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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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2.5 is a sharp decline for Atlanta, yes?

Beverly Hills was enjoyable overall last night, but yes, a ho-hum episode. Way too much Adrienne and Paul, no wonder it was a dud. Not enough Lisa.

Antoyne, you're so on the mark about Taylor desperately trying to get others to like her by engaging in lousy gossip that isn't even worth gossiping about. Trying to stir [!@#$%^&*] up to remain relevant, but she just looks like such a whiny, malnourished shrew. Next week's party with Yolanda hosting and Taylor boozing it up looks to be a fun trainwreck.

Loved seeing Camille! She still has that surprised deer-in-the-headlights look that we love so much. smile.png It *is* pretty ironic, what Kyle pointed out, that she and Camille butted heads like no other during the first season, but now they're genuinely friends, and there's no Bravo contract to make them obligated to hang out together, so that's pretty telling.

OMG Dana scooting in there for camera time... LOL. Go home 25K.

I love how Kyle and Mauricio's daughters have such a beautiful blend of both parents' features. There's no doubt who those baby daddy and mommy are!

Adrienne & Paul... gimme a break, saying Lisa owes them an apology. Ugh, that woman.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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As much as i really got into Jersey this summer, Beverly Hills is pretty great! It's the first i ever watched because it was from Beverly Hills. My favorite is Lisa Vandepump. Although looking at her husband, i can see why she only "does it" on holidays and birthdays.

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I loved Bev Hills this week, as someone else pointed out this is a series about the build up. every episode isnt going to have a climax and catfight, thank god. But lots of interesting dynamics were shown in this episode. Adrienne/Paul seem very happy and we know that isnt the case for long, mauricio & kyle's friendship with adrienne & paul is strong while adrienne and paul vs lisa and ken is getting underway, taylor is out for brandi to make herself look better and is dragging yolanda into a fight she has nothing to do with - and their rigt gets even deeper next week. these are all factors in the promo we saw.

poor Brandi. I do not blame her for dipping out and was surprised she lasted as long as she did. She was all alone against Kim, Taylor, Adrienne, Dana, etc..

and damn, Kyle sure does crack herself up. She really thinks shes funny in the talking heads.

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Brandi was on Wendy Williams and it was interesting. I love that she owns the fact that she is not rich and had no credit and did not try to pull the cash poor act some do. I also love how Wendy tried to get her to drag Leann and she didnt really, but the tweethab line slayed me. she dished on taylors married boyfriend, sex in kyles bathroom, etc.

she needs to stop whatever she is doing though because those chipmunk cheeks are not cute.

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I think Thursdays are just a bad night period, but the first Thursday episode after the Sunday airing had good ratings. Overall, had it launched it's first episode after New Jersey, we wouldn't be having this problem. The series would've had Beverly Hills size ratings by the time of the slap episode. Bravo botched the scheduling with this season terribly. Overall, the network is making lots of poor decisions. Top Chef usually gets between 2-3 million viewers and I think this season premiered with less than 1 million viewers. They need to can whoever is promoting and scheduling these shows because many are good shows.

I just finished catching up and as much as I love it, Miami was a total dud this week. I almost fell asleep. I also didn't enjoy the dinner at Alexia's. The stuff with Karent is beginning to grate because as others have said, she hasn't done enough to merit the level of hatred. Joanna is unwatchable and a disgusting person to me. Ana is putting me to sleep at this point and because nobody there knows what really happened, Adrianna ends up looking bad as well. The only thing I enjoyed was Lea and Lisa's storylines. They need to figure out a way to give us more Marysol. I love her as well.

Beverly Hills was good this week, but I did think there was too much Taylor and not enough Lisa (or Brandi). I don't understand why, even going into next week, Taylor keeps bringing up a comment Brandi made that she didn't hear. She's not even repeating it correctly and everyone she's brought it up to has blown it off. She is making herself look like and idiot and she can't use the drunk excuse (which I'm sure is coming for next week) when she started this sober. Yes she doesn't like Brandi and Brandi doesn't like her, but this isn't the way to get payback. She's such a loser.

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New Jersey needed a revamp so I'm really interested in seeing how it's next season goes. I even think the most recent season needed a revamp and could've been saved by adding at least ONE new person so there would be a chance of a new storyline other than the extreme focus on Teresa vs Everyone. Next season Jacquline and Melissa need a true story instead of being focused on Teresa. IMO that's the sign of a boring housewife, when they spend all their time hating.

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