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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yes. Kim Z said so herself in an interview and on Twitter last night.

NeNe still remains adamant that Kim was fired. Last night she tweeted: "Kim was FIRED, Bravo knows it, True Entertainment knows it and all the Brown girls know it"

Keep in mind, Kim didn't just lie to the women about the dates and how far along she was, she had to have lied to the production staff too. So imagine the frustration on the production end of things if they'd already booked tickets for the cast and the crew, got accommodations, planned a rough itinerary, got filming permits for certain locations, set time aside in their own personal life, etc. and then Kim strolls in and [!@#$%^&*] everything up. That's just beyond inconsiderate.

LOL she will have nobody to film with.

Edited by Eric83
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I love how NeNe cooled herself down before she got too heated. "Hold up! [pause, hands at her face] NeNe..." Love how she composed herself when she had had enough of Kim's B.S. Someone had to do it, and NeNe did it perfectly and you could tell Kim was intimidated that someone was actually calling her out on her bull.

Great show. I can't believe I'm actually giving a damn about Cynthia. Girlfriend must know her days are numbered once NeNe leaves the series and she is determined to stick around! Porsha is still uninteresting.

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Nene and Greg are divorced? Since when? I always read that they just seperated byt never finalized anything. She's always said as much when asked but last night she told Cynthia "that when Greg and I divorced..."

The one thing that doestn make sense about Kim being fired is why is she getting a spinoff? It hardly makes sense to get "fired", only to be rewarded with your own show

Cynthia is such a weak bitch. Why is she still threatening to whip out the phone with the audio? She should have just done it instead of sitting on her "evidence" I do like that Phaedra apologized and didnt continue to play dumb

Edited by Cheap21
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Yes, Nene and Gregg are divorced.

Rumor has it Kim had ALREADY signed a contract months ago that said if "Tardy for the Wedding" was a success, she would get a followup season/series. Because the wedding show meant that criteria, Bravo was more or less obligated to give her another season despite her firing from RHOA.

Edited by SoapBoy94
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SoapBoy is right. NeNe said that Season 2 of Don't Be Tardy... was a contract obligation.

The producers were tired of Kim and she was fired. Anything she is saying is her saving face like Sheree

Nene on Kim in her blog: "Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty we are free at last" :lol:

Edited by Eric83
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