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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oh wow! This was such a hot mess... I am about to break it down person by person (Long post alert)

Melissa: I simply CANT with this bitch. One minute she says she doesnt remember where she knows him from and all of a sudden she remembers working there for a week passing out drinks at a bikini bar. rolleyes.gif She is such a sh-t stirrer, she calls Joe knowing he was going to show up and get stuff escalated. What was with her saying she hopes Pete Guidice gets a beating? WTF? Then she tells JoeGo to yell "Shame on you" out the window Teresa. Wow. And yeah, Melissa couldn't have been happier to twist it into something that would make her look like Teresa's victim so Joe would finally agree to cut her out of their lives.

JoeGo: I am so sick of this guy. What is he so mad about? Nobody ever even said the word stripper they are the ones saying it so they must be hiding something. I dont even see how Melissa was 'set up" The guy came over to the table said hey and walked away. Melissa and Joe Go are the ones that turned it into a big spectavle. Then the next day he texts Teresa saying "youre dead to me" without even hearing her side of the story. WOW.

Jacqueline: This woman needs to stay out of other people's business. She will believe random texts but everything Teresa says or does is a lie. Then she wouldnt even tell who her "source" was. If Jacq knew Melissa was going to be set up then why in the hell didnt SHE saying anything to Melissa since she likes her so much. GMAFB. She knew what was going to go down and played her role in making Teresa looking like the big bad wolf.

Caroline/Lauren.... lol these two miserable cows had so much to say even though the situation had nothing to do with them. Caroine seriously grates my nerves and she is the biggest hypocrite of them all considering she told Teresa all about Jacq being a stripper when she met Chris so she needs to sit the [!@#$%^&*] down and shut the [!@#$%^&*] up.

Kathy... irrelevant as usual.

Teresa: I am totally Team Teresa. If these people would STFU and let her explain herself instead of trying to run with this BS story maybe it wouldn't have gone this fear. Melissa couldn't wait to call JoeGo and said something like "If he gets mad at you, he gets mad at you' rolleyes.gif Then crybaby Jacqueline calling Teresa disgusting bc she questioned Jacq's loyalty. Jacq is such a little rat. Teresa set Melissa up how exactly? By asking her about privately in the bathroom? And I love how Melissa told EVERYONE that Teresa asked her was she a stripper? Teresa didnt even say that she said the guy was spreading rumors and she didnt believe them.

Man I swear I dont like anyone on this show but Teresa, and I hope she puts them all on blast at the reunion. I saw in the preview Teresa calls Caro an old hag. ROTFLMAO!

ETA: This episode made my head hurt. I will never be able to watch it again. laugh.png

Producers deny Teresa's involvement http://www.allabouttrh.com/producers-say-teresa-giudice-had-nothing-to-do-with-the-strippergate-drama/

Found this on TWOP:

Edited by Eric83
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Teresa is such a disgusting vile piece of [!@#$%^&*] person and clearly set this whole thing in motion and when melissa called her husband in teresa got scared because she knew she was fucked and he would know it was her. she has been bad mouthing melissa from the start and never let up. i love that the guy was still on mic and it was confirmed that she was involved, as if her brother in law toasting her and her doing shots with kim wasnt proof enough. then to go and try and plame victim and accuse of Jaqi of setting her up. is this bitch for real? shes seriously sick. i loved seeing that moment tho where it clicked for Jaqui how aboslutely trashy and evil Tre is and you could just see she was done. This was a new low for any housewife, honestly. And you know what, if this crazy bitch would own it instead of playing victim i could enjoy it, but i sort of think she belives the lies she tells herself - and to live with an abusive husband like hers i guess she would have to.

I can not wait for the reunion. more desperation and reachin by teresa and Jaqui goes off! it looks great. but three parts? ugh.

I really want to know how Melissa restrained herself for beating the [!@#$%^&*] out of Tre & Kim. I dont know how she didnt. She handled it pretty well and i dont blame her at all for calling her husband, esp because tre was prob all ready to call him up and give her spin on the situation and play victim like she always tries. It was about time she pushed him to go off on her too after two seasons of trying to get them to get along and getting nothing but attacked for it by crazy. I sure as hell would have. And watching Kelly Ripa DRAG Tre on WWHL was fun.

Caroline was in rare form tonight, trying to kep everyone calm and not let things get out of hand. I loved her with Joe.


Lord can someone please teach her some new lines? Your the devil because your wearing red! yeah, we got it hun. it wasnt cute, funny, or original the first time you said it,,,

I seriously want to see someone knock the [!@#$%^&*] out of this spiteful, hateful, insecure bitch. she truly hates herself and her life so much that she has convenced herself of all the lies she tells to be true. and really, shes one to judge someones looks. Caroline is a better person than I because if she went there with me id point out how ape looking and ugly she is.


Edited by JackPeyton
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Oh and that new Bev Hills promo is the best promo ive ever seen for the series. here is the bravo link- http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-3/videos/sunny-beverly-hills-can-be-cold

here is the ATL Promo. Kims group image looks like its from last season

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Like i said, attacking someones weight is a desperation move and speaks volume about ones character. teresa is clearly desperate and scrambling at this reunion to trash everyone in order to build herself up. I feel bad for people like her. Mayeb if she had some self respect she could be a better person. Caroline handled it beyond well. Only Teresa would thing attacking a dress is on the level of calling someone fat and telling them they need plastic surgery.

Also, damn lauren looks GREAT and looks like shes got some confidence.

Edited by JackPeyton
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LOL we are never going to agree on RHONJ but honestly after ALL the sh-t talking and bashing these ladies have done to make Teresa look like a monster I am not suprised she came out guns a blazing at the reunion. Caroline has attacked Lauren for her weight how many times? And I am sure Caroline will be the first one throwing insults so I dont feel bad for her. I never said Teresa was perfect either but these other ladies never own up to the stuff they do and pin it all on Teresa. Tre was on Celebrity Apprentince, has 3 NYT best sellersm Fabellini, and a new hair care line. What do Caroline, Jacq, Melissa and Kathy have going on? They are haters and are wasting this platform gossiping about Teresa instead of getting out and doing something.

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Self Respect, to start.

Questioning someones actions in selling friends and family out for fame the way Tre has is far, far different from attacking someones weight. I dont feel bad for Caroline either, because Tre means nothing and her attacks mean nothing and Caroline clearly didnt care, thankfully she is like that though because many people are not.

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The same way Kathy and Melissa sold Teresa out to get on tv? The same way Jacqueline used drama with her teenage daughter for her sl for 3 seasons? None of these people are innocent.

Teresa means nothing but yet she was the only thing on these women's minds this entire season.

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By your logic teresa is the worst because she uses her small children. Ashleeeee could have not filmed, she wanted it. Please. And im not claiming the other four are these pure saint victimized by the devil tre, but she clearly has hated melissa and they have a well known troubled backstory and mel def sold her out to get on the show. teresa has insulated from the start that she was a stripper and that she is a golddigger, so with of all this going down why would anyone believe she wasnt behind it? There is a difference between filming a reality show and showing your life and what not and being malicious and hurtful like Teresa is with Mel, she cant stand that her brother picks Mels side over hers and is desperate to end them.

Teresa is only relevant to Caroline in the show, and thats pretty damn clear. She cant have nothing to do with her and never speak of her and be on the show. Its not how a reality show works and you know that. The fact that none of the women except kathy have even talked to or seen tre since the show wrapped until the reunion says it all right there. The show is now casting for friends of teresa so she will have someone to film with when they are not all forced to be together. and this season showed caroline and jaqui and even melissa focusing on a hell of a lot more than teresa.

And you seem to forget how Caroline, Kathy, Jaqui & esp Melissa's names are always coming out of teresas mouth. She even used them, when still friends, to make money by trashing them in tabloids and denying it, even tho she flubbed and admitted to it. Given that alone im not sure she would be given any slack in this siutation with melissa, esp given how her one and only friend kim was giddy to do it, the hair salon she just happened to go to for one day where this guy happened to work for one day, her not warning of it coming like anyone else would, her partying and celebrating with kim after and remained close to her after all of this, if she wasnt involved and truly cared she would never. she didnt care at all that it happened. and her trying to blame it on Jaqui to make herself the victim? oh. my. god. she clearly was totally involved and had everything to do with it.

and now at the reunion she has resorted to name calling and poking fun at weight to try and build herself up. its very, very sad that she feels the need to do this but it also explains why she satys with such a horrible man.

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