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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I cannot effing stand Bad Weather either! Especially Little Girl, who is an absolutely terrible actress. Harassing Meredith about her father's memorial and whether it was a Monday or Tuesday is cruel and ridiculous. To prove what? That Meredith called the Feds? And Heather in the previous episode raised the idea that the entire memorial 'might be' a lie. Whitney buzzes around like a mosquito, but Heather is the one who sows the seeds and sits back to watch her handiwork. 

I know fans of Jen Shah think she is more fun compared with sourpuss Erika. But I honestly expected the women to question Jen much more closely about the scamming of old people, orphans & widows. I criticize RHOBH all the time for sweeping important questions under the rug, but at least people poked holes in Erika's story. At least we had Sutton asking Erika the hard questions (and exposing her nasty nature). We have had bupkus from Lisa, Whitney, Heather, Jennie. Nobody has asked Jen about her place at the top of the pyramid scheme or the charges. It's a damn Federal indictment. Are these women are terrified of Jen Shah? Or did they make a pact not to bring it up because they don't want attention on their own questionable business practices? 

Instead, we get four f***ing episodes questioning Meredith why she didn't go on the black van ride. WTF? This is crazy deflection.

Picking on Mary is insane. Yes, Mary is not nice. she is rude. She heads a cult. She's a party pooper. But you know what? I love watching her, and I'm sad she is off the show. She actually makes all this entertaining. She sees through all these women and tells them to their face what she thinks of them. Bad Weather and Jennie can hardly deal with her rude honesty. They try to peck at her and she just won't take their BS. So, now, with Mary gone, who is going to stop the Bobbsey Twins from riding roughshod over season 3?

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Jenne's aggressive ass throws a glass at Mary next week. Mary walking away and not wanting to engage her should not warrant this violent behavior. She really should have been fired from this bc Mary and the two crew members could have been injured from the shattered glass



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This is much worse to watch now that we know about Jennie.

All season long she's been going after Mary relentlessly, I assumed to secure a place next season. The misplaced rage, though... she literally loses it because Mary dared to walk away from her.

Mary never once gave her the attention she craved, and she didn't bat an eyelash here. She just glanced at the broken glass like 'Whats that?' Cool as a cucumber. 

Oh [!@#$%^&*] what happened? My Dolores??

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New Jersey:

Any sympathy I had for Jennifer dwindled after hearing she was trying to dig up dirt on Jackie..and the cheating rumor.  

Basically these shows are a portrait into why women would rather be friends with guys than other women lol

Gia is the smartest one in her family.  I think Joe and melissa didn't know what to make of someone that is calm, forms sentences, and brings up good points.

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So I bit the bullet and starting to play catch up on SLC. If it's Mary's Swan Song, I might as well see how she goes out.


Chaotic mess.


I feel Meredith summed it up when she was talking to Brooks (of course she would be talking to him) on the phone. These girls (outside of Mary) are not her friends. Who would be talking behind her back? Who would think she would want to be in a van with sucky people? Who would dare think her father's death is suspect (and yes that last one is triggering)? 


We have said it before and we will probably say it again. These girls this season are oh so alliances. I know I'm over Little Girl and Lint with their mess. See Jen turn on Jeannie for even mentioning her name. And if they aren't really friends...well...I like Meredith and Mary. And then Jen was with them briefly. Oooooh what could have been...and I LOVE Mary and Jen dancing together. MVPs!!!


So it appears to be shaping up as Meredith/Mary/Jen vs Little Girl/Lint/Utah Lydia/Jeannie. But...things change so swiftly here. At least they had one fun night with Club Zion. 


JEN. Yeah, Jen was giving off shades of Ms. Pat the Puss here. There she was going off on Jeannie. And thankfully, there was so much other chaos going off at that dinner that she was able to deflect away from herself. And then for the rest of the episode she was comic relief...something Ms. Pat the Puss would NEVER. I could almost forget she got arrested for scamming older folks. Almost. It is shocking how well she is coming across. Speaking of...


HEATHER. Lint. *dig off shoulder*


LITTLE GIRL. Girl can't even voice her own opinion. What makes her think she and Lint can dictate who Mary should talk to? Girl, bye. Then there was her being messy about Meredith and her dad. Well, money invested truly cannot buy her class, can it?


UTAH LYDIA. Well it was clear it was coming since the start of the season. Slowly, but surely the rift between Utah Lydia and Meredith has been growing over Jen. And it looks like it is going to be worse in the next episode. 


MEREDITH. Awwww her and Jen made up for a good minute. Or a new alliance? And it was funny to see everyone react. And I liked that she kept coming back out and handling folk post 'who's calling who a fraud' (which was better edited in this episode). The only time she bugged me was when she was on the phone with Brooks...cuz Brooks.


MARY. Worth me watching because she was paying them so much dust. Some people online say that it seems like Mary suspected Jeannie and even hinted at it in the scene where Little Girl and Lint was trying to get Mary to talk to her when Mary said Jeannie 'did not matter.' I do wonder how true that is. 


JEANNIE. So this was the first time seeing her post-scandal. Yeah, I can't. lol. I did love her getting Jen's wrath.


I still can't believe that they partied given how crazy the rest of the episode was. 

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Watching right now. And I found that flashback with Frank EXTREMELY suspect. 


But I find the whole thing suspect because if Jackie knew about the Bill affair because Marge opened her big mouth, how does she not think...'if my 'friend' can talk about her, what other gossip did my friend talk about?' 

Last season with guys night and Marge's man knowing was so telling of Marge's character.

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Yep. That's how I felt about that.


It really should not even be that much of a surprise. This is the same thing Marge did with Danielle. Though to be fair, Danielle could be her own worst enemy. Jennifer is a whole different beast and can play it smart as well so Marge is simply being craftier about her technique. But we already discussed that if Marge wants that crown currently sitting on Teresa's head, she was always going to have to ice out any and all of Teresa's minions. She did it with Danielle. And she's trying to do it with Jennifer. 


You cannot tell me that if Marge already knew about the Bill affair she would not have used it earlier than now. And no amount of Production manipulation (nice try with those flashbacks to justify Marge's narrative ) will tell me otherwise. It was clear even more this past episode Marge was behind the Evan rumor to me. Moreso because they are trying to draw a fake comparison between that 'being just a rumor' and the Bill affair to take some of the power of Jennifer unmasking her (well trying to before Andy Cokehead stepped in) at the reunion. And Marge is still using that rumor to keep Jackie in line in case Jackie might actually be swayed to Jennifer. Nice to see Jackie has a soul, but let me not get distracted. From the moment the reunion ended, Marge (with her minions) was already trying to get payback on Jennifer and probably started to dig. And now they are selling this narrative of 'well everybody knew.' Funny given that was what was said during the Evan 'rumor' at boys' night by Marge's man. 


And Marge clearly has a new producer friend for her to be able to have those flashbacks. And it was sad to see Dolores manipulated so easily. All Marge had to mention was Frank was involved and she flipped. I do feel that flashback was back from last season. Interesting that it is showing up now. Hmmm.


Thankfully, Teresa is still on Jennifer's side. And don't think that I have not noticed that Marge is STILL being shady to Teresa in her Confessionals...which was the reason Teresa was shading her every chance she got at last season's reunions. I guess she did not learn. So I love that Teresa has been calling out Marge's hypocrisy (which is what hypocrisy is btw, Marge. At least Jen owned everything so far. Go get a dictionary.) every chance she gets. I love Teresa is not being fooled. If she only knew Marge is definitely coming for her.


Not even a maybe. Definitely.



I thought it was a good episode. And right or wrong, it was great to see Gia step up for her sisters and call out Joey Gorga. And he...was being a Housewife. lol. She was taking no crap from him. Or Melissa. Love to see. She has grown up so much. And it looks like the sisters will be getting into it with Joey next week. He need to quit.




OWN IT!!! Jennifer that is. There was not a moment where she didn't. From the beginning when she said Marge got the story wrong, thus stealing Marge's moment and all Marge could do was walk away with her tail between her legs. To her discussing it all in Confessional at the birthday party. Then her talking to Teresa. Being the bigger person with Jackie. Being an even bigger person with Marge at Dolores's housewarming because she explained perfectly (and calmly) why her and Marge always bug heads, making Marge seem even more like a hypocrite. And finally when it appeared clear that that Budget Coven was doing a gangup (+ Dolores), she left gracefully knowing she was in a bad place. Like a grown a^& woman. #respect


GIA. Nothing like watching a little girl grow up right before your eyes. It's like watching a soap kid without a recast.  And she checked Joey calmly and rationally. And the looks she gave Melissa when Melissa wanted to interject was *chef's kiss*




TERESA'S RIBBING. I stay loving Teresa taking every chance she can get to mention that everyone was coming for her over Evan last season, but Marge doing the same thing at Teresa's party is different how? lol. 


FAMILY. Regardless of how I feel about some folk, I stay liking the family scenes. Jackie, her kids, and her camp memories...relatable. Dolores...and the coming end of her relationship with David. Jennifer and the birthday party. 




THAT AIN'T FETCH. Crafty or not, I did not at all like how Budget Coven were slowly but surely trying to gang up on Jennifer at Dolores's housewarming. I liked them even less knowing that before she showed up they were sitting there talking crap and then want to be all nice, nice...I mean fake nice.


ET TU, DOLORES? Yeah, like @NothinButAttitude I was not at all liking the fact Dolores had Jennifer's back and talked about friends having friends' back, but as soon as Marge mentioned Frank was part of Jennifer being nosy and she was nothing, but picking on Jennifer throughout her housewarming. Actually picking on her for crying. Not because it was taking away from her housewarming, but because she was crying. Just smh.


POT SHOTS. Shut up, Marge. Taking pot shots every chance she gets, but feels some way when Teresa does the same. 


JOEY'S MELTDOWN. Oh, how I rolled my eyes. Such a drama queen. Usually it does not bother me or I find it funny. But here I was Boy, bye.


TRACI. She had a few good comments and seem rational, but so far...nothing sticks. 


UGH. Marge's annoying blonde friend from last season is back next week it seems. 


Another good episode.

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I was watching last week's episode. I was totally about to just call it filler. Okay, I might STILL call it filler. But that last 10 minutes? Daaaaaaaymmmmmmmmm!!! And to think Noella almost did not show.


All Heather had to offer was shopping for where she wanted her house to be. Nothing else. And clearly, Dumb and Dumber...I mean Gina and Emily were bored so they simply winded Noella up. And offfffff she went. 


Not that Noella even needed them to wind her up. Her passing out in the sweat lodge and the drama that followed proved that. 


Who running them girls? Noella NOT HEATHER is running them girls!!! 




WELL PLAYED. I'll give credit where credit is due. There was not anything happening. So kudos to Dumb and Dumber...I mean Gina and Emily...lighting that dynamite called Noella by revealing that Heather only asked Noella to come after being convinced. It has already been established in the growing rivalry between Heather and Noella, Noella is not one to back down. And Gina already knew Heather was mad over Max's birthday gift. So...put them against each other...two women known for thinking of themselves so highly = fireworks. And...it did not disappoint. 


THE DINNER. A dinner that did not disappoint. And I understood both points of view. Or perhaps I should say they both were at fault. Perhaps Noella should have double checked the gift before she sent it out. However, if she does not know there is a problem, then it really isn't her problem...it's HEATHER'S problem. And for someone who is very good at articulating herself, Heather should have been able to express herself pre-trip. But she was clearly still smarting from the confrontation at her office with Noella where Noella did not back down from her. And again, Noella did not back down. It was not helped by Dumb and Dumber...I mean Gina and Emily egging them both on (with some help from Dr. Jen) making it worse. Only Shannon seem to have some sense...and it's the fact that SHANNON is the one with sense. 




THE GANG UP. What is this? BH? Dumb and Dumber thinking they were going to gang up and then deflect when Noella had the right to side-eye Gina for not telling her about the gift. Or at least hinting. And who is Emily in this world thinking she could get Noella to apologize? Girl, bye.


DR. JEN. No storyline without the hubby. 


THE SHOPPING. Now, Heather, don't get boring. That shopping was just yawn.


Decent episode. But again, Noella is stealing Heather's thunder. Heather better tread lightly. 

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Would you say Dr Jen is Oc's answer to Teddi?

I'm wondering if lawsuit happy Nicole being dropped mid filming is why Jen got an orange?

This would have been a year where 5 housewives holding oranges would have been ok.  Both Shannon and Heather have teens that would provide content..while Noella is Brownie part deux...with Emily/Gina being blenders because they like to mess things up.

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But seriously...Dr. Jen is at least trying. It is just...falling flat. Versus...just being flat like what's her name...

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I was under the impression that they were going to do 7 Housewives...Nicole being the 7th...but we saw how that ended. 


And let's not forget that the girls can film with their men as well. I sat down and watched last night's episode and there was Shannon with John and I admit that I liked the backstory with his family and him telling it to the guys and girls. 


God, yes. Noella is sooo Braunwyn 2.0. Except I like her mess better. And it's intriguing and entertaining enough. But I thought I liked Braunwyn too...until I didn't with her fakeness. So far, extra Noella is, but I don't find her fake.





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There were bits and pieces that were good about last night. Noella's clapback to Emily. The va-jay-jay stack. Shannon, Emily, and Noella at Shannon's favorite place THE OLD WOMAN (completely with Kelly flashback). Shannon, her man, and the boat. I even liked the girls night in at Emily's. Dr. Jen even got some actual drama in the form of her husband...not shocking, but felt real.


But overall, I definitely felt this episode was filler.




GO CHECK ON GINA. Who run the girls?? NOELLA RUNS THE GIRLS!!! LOL!!! Her saying that to Emily with a straight face...and Emily LISTENING...was PERFECTION. I had to rewatch. It is rare that a newbie commands such presence without coming across as a try-hard at every turn. And while Noella has been a try-hard, there are times when she just flows. THIS was one of them. 


THIS ISN'T MY PLATE, BUT THIS IS MY PLACE. Oh, that flashback had me rolling. But I continue to like seeing Shannon and Noella's friendship. And Shannon is sooo coming across good and as good comic relief. Especially with her man on the boat. I liked John and her talking to Em, Heath, and their men about John's relationship with his father. Just when you think Shannon is out of layers, a new one pops up. 


LET'S GET REAL. Not only did we have the father talk...and girls night in...which was fluff fun versus boring fun...but that talk with Dr. Jen and Ryan...OUCH. It made me wonder if the dog is less a pet and more of a support animal for Ryan...something I see a lot of in my line of work. It would make sense since Dr. Jen is always work, work, work. And it was clear that Ryan DID NOT WANT TO HAVE THAT TALK ON CAMERA. Very telling. A few questions spring to mind. But while STILL about her husband, this finally gave Dr. Jen some story that did not come across as a gimmick or forced.




BACK TO REALITY. I guess it says something that the cast trip was over in the first 5 minutes. D'oh!!!


THE WALK OUT. Ryan so wanted to break that fourth wall rather than walk out. So he really should have gone for it. What skeletons are in Dr. Jen's closet? hmmmm


PICK ME. Ugh. Gina. Whatever, girl. She is soooo up Heather's skirt. And she cannot be mad that Noella and Shannon can see that and she gets called on it. 



ETA: Oops. Dr. Jen and Ryan are currently separated per US Mag.

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