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Soaps Most Foolish Decisions

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I never liked the Taylor character in her first run. Too Christian, too Godfearing, too flipping judgmental. The first time Taylor's return really worked for me was when she became a Forrester outcast and she and Stephanie had the scene in the Forrester Living Room and Foyer. They should have kept Taylor as, not so much a vixen or a slut, but more of a bitter, jilted ex-wife who lived her days making Ridge's life hell(legally and by law, of course).

But all the characters have been destroyed on this show for gimmicks, so whatever.

That was actually kind of a joke, a play on B&B stealing past GH talent(i.e. Jack Wagner, ASJ, Rick Hearst, now Sarah Brown).

Suggestions, I can't really think of any at the moment.

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I don't really see it that way. She certainly was miswritten, but in my view, that is because she was first St. Taylor of Bel Air, then viscious hawk after her prey who gloated in Brooke's miseries, then she fell morally and in other ways and they made her an alcoholic, nymphomaniac loon.

She was supposed to be something else.



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General Hospital: The death of the Quartermaines. Allan's was probably the most tragic, because it was in the year of his thirtieth anniversary with the show...what a F.UCK YOU that was to him!

Emily - I was never really fan of Natalia's version of Emily, but she was a legacy character. Everyone loved her. I even loved her, even though she annoyed me, just because she was such a good person and was the real "glue" of the Q's. She was a character that even if you didn't LIKE, you were sad to see go, because it was just another "screw the Quartermaine's" move.

AJ - When Jason became the pet of the show, AJ was ruined. He was turned from misunderstood guy with decent heart to a complete monster, and even after 3 years of being off the show, they brought him back to make him an even bigger monster and to kill him AGAIN. He was completely ruined to prop up Sonny/Carly...ANd look how well that worked out (4x over, nonetheless).

Having Skye NOT Be a Quartermaine - This didn't make much sense to me. At the time she has been on the show for 2+ years, when Tracy told her the truth, and most people had grown to accept her as a Q. It was just another way to ruin the family. All of her encounters with them afterwards, seemed a little out of place and they didnt have that fun family quality that Skye added to the Q's. I personally saw Skye as a new era of Quartermaine that really provided a lot of fun/mystery/drama to the family, but once she was revealed NOT to be a Quartermaine, it just seemed out of place.


Killing Georgie - This was a huge mistake in my eyes. She was loved by absolutely everyone. She was a great person, a phenomenal actress, and she had chemistry with anyone she ever interacted with. She practically grew up on the show, and her romance with Dillon really launched them into what could have been a supercouple. IT is the main beef I have with LuLu. Her breaking them up, really took its toll. It ruined the relationship essentially, and after Dillon left the show, Georgie was seen less and less, and pushed to the backburner, which was just another case of GH's biggest theme: No woman can be strong and carry her own storyline without the assistance of a loyal man."...However, even with Georgie's romance being butchered, and her being shoved to the back while Maxie was shoved down our throats, everyone loved her. And when they began to prop up Georgie/SPinelli, she actually almost made him likeable...But she was killed, only to prop up the insufferable couple that is Maxie/Spinelli.

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Search For Tomorrow ending when it did. Hadn't the show slightly increased in ratings shortly before it was yanked? I know it wasn't significant, but if a show was increasing in ratings, why cancel it? I loved the show at the end of its run.

AW: killing off Alice Barrett as Frankie which backfired for them badly.

The show also cut Robin Christopher and John Bolger shortly after. They were a popular couple at the time. David Forsyth, Anna Holbrook, and Kale Browne were all cut shortly after that.

The show had way too many writer changes the last several years. The show couldn't stay on ANY direction because the writers were always changing and the story near the end surrounding David Andrew McDonald was a joke.

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AW: so many things, the worst among which was the entire last 18 months, with that sci-fi bullshit. That the leads all ended up in a pit with a gorilla was nothing compared to what went on before it.

ATWT: Douglas Marland's death. That was the beginning of the end for soap opera in general, because creative control was completely taken out of the hands of the creators, and put in the hands of the suits.

Y&R: MAB (I never liked the show before LML, so what she did was an improvement to me).

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-Hiring back Megan McTavich back in 1998. That was the WORST decision because AMC has never had a period of time when it was itself.

-Hiring Jean as HW back in 2000-2001 (Thank God Agnes was there back in 1999-2000)

-Hiring JHC because she has NO BACKBONE what so ever and she cannot control a soap.

-Killing Dixie off for real.


-Letting Sheffer go. I really liked his ATWT when he was HW


-No hiring someone else to hell Bill as HW. He has done a good job but his stories are broing right now


-Hiring Sheffer. I might have liked him at ATWT but his DAYS was horrible.


-Letting Guza ruin the show in so many ways. He let go Stuart Damon and killed him off. :(

-Hiring Phelps. Enough Said.

-For letting Genie Francis go. I would like her back FULL TIME.


-Hiring Ron C. I never liked OLTL under him (except around the 40th Anniverasry)

-Putting the show around characters we HATE (John, Rex, Gigi, ect..)

-Getting Broderick demoted to AHW


-Hiring LML. That was the start of the downturn of Y&R.


-Hiring Frons and giving him so much control.

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I have seen the ep on youtube where Morgan Fairchild's character went off the deep end and murdered Eunice, was her a death that much of a blow to the show, considering it was just before Travis and Liza became the show's new signature couple?

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Dark Shadows: The plots moved way too fast. By the end, they had used up every occult angle they could think of, and there was nothing left to write.

Y&R: Latham's regime. Up until Lynn, I thought of this show as the crown jewel. By the time she was through, I had completely lost interest.

ATWT: The loss of Martha Byrne. ATWT has had two Emmy-winning Leading Ladies in its history. To get rid of one, and think she could be replaced two weeks later was asinine. The show has never recovered.

Sunset Beach: Two words....turkey baster.

All Soaps: All back-from-the-dead plots are bad, because nobody believes when a character dies that they are really gone. But the worst is when the character dies ON-SCREEN (Hello, Taylor) or more than once (Hello again, Taylor).

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This topic should have its own website! But I agree with you, SoapBoy, killing Georgie was *the* dumbest move ever. Lindze Leatherman is one of the best young actresses GH has ever had. And she was right in the middle of their most prized demographic with years to spare.

Ironic that they killed her primarily for Spixie because Bradford Anderson and Kirsten Storms were two of her biggest supporters.

They killed off the past *and* the future with her. Stupid. Idiotic. Moronic. :angry:

So, where is Georgie? Hidden in a secret room at Wyndemere by Helena? I hope they got beaucoups of positive feedback during her 2-day return. Mistakes can be undone, and they need to undo this one.

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