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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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LOL. I can't believe that of all the Fox Force Five, Ex Soap Opera Star is the only one with her marriage completely intact.


Well, people say that the fact that RHOP is having of its best seasons ever so far now that Eric isn't there while NY...which had a great freshman start IMHO...is having one of the worst season ever does make a person wonder if Eric IS the problem. 


Thank you! I'm growing to love the individual scenes for sure. And there...it's clear that Eric is at least smart enough to have continuing stories going on. And none of them are boring. I'm soooo in love with the Abe/Mel bromance, and I was happy to see it was not a one-off. And I do feel that is new ground for RH to explore with someone like Abe because it does happen. My old friend groups are littered with them.  And I too am getting used to see Sai and Ubah around each other and Sai around Erin less. And it's bringing out so much fun in both Sai and Ubah. And yes on Rebecca. This was the first episode she truly showed her personality, but it made me wonder how much has been on the cutting room floor due to the party being a flashback.


I totally understand re: to watch or not. Like I said, I want to see Ubah vs Brynn because it seems to be getting firmly established from what I can tell. Now though I'm side-eyeing.

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Kenya said she's not fired and is still receiving checks from Bravo. What happened... she said she FELT threatened... was poked... and "don't come for me, unless I sent for you..." She was concerned... and scared... and took matters in her own hands... so she decided to show RECEIPTS aka explicit images, that she assumed would be BLURRED out. She escalated it... because she was defending herself and her child. 

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God, Kenya is such a soap opera character. 

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(re: Kenya) Y'all know that's my girl. But I have to say she did go too far with this stunt; however, I have to give her props for owning up to her actions and starting to make it right. The same cannot be said about someone else, who still hasn't apologized for r*pe rumors eons ago... *coughs* Phelony Parks *coughs*


(re: RHOC) Heather and Emily are just utter trash. The semantics game that Heather played last night is appalling. I am glad that Emily's nanny has came out and declared that Kylie isn't lying--Emily's kids have previously expressed their disdain for "Fancy Pants."

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RHOC had another great reunion.

I didnt realize what Katie's daughter was doing/saying and Im disgusted. If Gia can get dragged on RHONJ than her adult daughter can as well. Katie should have intervened and condemned her. This "oh she's 20, I cant stop her" is a weak excuse. If you are paying her bills and she's living in your house, then yes you can stop her. Lay down the law and Im sure she will realize that trashing Heather online isnt worth losing her phone, car, etc....I also didnt like how she ruined a potential friendship with Tamra's daughter by ghosting her after filming. Katie saying she is bad with text is another weak excuse. That girl want raised right


Jesus Jugs is pathetic. She said she wont bring up John....bish then why are you here? Thats all you talked about all season and all they care since you made him your entire identity. Tamra gave her good advice in that she should not be his mouthpiece and then she goes out and becomes his mouthpieces. Production even had reciepts to back up how stupid she looks. FAIL


Someone needs to tell Emily that Bravo is not paying her to be a legal consultant at this reunion. She irked my nerve!


Jen asing Tamra where Eddie slept that night, GAGGED me! Get her! I love how Jen has found her voice and ripping into that right couch. She really shouldnt have been third chair. I understand why Shannon was first but Jen should have been second over Gina.


Gina crying about hoe being on this show opens her family up to attacks...girl you do realize you can leave and we wont care right?

Also loved Katie calling Heather out on being a mean girl and tacky when she looked up the dress price. Heather look so disgusted that she was even talking to her like Katie was beneath her. Not a good look


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Emily didn't have a story so she used the reunion as her audition not to be fired.

If you never bring it during the season and only bring it at the reunion, you need to be fired.  Emily and Gina always do this and it's annoying.  Better women need to be hired.

Jenn and Shannon have carried this show for two seasons.  They need a major pay bump and/or center orange holder.

Heather or Tamra need to be fired.  Both are too toxic to stay on together.  If it were me, I would toss Heather.  The show ran fine during the seasons she wasn't on.

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Well, you know RHOA has been paying for Nene's sins of a lawsuit almost since she left.

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I really hope and pray they pull a BH Season 9 on this forthcoming RHOA and show EVERYTHING so we the audience can form a complete pictures before Kenya's maybe exit in the middle of the season. 

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This says to me that Bravo do not know what to do with RHOA without Kenya. And so they arranged for this interview in order to integrate her back into the cast. Maybe they didn't have the material to go on with the show after her mid season pause and they want to edit the show around her. Or maybe I'm projecting. Either way, it is a high profile apology tour. She even brought Brooklyn with her.

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Uh oh. Is that a slump in the action? I actually felt this episode was more interesting than last week's. But there was a bit of a dip. 


There's something about housewives trips that have the husbands on them. And outside of M2M...and NJ...we really don't see them. The last few episodes, the husbands have been carrying. And this episode was no different with Bob's Hubby putting his foot down about anyone mentioning his stepdaughter, John trying to do anything to be sure Lisa does not get kicked off the trip, and then Seth/Meredith vs Shawn. MMMMmmm Shawn with that Reverse Uno Card was something else. 


Not to be outdone, the main thing for the ladies was seeing how long Lisa could go without giving an apology. lol. I can't believe she (apparently) gave one to Bob. I only heard her giving one to Angie K (finally) and then that was in the middle of fighting. I really did not like her trying to avoid an apology by trying to stir up Little Girl/Justin. GIRL, EAT SOME CROW. I did not like fact she could not do this for one of her oldest friends and over HEATHER??? smh. Her last talk with Bob did her no favors. I was Team Bob on that. 




MEREDITH. Well, I cannot say she did not do anything. If it wasn't the real worries she was giving about Seth flying off early from the trip...is there more to it again?...there was her running feud with Angie K by way of Shawn. I liked how Shawn explained it all and it does sound like he was taken out of context. I'm shocked Meredith did not catch it. 


MARY. Mary continued to give the real. Her scenes with Robert and the girl was just something else. You could tell she wanted to say something, but she couldn't figure out how. I continue to look forward to seeing what is coming. Spoiler alert: the dinner is next week with her and Meredith though.

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LITTLE GIRL. Smh. I admit she has been slooooooooowwwwwwwwwwly winning me over. But she appeared to have regress a bit. I'm going to need the Little Girl in the first episode of this season back. Because Lisa deflecting at brunch by trying to get Little Girl lit up...I wanted her to be more witty with Lisa and flip it. Good to see Justin had her back though.


ANGIE K. Gooood, Shawn is fine AF. I mean FOINE. I got Painted on Clothes Shawn. I got Shorts Shawn. I got Shirtless Volleyball Shawn. I got Shirtless in Swimming Trunks Shawn. I got Spread Eagle Shawn...and rewinded. lol. But it was nice to see her and him just be a married couple. They were a hoot and surprisingly in sync during the sex game. And like I said above...Reverse Uno Card. lol. It seems Angie K is paying Meredith dust now versus them feuding. Good she is going to try to turn the other cheek.


LISA. The images of all the husbands coming for her at brunch is not an image that I will soon forever. lol. Poor John. As soon as Lisa would be done with one, here comes another husband to whack her on the head. lol. The fact she was the one who started it by deflecting on to Little Girl rather than just sit alone with Bob and give an apology was wild. And again...all of this...FOR HEATHER??? Bob is even richer than Heather so I don't get it. And Lisa said it all by not being able to verbalize her feelings when Bob is in her face...but talking mess in her Confessional. And her talking crap about flying coach when Bob was in earsight. She's no friend.


BOB. No wonder she eventually fell out with Lisa. Lisa ain't your friend, Girl! Here she was being an adult and trying to talk it out. And all Lisa was doing was deflecting. If Lisa was as much of a boss as she thought she was, she should have just left. Just smh. And OOPS at Bob's Hubby shutting her up quick when Angie K put her foot in her mouth by asking about Bob's daughter. He was grumpy, but he gives signs of just showing up for his wife, not that he wants to be on the show. Understandable.


Good episode. And next week (not showed, but clips are out)...it seems like Meredith vs Mary is next week. Looking forward to it. It should get the momentum going again.



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The chatter about the upcoming season seems dry, especially after thebig scandal of Kenya's exit. Phaedra joins so late tht she wont put a dent in it. Porsha is limited in what she can do amidst this divorce and Simon's many injunctions. Apparently Drew and Shamea feud (yawn). No one even talked about Charles Oakley's wife, who's name I forget. And there's that new girrl Kelly who has the same divorce story as like 2-3 of her cast members. The upcoming season appears to be a mess. Kenya may be the only thing worth a damn

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I thought that was clear when Bravo dared to bring back Shady Phae Phae. I thought it was a good interview though. The plot thickens for me. Like I said above, when RHOA starts up again, they better SHOW IT ALL. 

And they know it! And worse...Kenya knows it, too.

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If what she's claiming is true, then Mia has defeated the opioid epidemic and she must be immediately appointed Health and Human Services Secretary alongside RFK Jr. by the President-Elect.

I believe she is so clearly exaggerating. Perhaps she didn't like how she felt on them, and stopped taking them after liking chiropractic. But to say she was addicted, had an overdose, and was magically able to get off the most addictive drugs on the planet without using rehab or methadone (or a like medication) is untrue and a total disservice to those who have been addicted to these medications.

Karen clearly has a lot going on that we aren't seeing. I really wish she could be more open, but I realize with an open case that she cannot.

Ashley and Wendy should both be canned. They have no storylines and I don't care about their awful mothers.

Stacey and TJ. Whew lordy. She'll be back next year but I can't see how this relationship evolves.

Jassi should be careful about insulting the short guys her friends are dating given her NFL stud has clearly been cheating on her...or she was the sidepiece who got upgraded...

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Karen Huger is a baddie. This is 61 ya'll


Another great episode of RHOP. I cant state enough how much Im enjoying it. Really the only part that does not work for me is Ashley. NO one cares. I saw her on WWHL and she was asked about if she filed for divorce bc on the show, she said she could do it in June but its not Nov. She said she'll give an update this week at the reunion. UGH! Bravo needs to just fire her bc she is throwing crumbs hoping they will want to follow her story next season. Please dont. As a 9 year vet, she is getting paid too much for the bare minimum. Cut her

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