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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yes! Ayan's look would've been perfect for the Miami reunion. She looks weird and out of place here. Her theatrics are starting to bore me honestly. 

Lesa looks gorgeous! That dress looks like it was poured onto her. It is just perfection along with the Marcel wave hairdo. She looks Betty Boop-ish to me. Only thing I wish is that she had a nice necklace on to pop even more. Regardless, she is best dressed to me.

The rest... meh. They look good but no one pops out. Their dresses were rather boring. 

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Well, I look forward to seeing what you think @Soaplovers given your feelings for Lesa.


Another great episode. I can't believe the finale is next week!!! Allegedly. Someone made mention of a dead week in Bravo's schedule so I'm ready to see if there is going to be a break in airing for it or the reunion episodes. 


It was nice and clean fun until they came for Lesa. And Lesa GATHERED. Bad look? Maybe. Justified? Yes. It's been established not to come for Lesa's business. And she really didn't do anything wrong in my eye. Her expanding her business is boss moves. Advertising on a show is a given and smart...a bonus/reason for being on a Housewives show. And it's not unusual for a business to rent a venue and fill it full of merchandise and projects and gifts. There was a lot of synchronicity in how she set it up with Taleen doing the yoga as well. And the first frame of footage we saw of Lesa was a tight Jamaican beat and her doing business. And Lesa knew it had to be perfect. But that turned into a petty fight that turned into a big gang-up. 


But the fun. It was great to see the wives with the husbands. It was fun to see the Ayan/Lesa friendship on full display...so they were back to normal (so what happens in the finale cuz Ayan had her back all through this episode?)? And don't get me started on seeing Stanbury's parents, warming my LADIES OF LONDON heart. 


STANBURY. lol. She continued to have a great season. And this week we got to meet her parents. And it was just so fascinating to watch. Caroline and her mother are very alive and yet so different. Yes, times have changed. And Caroline has grown from her upbringing. I feel that she has. She is reserved still and can bring her ole LADIES OF LONDON ice to the surface, but she IS more relaxed. Meanwhile, her and Sergio were background to the group mess, but she still gave fun Confessionals.


TALEEN. Yeah, I think I'm over her if not her husband cuz Gemini. That said...just lord. I think I'm just exhausted because there were moments where I liked her. I liked her at Lesa's event and how she helped out. And I liked her on the golf course. And I loved that she was trying (?) to give Lesa the heads-up that Brooks felt a way about the event...though Brooks could have mentioned it herself. Where she lost me was her trying to jump in the group scenes when Brooks and Lesa finally talked about what Brooks's issues are. It deflected off Brooks and Lesa's talk and resolving it. And while she did not rise to the bait at the last dinner cuz she was already properly dragged earlier, Taleen just could not help herself and Lesa proceeded to gather her all the way together again. Me and Brooks were like:

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Cuz Lesa was bound and determined to finish Taleen off. And the sad thing is Taleen can't step to Lesa like she tried with Brooks cuz as anyone who saw the COLLEGE HILL clip...Lesa don't play...and her accent was already out. Don't try your luck. 


BROOKS. I see she's being messy online as I talk so let me go ahead and say my thoughts about the episode LOL. Definitely a case for me of 'you sure make it hard to love you.' I couldn't figure out if she was being typical Housewife-Throwing-Shade-At-Housewife-Event or if she really does not like seeing another woman succeed. She saying all this mess about Lesa's event and how she was upset that it wasn't at HER spa. And then Lesa found out, gathered her together, and she was STILL mad. Then Ayan had to get her lick back and set Brooks up to get dragged by Lesa TWICE. Where is my diva at? lol. Cuz she became quiet as a church mouse when Lesa threw up the tea that 1) she does not have black clientele at her spa which is what Lesa is trying to cater to for this launch and 2) her own glam squad don't work at her spa so who is she to be mad at ANYBODY??? I love you, Brooks, but Lesa got you and Tweedledum next to her. 


SARA. Another episode. Another section where Saba (who okay @Cat you win I have warmed up to her) tried to talk so much sense to her. What surprised me about the scene was the fact that that has very much been my problem over the last two years so I see what Saba is saying, but I don't feel Sara is healed herself enough to hear it. In fact, until Sara heals herself and understands who she is, rather than the persona she puts on on camera, her life is not going to be as fulfilling as she would like it to be, especially for someone who is as spiritual as she is. As a spiritual person myself, I know that is a VERY hard lesson to learn. But if I can come out of Mercury Retrograde (ending today) in a much better and introspected person ready to take on his goals and dreams, I feel she can do it as well. 


AYAN. Clearly the comic relief this episode. I didn't hate it. And I love how she has always said that her only workout is her husband and that continues to be so. lol. And this episode was just such a spotlight for her and Lesa's friendship. So I still am wondering what happens next week that it dissolves. Cuz their cart ride was hilarious. They had the cute 'i like massage/you paying?' moment. And as I said before, Ayan had Lesa's back at every turn of the gang-up. Whether it was her in the background frame snapping her fingers at Lesa vs Taleen Round 1 or her setting Brooks up to get dragged again at the Gang-Up Attempt Number 2. 


LESA. QUEEN. Cuz that was petty drama...the kind I like mind you. But it did take on a whole other thing as the episode went on and snowballed. Was she over the line? Hmmm standing on business for her business? I would say no. She went as far as she had to to get her point across. In fact, I felt she said it at the last dinner...she was matching their energy. So if they started to yell, guess what she was doing? I did not at all like Sara trying to label her as aggressive...cuz 

We the audience see what you are doing saying that about a BLACK WOMAN. And we are NOT impressed. And right when Lesa was about to go too far, her husband was right there to pull her back from it. She let them ladies know...there's no gang-up/takedown happening tonight....LOL!!! THANKS FOR PLAYING!!!


Other than that...I can't believe we are at the end of the season. I'm going to miss them all really.




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I saw the post. Katie is batsh*t crazy, and I doubt Chris will entertain her. She was obviously doing that in hopes of generating some buzz in hopes of getting back on the show. Girl, you're a liability. I doubt you'll ever be on RHOP again. 

I like Saba. I feel like she didn't get a fair shake. She needs to be brought back in full capacity next season. I feel like she will be the one person to make Sara's a** work. Lesa, Ayan, or Brooks couldn't go to far with her b/c Sara would subtly let them know that she has rank in UAE as she's a native and they aren't. 

I know Kathy and Rick are elated to hear this news. 

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Finally catching up on Dubai (after another horrific week at work, sigh). My quick take is that if Brooks' spa never once crossed Lesa (and her event planner's) mind, then she is really not bright. As soon as Lesa verbalised the concept for this event, I thought 'Uh oh, why isn't she having this at Glass Door? It would have been a nice way to get Brooks' support for a Mina Roe event. I knew Maleficent Brooks would have a problem with the whole tjing. Lesa may dislike Stanbury the most, but that doesn't mean her rivalry with Brooks isn't percolating either! Brooks expertly sowed the seeds of discontent, and Taleen saw an opportunity to go after Lesa for her moment, and it escalated into a mini gang-up, which Lesa managed to bat away -- for now. But the bad feeling now has momentum, which I imagine we see play out next week.

The Sara-Saba conversation was pretty compelling to watch if, like me, you like Sara. You're right, it was the authentic Sara we saw behind the mask.of perfection. And given everything that has now transpired between the Two S's, it was crazy to watch them so close.

Female friendships of all ages can be intense, sometimes you kind of fall for people platonically, and when you later fall out, it is as painful and heartbreaking as a romantic relationship break-up. Sometimes even more so, if the friendship was a long one. I don't know what's happening recently, but I'm seeing really close girl friends suddenly fall out catastrophically with each other, and I don't understand why! And RHs is built on the ebb and flow of these very intense, close female relationships, so I hope Saba I'd back for S3. It's too bad reunion has already filmed.

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