with her. I hated the Ashley/Craig pairing, and I hate that the show always pushed that as Craig's definitive coupling. Craig was one of my favorites, but Ashley just brought him dowwwwwn like she brought everything else down. Just a verry dull, depressing character, and I got sick of her and her "music." I liked Craig much better with Manny.

Storylines...so many faves. Marco's initial coming out drama, the Rick drama, the Manny/Craig/Ashley triangle, Sean/Ellie, JT/Liberty and Liberty's pregnancy, Paige's rape, Craig's daddy problems and later on his bipolar issues, Paige/Alex, some others. I watched religiously from the first season up until the fifth, then I was without The-N throughout seasons six and seven, but I've seen most of six and a good bit of seven since then. I started watching again with eight and nine.

One of the main things I hate about S6-S9 is the one season = one semester thing. That bugs me to no end and always has, and I have no clue why they decided to do it, especially considering they ended up dumping the old characters anyway. They should have just phased them out naturally when they were supposed to.

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Holly J, for me, is easily the best of the new lot (of course, my bias of being a friend of a friend of hers IRL, has no barring on that opinion, LoL)

I always loved Ellie and Paige. I remember what a huge deal it was when Manny went slutty!

And the blowjob story? That was some gripping tv. And the school shooting was probably one of the best episodes they'll ever do. That girl is STILL in that damn coma, isn't she?

Is Spinner still on this show? If he is, that is just extremely sad.

And JT HAD to have been a favorite for EVERYONE. His death was sad as f.uck! :(

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I only got into the show back in January when TeenNick did that Every Degrassi Ever marathon. Loved seasons 3-6, hated 1-2, & 7-8, but I'm likin season 9 and season 10 sounds promising.

I agree with you about the freshman characters, but for some reason I still find all of them more interesting than the older ones(with the exception of Holly J). I only liked Peter when he was with Darcy; Sav, Anya, Riley, Chantay, and Danny are all boring as hell, Jane was ruined for me after she cheated on Spinner, and Declan and Fionna have no business being on this show about a public school in Canada IMO.

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Riley is my favorite of the new characters, but characters like Bruce, Leia, Blue, Johnny, and Sav just annoy me.

I do enjoy Anya much more than I did when she first came on to the show.

And one thing I always hated was how they never gave Hazel anything, I would loved to see them do more story involving her being Muslim.

I LOATHED Ellie. That bitch just pissed me off, except for her pairing with Sean. Her pining after Craig was just pathetic.

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Get out! You really know someone who knows her? Is she cool? Like I said, I tried my damnedest not to like her AT ALL, and I still get that feeling of "Look, you is not Paige" when I see her, but I started to enjoy her after the shooting at The Dot. I love her and Spinner's co-worker relationship at The Dot a lot, actually.

Speaking of The Dot, major eyeroll at Peter's Above the Dot nonsense. David Silver did this fifteen years ago in Beverly Hills.

LOL! I remember being excited/shocked/intrigued when the most risque thing they did was have JT and Toby look at porn.

The shooting and the aftermath of it solidified my Sean love. He presents himself as a thug, gangsta, whatever, but he's so soft and sensitive on the inside while still being masculine, and *swoon*. He's one of my favorites and Daniel Clark's one of the best actors the show has had.

Terri came out of her coma shortly after it all went down, but her parents transferred her to a private school because of all the drama. They've rarely, if ever, mentioned her since then. In a way, I kinda like and I think it makes sense. I loved her, but it's pretty realistic for a character to move away and be completely forgotten. It's harder to believe in this situation, though, where it's high school, the kids are older and more likely to stay in touch, and the girl was the center of all this drama. I doubt we'll hear anything about her ever again.

He is, but it works. He graduated and works at The Dot, so he mostly appears in scenes there. What I love, love, love about Spinner still being on the show is how we've been able to watch him grow up and come so far from the chunky bully !@#$%^&*] he was in season one. He's mature, he makes responsible decisions most of the time, he's well-adjusted. I came to a new appreciation of the character in the episode where Peter opens Above the Dot.

Terribly sad! I loved JT throughout most of his run. A JT-like character is what's missing the most right now, and this Dave kid isn't cutting it at all. It's such a sad thing that these three and a half short years have been so unkind to Ryan Cooley's looks:


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That 'cut was shitrocious. I guess it was supposed to be his "I'm in mourning because I have no friends" hairstyle like Ashley had hers in season two, but damn. That was just bad. But Spinner/Shane looks so great now. Very, very attractive.

The Spanny pairing was just lame, IMO. After making her a "hawt girl," they just went head first into her trying to make her the school slut, and I never believed for a second that Spinner would leave Paige for Manny. But again, that whole thing brought me one of my favorite Manny moments, when she and Paige started going at it in the hallway and Manny revealed Paige's relationship with Mr. Oleander. One of my top five Degrassi moments of all time.

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Speaking of Manny, the same friend who knows Holly J, went to elementary school with Cassie Steele. As for Holly J, sorry I totally forget her real name, my friend tells me she is probably the nicest person on the planet. Very un-Holly J like, maybe more Naturally Sadie (hope to God someone gets that reference, LoL)

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