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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Alexis has always sided with the man over the woman.  Remember season 6 where she basically blamed Peggy for not telling her that she had once dated Jim and didn't even think to also blame Jim.   This is a pattern with her.

Gina... what does she have on the production company, Bravo, and Andy?  She hasn't ever earned her orange.

Shannon needs help.. no doubt about it.   Although I do find it funny that Tamra bad mouths her during filming, during talking heads, and during interviews promoting the show yet is upset that Shannon stops talking to her when filming is done and/or when she no longer is on the show.   

Tamra is obviously stupid and doesn't understand the concept of a  'co-worker'.  Shannon views her as a co-worker.. someone she has to put up with while filming is in session.. but ignores once filming is over.   That's what normal people do... they don't become friends with their co workers... they do their jobs then go home when the workday is over.

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Agreed and I completely forgot that Alexis' ex husband sued Shannon a few years ago which was a recurring storyline in the background. That adds another layer to this new feud they have that I hadnt even considered. I really wish Alexis was full time and not just a friend but regardless, it looks like she is clocking in.


I only wisht his show wasnt on Thurs. I dont like the idea of RH shows being on so late in the week. It should be Sun, Tues or Wed

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I agree with most of you -- it was a great premiere that threw you right into drama that is a decade into the making, but still feels accessible for a new viewer.

As I suspected, this season is putting Shannon on the outs with everyone to build her back up. By the end of the season, I predict she will be queen bee and Tamra and Heather will sidle up to her again, leaving the other ladies in the dust. The only problem is Shannon's unwillingness to acknowledge a very real drinking problem.

Emily isn't the only one who's been hitting the Ozempic hard. At least Emily still has her curves and looks herself. Gina is literally a shadow of her forner self and looks 10 year's older. Shannon is a twiglet and seems to have had another nose job and face lift. 

I zoned out during the Gina scenes. She's doing a lot of OTT work. Cool that she sold Lizzie Vargas's house, though. 

Jennifer is a solid addition to this cast and feels very OC throwback. Sutton's friend is an unusual addition and might work better on BH, but I do like her on OC as a classy counterweight. 

Alexis hasn't changed a bit, and that works. It was her cluelessness that kept her on the show. John Jansen is going to blow through her alimony like he blew through Shannon's inheritance. She's always had horrific taste in men.

Looking forward to this season and all the layers of drama weve seen unfold slowly over years. Bravo already gave us a Shannon-Alexis face off and it was pure soap.

You must tell me why you think Sara is a wannabe! Is she trying to carry the image of Emirati women on the show? Sure. But the other women are calling her on it. Is her relationship with Akin set up for the show? Probably, but at least we got Maktoum's random twerking! I like her. I think she has a good heart.

The scene between Ayan and Lesa made me sad becauseit felt like real friends confidingin each other, but it was also very good. Something is obviously going on in Lesa's marriage and she's preparing for the possibility that he might leave.

Brooks is such a manipulative villain and I love it-- but so, too, is Taleen.

Sergio.... sigh. Even his mom knows Caroline better than he does. And so does Yasmine. She was spilling sone major tea. Sergio moved in during the height of Covid one week after her dad moved out? Oof. Caroline really lets it all hang out.

Edited by Cat
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I think it made the most sense to bring her back this season to get her commentary on Shannon's situation and to see how they handle it. Even though I don't see the appeal of Gina, she is a cat with nine lives. I think she'll skirt by this season too as she beefs with Heather, which'll buy her another season. 

Sorry for your loss, friend. 

And I don't typically care for Chihuhuas but that dog it too adorable. 

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See? That was more on per with Episode 3. So much to enjoy. So much to digest. And there were still group events, friend moments, and just all-around authentic things going on that was not at all boring. I really don't know where to start.


I guess for me what stood out was the maneuvering of Brooks. Or maneuvering period. Brooks was moving like a good HW villain. Her very presence is divise. Look at how that table was. It could have been a gang-up on Brooks. But it not only turned into Caroline vs Sara, but it turned into Lesa/Ayan vs Sara. Brooks was able to sway her way out of a takedown that started out as Taleen vs her by changing the subject from her deteriorating friendship with Taleen to last episode's talk behind Lesa's back. And a gang-up was forgotten. And Taleen looked heated. As Lesa herself would say...Taleen could take NOTES. 


And speaking of notes, Lesa did some maneuvering at the end herself. The Brooks/Taleen friendship was already on a slippery slope post-Beyoncegate. And Brooks was already threatened by Taleen being around Caroline. So that it's LESA who dropped the video to Sara who gave it to Brooks that showed Taleen and Caroline out drinking...there is nothing that will hurt a friendship more than to see your BFF with your (current?) worst enemy. Lesa was not slick. And it's well-established that while Lesa is civil to her, Lesa does not at all like Caroline Stansbury. So...we see you.

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And then...there's Caroline Stansbury...still having her best season (outside of LADIES OF LONDON Season 2 hehe) ever. VERY (emphasis on VERY) unbothered. I can't believe she jumped into the middle of that Brooks gang-up just to pick a fight with Sara. She wasn't wrong, though...lol. Ayan also say that Sara is holier than thou. But it was just so left field. And then she was giving good Confessional and nothing, but real moments, too. And we know Caroline is at her best with a henchman. And since Juliet has not cameo (yet), her hanging out with Taleen is a power move as well...something Taleen also recognizes. Again...maneuvering. 


All the shifts and alliances were well done around all the real moments. And ending on the mid-season trailer...because we STILL don't know how Ayan and Lesa fell out. Could it be because of similar maneuvering? hmmm.


CAROLINE. MOM KNOWS...LOL. What is it that the kids say now? We are soooooo back!!!! Caroline continued to give Peak LADIES OF LONDON, and I stay loving it. That left field attack on Sara. Her Confessionals giving looks. Her shade at Brooks at the end. Meanwhile, there was her scene with her daughter talking about Sergio. And even moreso the scene with Sergio's Mom seeing right through her and Sergio. There was just so many juicy bits with her. And just how she's carrying herself was also a vibe. 


TALEEN. I see my side-eye at her continues. I feel that I should again say that I don't dislike her, but there are things that I see her doing that I am not liking. Like how pressed she was at Brooks managing to get everyone off of her and onto Sara at the brunch. And then she was being sad about how her friendship with Brooks has gone downhill only to be ki-ki-ing with Caroline in the next scene. It seem phony to me and not a good look for her in terms of being a friend. If anything I feel like I'm giving her too much of a shadow of a doubt. 


BROOKS. They could never make me hate you...lol. Cuz I'm still in awe at how she turned that gang-up around at the brunch table. And I see her, Sara, and Lesa have branched off in this episode into a little group with Caroline/Taleen in another group and Ayan in the middle. Hmmm. And her body language while everyone was going after Sara was Team Lesa which was cute.


SARA. LOL!!!! They were really wacking her at that brunch, weren't they? I was hollering. As for Wannabe @Cat, I was meaning Saba trying to have Sara's back, but all the ladies paying her no mind.


LESA. Team Lesa. That said...this episode...I saw it. And by IT I meant the comparisons between her and Caroline. Which I always kinda saw. However, this time around for me, it was her subtle scheming. I said at the end of the S1 reunion that the rivalry should be between her and Caroline. And now that Caroline is playing the game, it was apt that Lesa did as well. So the fact SHE was the one who sent the video of Taleen/Caroline hanging out to the others stood out. Meanwhile, she was still dealing with her mother as well as talking to Ayan about potential issues with Rich. So giving some realness just like Caroline has been this season. Which is going to make whatever caused the split between Ayan and Lesa...which the midseason trailer did not spoil...that much more juicy. 


AYAN.  I loved her scene with Lesa where she gave her good advice. She was a good BFF throughout this episode, and that shined through. She told Lesa they were talking about her and explained herself well. So I admit that now I worry if Lesa did something rather than Ayan. And that is shadow of the doubt.


It was another good episode. More of this please. 



I so love the ladies calling Sara out. I don't know if it will make sense, but Sara and her image and how it has been talked about (by Ayan mainly) has all the makings of a running joke so when Caroline brought it up out of left field, it was hilarious. Someone else FINALLY noticing. And Sara was flabbergasted. 


That is why I really loved that Ayan/Lesa scene as well. It really felt like that.


Same. re: Brooks.


That scene with Sergio's mother was soooooooo juicy. And yep when Yasmine said he moved him barely a day after Clem left. Hmmmm

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The guest on WWHL compared Teresa and Melissa to the soap greats. He said they are like Dynasty's Alexis and Krystal. Erica and Brooke (AMC). Erica and Vicki (OLTL). Andy said yeah but all those characters interacted with each other

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Why, yes, I finished the NuNY reunion. LOL. And I felt that it was a solid reunion. After a good 'first' season, the reunion did what it should have...allowed the ladies to see each other again, rehash, and then (usually) have resolution. And what I also liked about this reunion was that it was clear set-up for 'Season 2.'


As for how I saw it...PART 1...


UBAH. Came in looking for a moment. Cuz what was all that with Jenna. Even if she was right...which it does not seem like she was...it was the delivery. At least she had some tea though in terms of Erin/Sai. Speaking of...


ERIN. Well at least she didn't run. lol. But everyone and their mama was coming for her in Part 1. And it's telling that her and Sai were currently on the outs...and Sai had to bring receipts on her doublespeak. Cuz who would know her better than her BFF anyway. It seem like she came to the reunion to try to look better in the audience's eyes, and so far...failing.


JENNA. So far, so good. But she definitely needs to learn how to maneuver more. 


JESSEL. Got to be the cliffhanger!!! And good on her for coming for Erin and holding her accountable for talking on her husband. My eye cocked at her and Sai being on such good terms now. Alliance?


BRYNN. They could never make me hate you.

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She had me laughing all over the place. And her vs Sai. Just woooow. Stopped talking to her for six months? And Brynn's response was soooo Aquarius. But she called Sai out so good. And her shade at Sai being at the end of the couch was chef's kiss.


SAI. They could never make me hate you, too!    For me, honestly, she has come off the best reunion wise. She's standing in her truth. She's apologizing for those moments where she was in the wrong. SHE...HAS...RECIEPTS. She's played it extremely smart, no-nonsense. If her image has been hurt, she's working her ass off to fix it, and it shows. She was perfection in Part 1. And just the reveal that it's clear her and Jessel have become friends off screen was an interesting tell. But like I mentioned above...so was the tell about how she and Brynn had not talked in six months. 


PART 1 was totally solid. I feel the only thing that bugged me was Ubah being extra out of left field and Andy clearly by way of their religion having Erin's back. Erin deserves to be held accountable.




Hmmm. Not as enjoyable as Part 1 for me. But I felt there was true resolution as I mentioned. And it made it very interesting going into their second season where the friendships are going to go. Though Eric Fuller being over there at Production worries me. 


UBAH. Still searching for a moment. I did like that she was able to explain herself and the phone a little bit more. And also explain that tea she was talking about in Part 1. But her vs Brynn was totally left field and not liked. But I liked when it mattered they forgave each other.


ERIN. Finally!!! Some accountability!!! And I loved Jessel taking her to task. 


JENNA. I felt she was totally more of the meditator among the group this part than even Andy. And it was no more clear than when she worked through Ubah's conversation and showed that it was all a misunderstanding. 


JESSEL. You betta get in Erin's ass!!! lol. And she did work her way down the couch to Sai as well. But I was happy to see that she was able to explain herself. And she gave more of the HW delusion that I've come to expect from her and what made her a fave this season. I feel she found a good groove after a bumpy start. I did notice Erin give a look while Sai and Jessel were talking. Potential drama next season...?


BRYNN. No truer words were spoken than when she said why would she say yes to an engagement that happened AFTER she broke up with any of those guys when they had her and lost her. I FELT THAT. I get readings and I continue to hear there is an ex around me...one of whom might be the person I dealt with all last year. And...it's much too late. So I understood. And I liked hearing the response to her from the audience about her being biracial.  However, I can't help but feel the tension between her and Sai. There were moments where they were good, but there were moments when the shade WAS real.


SAI. And see we get another layer from her. I felt her story about her mom dying and the conflicting feelings that brought up for her and her family. She was showing realness. And as I mentioned there was so much tension between her and Sai. That said...she was actually my favorite from the reunion. 


Bring on next season. 



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Color me shocked as well tbh. 


I remember when I first started that I disliked her. But finally sitting down to watch and watching her, I have respect for her in a villain I loved to hate. And I LOVE Jessel destroying her ass in the finale episode. So to see they are actually friends now says a lot. And Sai handled herself extremely well at the reunion. And more importantly OWNED her crap.



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Ick! I've never seen it for Dawn Ward. Keep her bigoted a** off Dubai. 

And Ravi was doing too much for the cameras that he came off aggressive. Then we had b*tch boy Sergio trying to get involved too. Yeah... The women need to tell their husbands to cut back. Nothing can kill a show more than the husbands getting involved. Look to NJ and see how that panned out for them. 

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