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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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Ugh! I wasn't ready for that finale at all. 

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I take back what I said about Maya. I found her arc this season to be the strongest one. I'm glad that she survived and am interested to see where they take her next. 


Goldie and Esme got developed a lot this season and I enjoyed it. We got to learn that Esme is dark and bitchy as she is b/c her mother overdosed. Goldie impressed me with her acceptance of Rasha and Zoe. 


Lola... that bitch! How dare she serve as an obstacle for my Tristan and Miles! I am so glad that Tristan did the unthinkable and forgave Miles. Their finale scenes got me a bit emotional. 



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Just finished the season. I'm glad that Lola's abortion is something that can actually be acknowledged and discussed on the show, whereas with Manny's it happened and then was never spoken of again.


Maya's story was actually pretty good, but I never needed to see her sister again.


Zoe's mom... what a bitch! Zoe and Rasha are cute, and I'm glad Goldi got fleshed out a little more.

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Amanda Alcuri surprised me as Lola this season. The whole emotional and physical affair between her and Miles was so soapy. 


Maya's downward spiral was a long time coming since Campbell's suicide. Love the journey they took. I loved seeing Katie again, love Chloe Rose.


I honestly don't get the hate Tristan is getting online because of ONE line about wanting pizza in the finale. People forget that he was in a coma for months and at least he was there when Maya was brought in to the hospital and he made the line after learning Maya was going to be ok. They always seem to bash Tristan ever since they first paired him with Miles 

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Making my way through more of the season and Spencer is cancelling an evening with his girlfriend to measure his dick with his friends??? Dafuq!!!


OK, so episodes 4 and 5 were pretty good! Maya's descent into madness is being well-played, and if she ends up with the photographer guy, I'm good with that. Her and her story represent such a maturity in contrast to other things going on (which I'm enjoying, too), and it's just good old-fashioned Degrassi.


The party at the Hollingsworths' was definitely one of my fave episodes so far of Next Class. I love episodes like that - so many stories and dynamics all in one setting, all with major things happening. It beats any disaster-type episode any day.


The gamer club warmed up to me in this one. The penis-measuring backdrop was only a wee bit silly (mhm), but it highlighted a good point in Spencer and Yael's relationship as well as Baaz and Spencer's friendship. Vijay was purely supporting, and I can take him in that role.


At first, I was kinda blah towards the whole virgins/non-virgins plot because they did such a good job addressing that with Tristan and Miles last season, but it came at a different angle this time.


I'm no Frankie fan, but I was pretty invested in her attempt to sleep with Jonah even though it was awkward as hell the way they just hopped up and went upstairs. This episode slowly began to undo the hate I had for her last season.


Lola is so becoming this show's Manny. Why she can't just stick to guys who are actually available?? And Miles is back on my sht list. At first I assumed he had gone to the hospital to be with Tristan, but nope.


Tiny is easily one of the franchise's greatest male leads, that virtuous guy who is good to a fault. I'd love to see more focus on him outside of his role as Shay and Lola's point of contention.


Esme is my damn girl. Fck it up!


ETA - "Spencer" is obvi supposed to be "Hunter" lol

Edited by All My Shadows
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Just finished the season, and just like with S2, it really picked up and came together very well after a blah first few episodes. The MVPs this go-round were definitely Lola and Maya, but Rasha and Shay were also impressive. I really hate that Winston did very little this season, and I hope he has a bigger role in the next one.


We saw parents a lot more this season, which is good. The darkness in the last few episodes was classic Degrassi, IMO, and this incarnation needed that dramatic turn to give some dimension to the characters. They've really built a nice new era, and I'm loving it.

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Just got done binge watching the season, and I thought it was good. 


Saad is a good addition to the cast, and I am interested to see where he and Lola's relationship goes. 


Yael's body dysmorphia started out strong, and went haywire for me.


I am livid that Tristan and Miles did not get a happy ending as everyone wanted. Once again, the gay couple is screwed. 

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 I am glad though that Zoe and Rasha got some sort of happy ending. 


Esme clearly suffers from some psychotic break, which I am sure will be explored next year. Interested to see where that goes. 


The montage in the final episode made me misty-eyed. I am gonna miss this class. Even those that annoyed me at times (Maya). I do know that some hardcore Degrassi fans are p-ssed that Cam did not get a mention at the graduation. 


Breakout stars this arc was clearly Saad and Goldi. Love how they took the time to develop Goldi these past 2 seasons instead of having her be the Greek chorus. Her episode based on the Brussel attacks was heart wrenching. However, I think out of this entire class that Zoe came full-circle and had the most change. Glad that she accepted that she doesn't need her mother at all, and grew to accept who she is. 

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