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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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Random thought popped in my head when I saw this again.... Stephen Stohn said that Emma and Chris were supposed to deal with racism and it was set to be a two-parter during Season 3 but with so much else going on Manny/Craig/Ashley, Marco coming out, Terri/Rick, Ellie's cutting they ran out of room to fit it in. I wish we could have seen that.

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What, no telenovela style? I watch too much TV as is, but still, less Degrassi. Sadness!

Eli is still there? Yay! I'm excited. Excited too that there is a new East Asian male character, although he seems kind of stereotypical/sidelined from the brief description.

Edited by jfung79
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Yeah.... I hated that finale.

First, I am so tired of Eli and Clare. Good to know Eli bribed Fiona to rig the King and Queen because them winning was so unbelievable. ( I still wonder how Manny won Queen when she was in 10th grade :blink: ). Anyway they annoy me.

Jake and Mo was the only plot I enjoyed and I related to that.

Fiona and Imogen was horrible. How did she fail all her classes? She seriously didn't know she was failing until seeing report card? Don't high schools have graduation counselors? And how the hell is Fiona valedictorian when she repeated het senior year? No way she should have the grades for that. Boring ass Katie seemed more likely. Imogen was beyond childish also.

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Saw the premiere. I guess I liked Clare's storyline.... it pains to admit that as I have loathed her for the past 5 seasons but I guess there's a first time for everything.

Imogen/Adam/Becky... I mean I do not why they needed to bring Imogen back but I am interested in seeing story for Becky and Adam.

YAWN at the new kids. This is my biggest problem with the new generation. The show has gotten so Americanized and they bring on these douchey rich kid characters who eventually develop a heart of gold after mommy and daddy go broke. Miles and Zoe already annoy me. No opinion on Winston but unfortunately he will just be the sidekick to his white lead....

Patiently waiting to see what's store for my boo Alli.

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I didn't watch the last season of Degrassi because I was busy. I wasn't going to watch this season either, the promos for it were cheesy and horrible, but I gave it a shot.

I could give two [!@#$%^&*] about Tristian, Maya, and Zoe storyline. Maya is annoying as hell and so is Tristian. Zoe is just another Holly J/Paige.

The Miles storyline interested me a lot, but I wish he would be in the senior age group. The Asian that follows him every around is VERY annoying and try hard and he can leave.

Imogene, Adam, and Becky storyline is strange and I'm not really interested in that.

I really liked the Clarie cancer storyline! That's the only storyline I'm really interested in. Love EClarie!

I've seen better seasons.

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I like the new characters, but agree Miles and Zoe are too rich. My favorite Winston line so far is "I'm pretty sure public humiliation is illegal" -- think he will stick around and have more story than previous East Asian characters like poor Leia or Kendra, although still a sidekick. I love Leo and hope he is not going to be an abuser. Him with his grandparents was the best.

The big shock of Adam dying -- was that necessary? They just had Cam die last season.

So glad Eli was there supporting Clare through the cancer. Eclare are still awesome. Funny that just because he graduated, Jake didn't show up ever to support his stepsister though, nor Jake's dad. And of course, no mention of Darcy whatsoever.

The stuff with the little kids was kind of random. The transformation of Mike Dallas into upstanding citizen and good guy, never mind his previous history, is pretty much complete now, but I don't mind because I want to root for all these characters.

I forgot to remind Mr. Vixen to watch before the season started! Eric83, did you remember?

Now there's just another week or so until the show is back again! Excited.

Edited by jfung79
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