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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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Ok, finally saw the Eli two-parter. I liked it, and was glad when they had Snake mention how he found Claude in the bathroom during the old series. Really don't care about EClare breaking up as I can't stand Claire most of the time, so I guess it makes me happy since I hate her. :)

Jake and Katie.... snooze! Counting down til graduation for these bores.

I like Jenna and Connor, wonder what they will do with Luke's character. He is such a d-bag, but would like a little character development for him like his sister got.

On to last night's episode I am glad they addressed the problem with people who are obsessed with twitter, and get caught up in fantasy land and do not realize everybody can see your damn buisness!

Dallas and Alli.... I like the twist that he is a teen father. I thought Dallas was another d-bag for most of this season, but Cam's death has humanized him and I see myself liking for however long her remains.

I really didn't pay much attention to Zig's story, maybe I will re-watch it later.

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The Twitter stuff was very well written & acted out. "#FormerRichGirlProblems" laugh.png

That GPS tracker on twitter/facebook has always disturbed me and I'm glad it was mentioned. How freaky is that?!

I'm glad they didn't go the rape route w/Fiona. And wow, I completely forgot her & Imogen were together for some reason. LOL.

Jenna and Connor....cute, but that girl playing Jenna is still the worst Actress on the show. Like I always cringe. I can at least be happy they don't have her singing her original songs and playing guitar every episode nbe.jpg

I LOVE the Dallas twist. LOVE the Actress playing his ex!

I was pleasantly surprised by the Actress who plays Tori when she broke down in class! I have always found her terrible but that was a pretty gripping moment...she sold it for me!

Oh and the Eli stuff made me rolleyes.gif I miss Craig!

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Damn, reading y'alls posts makes me miss this show so much. I watched ALL throughout my life, from the time I was like 8. There used to be times when I would go in and out and not see it regularly, but I only completely stopped watching in 2010. I think at the time there was a story about a female-male student. I had just moved, and work was so overwhelming at the time that I just stopped. I always say I'll hop back in. Y'all have to let me know when's a good time.

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Just watched Friday's ep. I think Dallas's ex has moved to Toronto, yes, but she didn't say anything about going to Degrassi, just "registering for school." The show has been all over the map with Dallas. They almost had him past the point of no return last season after he wrecked the garden, but then they shifted direction with how he tried to help Alli earlier this season. He was already humanized by that for me, before Cam's suicide. It is a good twist to have him be a dad, yeah, but I wish he would just tell Alli now instead of keeping it a secret.

Zig's story was really good! My favorite of the episode. I like how affected he is by being the last person to talk to Cam. I also like the French teacher saying to him that this Zig who skipped class, talks back, doesn't do his homework, isn't the Zig she knew, and how that got to him. Liked her telling him Cam was ill and it wasn't Zig's fault. Good to see his friend Damon again too. Zig is a good kid, even if he can be flaky and selfish at times like when he kissed Maya. I hope we get to see more of his story next week. Will we him singing for the French Club event?

Speaking of singing, I've never mentioned this here, I love WhisperHug's "Up, up in a cloud" song. And from a few years ago, I love that paisley jacket song Eli. Sav, and Adam liked. Degrassi often comes up with quite good original music.

Fiona being attacked, possibly due to her posting her location on Twitter, was topical. I liked the #FormerRichGirlProblems hashtag. (Remember the show using Twitter well with the Stuff Clare Says hashtag or something like that, too?) I liked Imogen coming to support Fiona at the end. I also liked Fiona working with Dave at the juice place, and her audition for it. I liked the way Drew broke it to her that he was moving back home. But somehow with all these good individual elements, her story still didn't all gel together for me. I've never quite warmed to Fiona for some reason. It was better when her brother Declan was there for her to bounce off of.

Mr. Vixen, that transgender student you saw is Adam, and he's still on the show. Also, the episodes are on the channel's website, but the channel is called "TeenNick" now, not The-N or Noggin. They keep rebranding, LOL. If Eric83 forgets to remind you to tune in this summer, I will LOL. Wow, you started watching at 8 and pretty much for your whole life after that ... It's like me with Doctor Who. I think you will still like the show after you hop back in, as you put it! It evolves and changes, with constant refreshment of characters, but it's still got that same blend of entertainment, instruction, and strong writing for character utilizing a great ensemble cast that has hooked me in and kept me watching all this time.

Edited by jfung79
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"Zou bisou bisou ..." ... Zig's story was the highlight of this past Friday's episode. Glad Maya and Tori have forgiven him. (Tristan wouldn't though, LOL.)

Dallas and Fiona's stories were alright.

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I couldn't believe that dumb move by Fiona. Who just goes up to some random sketchy guys on the street & asks for a gun?! And the fact that we saw her screaming for help in one scene & then in the next act she was at school w/a bruise on her face acting all confident about being home alone now rolleyes.gif Wow...so It's over? LOL. Fail, Degrassi writers!

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LMAO AMD@GH! Exactly what I was thinking!!!!

Anywho I enjoyed the Zig scenes and his apology to Tori/Maya/Tristan. Though in the long run I hope his friend sticks around as I can't see him hanging around those 3 as time goes on.

Ugh I just realized we have to suffer another season or two with Clare. Can't this bitch get a totally unrealistic early scholarship to the University of Siberia?????

Only 4 episodes left and my personal crush Daniel Kelly still won't get any story *tears*

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It was interesting to see how Canada has different gun control than we do in the US.

I agree we didn't see the journey of how Fiona got to the point emotionally of carrying on and not being afraid anymore. That did come out of nowhere. But I liked Fiona being all confident at the end, because she shouldn't live in fear. I think we can be too paranoid about crime. Michael Moore touched on that in "Bowling for Columbine." I do hope she is getting some security features for her apartment though, like an alarm, and won't be tweeting her location.

I'd disagree a little, Eric83, about Zig's connection to the other niners ... To me, Zig, Maya, Tori, and Tristan have so much history already and should always be connected. Hopefully the show will do better at that than they did with the previous big influx of niners, Alli, Connor, Clare, and KC. I do like seeing Zig's friend Damon too though.

Edited by jfung79
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Andrea Lewis (Hazel) says she never got stories because she was black.


Honestly, she couldn't act but Degrassi has had a bad track with black female characters. Her, Chantay, and Marisol have never had any stories and have annoying personalities. Only time I liked Hazel was the "Breakfast Club" episode with Jimmy, Ellie, Sean, and Toby.

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I liked Hazel and definitely when TNG first started she was green and none of these people were Helen Mirren or Meryl Streep... I remember when I first started watching and that dude that played Spinner gave me so much second hand embarrassment with his acting it wasn't even funny. I will say my favorite line delivery Hazel gave was when she, Paige, Jimmy & Marco were going to prom (I think that was it) and she went in on Paige for her selfishness and more. I just loved everything about that.... how she looked listening to Paige complain and whine.

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Yeah, I did like the plot she had in the 2nd season about her being Muslim, but it was a poorly written story. And I wish the character who's presentation was vandalized could have been more developed. A Muslim living in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 could have been interesting and really "went there"

Yeah, Shane Kippel was a horrible but he grew into a really good actor (and fine as hell IMO... lol)

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