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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Well now, Mary isn't a lead, but yes, I don't think the core 4 + Angie can do it alone. 

As for Monica/Bravo, they DO want her to come back. No one's looking to clean their hands except for the cast. Bravo was hoping she'd plead her case at the reunion but only made it worse. But make no mistake, they want her back in some capacity someway, somehow. This whole bombshell finally put SLC on the map, with Heather's well-rehearsed monologue hitting mainstream. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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BH and Miami both delivered last night. I enjoyed both of them, and they were a refreshing break from the cesspool that was SLC. 

BH: Dorit is going to get chewed up at the reunion by Garcelle and Crystal. Yet again, Dorit's ignorance has reared its head. I didn't get Erika being upset that the women didn't kneel and kiss her ring b/c she was getting the earrings back. It is still repulsing that you want the earrings back when you could simply give the earrings to the victims regardless as Garcelle pointed out. When it comes to Annemarie... NEXT! Get rid of her. 

MIA: Kiki was the star last night. Her talking heads and stirring the pot had me laughing. I don't see how they have not given this woman a mojito. Kiki will be the reason why the Mexico trip will be epic. I can't wait to see her v. Lisa next too. Lisa has been grating my nerves lately and it is time someone gives it to her raw and unfiltered. Guerdy impressed me last night when she finally dug in on Larsa. Larsa continuously displays how vile she is. 

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IA. Monica blew her chance.

Bravo was open to giving her another go. Andy was bending over backwards to facilitate a coming together. Monica herself flopped with the FBI lie, the Burn Book (the most awful idea ever) and her complete lack of empathy regarding why the cast is aggrieved.

She's so ready to do absolutely anything to bring down the other women, so much so that they are unable to trust her even a little bit. As that famous line in Chinatown goes "Most people never have to face the fact that at the right time and the right place, they're capable of anything." The cast recognizes that Monica is capable of anything.

It pains me to write this because I found Monica's SL by far THE most interesting to watch. I wasn't too interested in anybody else's personal story. Monica makes for compelling viewing. Like @NothinButAttitude said, "the group of Meredith, Heather, Whitney, Lisa, and Angie cannot carry the show. All of them are supporting characters in the ensemble." This, totally. You know who was a standout at reunion? Mary Cosby. Who obliterated the Whitney-Lisa-Heather Brain Trust every time they came for her. I love Meredith but she's too reserved to carry. I'm beyond over the Brain Trust Three. Social media needs to stop telling Lisa Barlow that she's 'iconic,' because it is a lie.

Yes, Production knew who Monica was -- the season was simply too perfectly constructed and paced for them not to have known. I imagine this was their revenge for Black Eye gate.


A final word on Heather. I'm starting to disbelieve the 'trauma' of her friendship with Jen Shah. That she protected Jen for an entire year regarding the black eye. It's not that women can't have dysfunctional, manipulative friendships... of course they can. But I believe Heather wanted to propagate a mystery for SL purposes and it failed. She foolishly and selfishly threw Production under the bus to keep it going.

The weird thing about her admission that she is "no longer Jen Shah's b!tch" at reunion was her on Tuesday's WWHL essentially fist-pumping and saying 'This one's for Jen.' WTF are you doing, you fool? Increasingly, I wonder if Jen Shah doesn't have serious blackmail on Heather and that's why H routinely acts like her ride-or-die on national television.

Edited by Cat
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@Cat Heather is STILL using the black eye as a storyline. She revealed that Jen hit her but she conveninently didnt tell us why. Jen didnt just accidently punch her. There must have been an argument and we dont know what prompted the fight. Watch next season she is gonna drop little nuggets and then tell us what really happen. OR she is gonna save that for her second book which she teased that she was writing

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Jen Shah is a vicious, abusive, ruthless, violent person, of that I am sure. But I also wonder if other stuff may be going on between Heather and Jen Shah which could involve money or something like that. Something Jen actually cares about. And I've also wondered if it suits Heather have Jen as her bogeyman in order to gain sympathy from the viewers.

I feel awful even writing this. A lot of people are in physically abusive relationships, and are disbelieved or minimised, like 'But what did you do to make him angry?' I really hope I've not done this with Heather. I don't want to diminish what was indeed an abusive and toxic friendship.

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Ive seen people speculate that there was something sexual between them and that prompted the argument. Seems crazy but it has me wondering. They definitely know each other's secrets

I have something to metion about BH and MIA last night.  Anyone else find the way Kiki was thirsting after those men to be uncomfortable? Garcelle and the ladies were like that on BH too. Considering the help on RHUGT2 sued Bravo for inappropriate behavior that the housewives exhibited towards him, Bravo needs to tell these women to chill. I guess at least Kiki asked for consent to touch that one guy instead of feeling him up without his permission. This is sexual harassment and given the RHUGT2 lawsuit, I think going forward we are gonna see less of this

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Would not be surprised. It would all make sense as to why Heather has an undying loyalty to Jen. I've been seeing these types of tweets the past 24 hours. Some folks suspect that Jen might've funded a lot of these women (Lisa, Whitney, Meredith too) lives. Meredith and Whitney, I don't believe. 

But Lisa, I can believe. 

And this is all ALLEGED (in case someone is lurking). 

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This is taking me right back to Season 1 reunion when Lisa breathlessly praised Jen's business and her smarts. (This was just before the news came out about a Federal investigation). Meredith was silent, and she seemed to already know something wasn't right with Jen's money. But Lisa was gushing to the point where I thought 'Oh, she wants a cut of that.'


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