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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Here is the video mentioning Lea's friend taking a dig at Mama Elsa.

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Team Las Cubanas & Adriana.

I'm over Ho-Anna and FLea. And it's clear that Lisa is going to be the pot-stirrer this season. So glad that Miami is back.


Team Gretchen. Team Lauri.

These women are hypocrites. The want Gretchen to own up to s#it but they don't. Maybe if Trampra worried about her beard, Eddie, she'd be happier. Same with thick jaw Vicki.

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That gossip video is made of WIN. It is like something out of the late 80s, early 90s. The background music, the way Daisy Olivera talks, everything! I love it because it really took its time to deliver the interviews and the gossip from everybody.

That two-bit male escort making fun of Mama Elsa, though? Needs to crawl back to whichever dark alley he regularly ho-strolls. And I hate to say it but that laugh sounds like Lea's. And Lea's non-denial denial when pressed about it wasn't exactly convincing. :(

Ugh, I know. His dullard ass was still around? When Caroline started boohooing, Lauren was all rolleyes.gif Even Greg was like "Yeah, whatever. I've already lined up the next group of dumbasses I'm gonna leach off of."

What was hilarious, though, was Caroline was in the middle of her "You're like a second... I mean, third... son to me-- oh hey, there's Jacqueline. Let's talk about Teresa!" Greg was totally ignored for the rest of the segment. :lol:

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RHoM is going to be the BOMB. It is already glitzier than the average PT soap -- the private jets, fast cars, stunning apartments, breathtaking villas, that Cuban music and glossy shots of Miami that follow the HWs everywhere... I just love it. This is an Aaron Spelling meets Univision soap!

I love that Las Cubanas rule the roost, a true reflection of who built and controls Miami. I also love how often Marysol is featured and that they addressed what happened to Mama Elsa this episode.

I like Alexia but she has got to stop making excuses for her deadbeat son who beat up a homeless man. He's not sorry in the least and she's only sorry he got caught. Frankie, OTOH, is a sweetheart and I love the interaction between him and Alexia and him and his grandmother.

There are so many women who are going to stir the pot and make things happen this season, chief among them Alexia, Adriana and Lea. It took me a whole season 2 to warm up to Adriana but I am there now. I get it and I get her eccentric, diva ass. Viva Queen Adriana. And Lea vs Adriana feels like a more evenly-matched fight than Lea vs Marysol last year.

Every HW show needs a villain/target, and it is Lea this year.

Sort of tired already of Joanna, even though I loved her and Romain last year. She's such a spoiled brat.

So glad to see LISA! I'd been missing her from all the pre-premiere interviews and stuff, so I'm glad to see she has a prominent role in the proceedings.

Juniorz better get his ass in this thread! I want to hear what he and Cheap are going to say.

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We still have two more Reunion episodes of the OC, right (which reminds me -- I need to watch last night's epi)? And I assume RHoNY returns right after the OC is done? Can't wait for BH btw!

I always get RH withdrawal syndrome earlier in the year because I don't watch ATL, so I feel ya.

Have you thought of giving this RHoM Season 3 opener a go? Like, the first 20 minutes? Just to see if it grabs you? If it doesn't, no harm done. :)

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No, because ive tried it so many times. Like if i catch it and dont turn the chan ill check it out, but thats it.

Idk when NYC or BH is returning. Nothing has been announced as far as dates go. Prob in the fall, for both. I guess it will only be Miami for awhile but Bravo also has Top Chef returning and thats popular

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So happy Miami is back! It feels like a glossy telenovela, a Spelling primetimesoap as Cat said and the ladies are gorgeous. I like Lisa the most, but I have grown to enjoy Adrianna a lot. How many stupid gay friends does Lea really have? I hope Elsa is doing better, I adore her.

Meanwhile why is OC's Gretchen always styled like 90s Vanna White?

Edited by Elsa
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Lauri is really lame. "I walked in and I found Vicki in bed with another woman and another man." "I never said they were having sex" "I don't know what they were doing under the covers" Then it comes out, it was a party in Vicki's hotel room, over 20 people were there watching a movie and Lauri was there the whole time (which she doesn't deny) so yea, she'd know what was or was not happening while she was in the room. This happened 7 years ago--- 7 years ago was 2006. Why is this being brought up in 2013 when they were on the show since then? I can't.

When are these women going to realize there is no point in calling Gretchen out because she will NEVER own up to her lies??? I swear, they could have a video of her banging Jay in a hospital chair, while Jeff was dying in the bed - and she would STILL deny it. Just distance yourself from the bitch and move on.
Edited by Eric83
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LOL...it was just an epic fail all around for me. I am surprised Vicki and Tamra didn't put her on blast for lying about how her grandchild is doing. Lauri lying saying that Josh is doing great when he is really in a rehab program while her granddaughter sits in foster care. Hopefully they're saving that for Season 9...

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RHOC: And the winner of Round 1 is......... LYDIA!!! Holy Crap! I'm SHOCKED that Lydia seems to be OWNING this reunion so far. Her calling Heather "princess" was a priceless dig, but not even her best line of the night. That would be her repeating Heather's mantra to her at the pinnacle of their argument. "Just because you keep saying it, Heather, doesn't make it true!!" OMG! I started literally laughing out loud and rewound that gem multiple times. Damn, I want her back next season based on this reunion performance alone, though I did enjoy her throughout the season as well.

The Reunion also highlighted the fact that Alexis is completely pointless and needs to be let go. She said nothing and they had to press the hell out of her just to get her to say the one relevant thing she did say. UGH! Love her dress and she looks great, but that's about it. She adds zilch to this show.

Lauri was pretty much a non-event last night, though I kind of expected that since we know they didn't bring her out until they were all over it. Just goes to show how much of this shizz is edited together.

Tamra looked pretty foolish bringing those pictures of Gretchen with Jay from 4 or 5 years ago. These OC women, I swear. Who the hell cares about all this stuff that happened 6-7 years ago? Get over it and MOVE ON!! I can see why this bothers Gretchen and I wouldn't blame her for lying even if it were true. I think Jeff and she probably had an understanding at the end, and she seems to still have a relationship with his children, as evidenced by them attending her engagement party. I doubt he'd want the privacy of their relationship compromised for his children to know so whether it's true or not, I'm on her side and think she's doing the right thing denying it. Again, it's only making Tamra (and Vicki to a lesser extent) look bad, so why not just put it to bed? You know, like you claimed to do last year?

And NO Tamra, Gretchen isn't the one that made you look like an idiot and a liar. You did that all on your own by even getting in the middle of this in the first place. MYOB!

RHOM: My girls, MY GIRLS are BACK! And not a moment too soon! RHOM is gonna be A-MA-ZING this year, I can tell already.

Adriana: I've never cared much for Adriana, but I FLOVED her throwing that hissy fit on that sh!tty boat! I've been waiting for her to do that since we were first introduced to that hunk of garbage! She and Frederic seem to have a beautiful home, so I don't understand why either of them would want to move into some shabby boat. Her son can't be too pleased with that either.

Alexia: Oh honey you are in DENIAL! IMO, Peter is on some hard drugs- possibly heroin or pills. He was clearly kinda-sorta out of it in the scene with the grandparents. I'm super curious as to what goes down later in the season with them, especially that scene they previewed where some guy is threatening to have Alexia or Peter arrested and she threatens right back. I do feel for Alexia though and have since last season. What she's gone through with her son is every woman's nightmare and I think colored a lot of her behavior last year. He seems to have come a long way, though, but sadly, I have a feeling that he's probably as good as he's gonna get. I'm also curious to meet this mysterious husband of hers, who she's rumored to be bearding for. Doubt that's gonna happen though.

Joanna/Romain- Holy CRAP! Romain at the car dealership was looking sexier than I've ever seen him! Lea is right- that man is a statuesque God! And he's loaded to boot! How unfortunate that they don't seem to have much sex in their lives, though I have to wonder if that's just for story because it just doesn't seem possible. LOL @ her feud with Adriana being over a "retweet." I LOVE how much Housewives drama seems to stem from Twitter!

Marysol- Well now we know why she was downgraded to 'friend' status. I'm gonna miss Mama Elsa this season, even though it looks like she'll put in an appearance at one point. One minor quibble though- it's been reported that Elsa had a stroke, so why didn't Marysol just say that instead of dancing around it? Did Elsa actually have a stroke? I mean, what was explained seemed to be pretty much textbook symptoms of a stroke...

Lisa- Was she stirring the pot? Or was she just setting up a platform for Adriana to tell her side of the story? Methinks the latter. but she was certainly baiting Las Cubanas before Adriana arrived. I wish Lea had shown up to Lisa's get together, but I get it- she wants to talk to Adriana one on one, which makes sense.

Lea- My Queen has returned! I doubt that she knew that Adriana was legally married, as that seems to have been a big secret. Sure, she may have known about the wedding, but when it fell through, why would anyone even think that they were married under the eyes of the law? I LOVES me a calculated Lea though. Using the guise of redecorating to bust out the artwork she bought from Adriana so she can better explain how and why she was helping her. Adriana claims it wasn't a handout, but after seeing that artwork, it may as well have been!

One final thought about the Adriana being married situation- I don't think I quite believe or understand the legalities of the situation. Doesn't every couple who's getting married have to get a marriage license before the wedding? Haven't many other couples called off their weddings close to the date (or even the day of) their wedding? Does this mean that everyone who calls off their wedding after getting a marriage license has to get an annulment? I'm not sure I understand how just getting the license = getting married- don't you have to go to a Justice of the Peace or something to solidify and be pronounced man and wife? I smell a Brazilian rat in this BS story!

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I fell asleep watching Miami because I didn't catch it til the 12:30 repeat but re: Joanna and Romain not having sex. I can't believe it either if I were Joanna I'd be riding that truck every chance I could get.

Re: Lydia... I lol'd at her passive aggressive digs at Heather. LMAO when she said Lisa Vanderpump had a higher rating on IMDB than her. Lol....

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