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I hope Dorit focuses on her fashion line next season too. I feel like it could be a cute little arc that could add more glamor back into this show. 


Erika won't take criticism and try to change. Her deranged fans will gas her up, not knowing they are driving her straight to her destruction. I'm banking that next season will be the downfall of Erika a la Brandi her third season. 


And speaking of Kim, here's another sneak peek of next week when she calls out Eileen: 

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CavalryEileen riding in to Rinna's defense! Telling Kim "You don't know what you saw" smacked a little of "You're crazy, Kim." At least she admitted that what Rinna said was "messed-up wrong" but quickly deflected the blame onto Kim. Glad Kim pointed out that Rinna and Eileen stick together like a little gang.


Looks like us two are not the only ones to have taken against 'Queen' Erika. The fake Lee Radziwill Twitter account doesn't love her either!


She also had this one about Rinna:


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Oh god. Why is bitch PK still on the couch? "Are you gonna hold a diamond next season?" LOL...YES Erika, ask the burning question


Andy: "Lets get him off the hook."


Erika: "Get him off the stage." LOL


OMG when Kim gave the present back to Rinna, Eden goes "Do you want one of my crystals? Maybe it can help heal you."

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RHOC s12 tea! 


"Allegedly," Trailer Sue has been caught on audio offering to slob the knob of a 90s boy band singer. Just gutter butt. 




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So part 2 just reaffirmed everything I already felt about Erika. She's just a miserable, humorless hag, who takes herself waaaaay too seriously.


And Kyle showed as usual why I have never liked the bitch. She was laughing and giddy when Dorit was buying the panties but now that she perceives Erika as the favorite she tried to shut that [!@#$%^&*] down by overtalking and being aggressive with LVP. Kyle you will NEVER be the fan favorite. Give it up.


Lisa Rinna with them fake ass soap tears was better than any acting she did on her last return to Days. And stupid ass Eileen winding her back up. Proving what everyone has said about her right.

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I concur with all of this, with one caveat: Kim is still a piece of sh*t. I actually didn't find myself as against Rinna in the 'Bunny Scene' as I'd expected. That was just plain low of Kim. She kicked Rinna when she was down and demonstrated that she hasn't improved one iota and is still "a liar and sick and an alcoholic!" (copyright Kyle Richards 2010)...Kim hasn't changed a bit. She still thinks she's better than the rest of 'em and the fact of the matter is she ain't. 


I sort of empathized with Eileen seeking out Rinna and reiterating to her that what Kim did with the bunny was calculated. Of course it was. There's no denying that. Kim planned it. Andy planned it. Much as I despise Rinna this season, Kim is no better and she's been an assh*le longer than Rinna has. 


It must gall Kyle that she'll never, ever, be the fan favourite. We see her for who she is and that must drive her crazy. 


Eden is a once and done. There is no need for her to come back next season.

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Ramona was in full on [!@#$%^&*] mode tonight.


It's very clear that thus far this season is about rehabbing Bethenny's image after last year. She's actually even made me laugh a few times. The constant digs about Luann though are annoying.


I cannot wait for Dorinda to dig into Sonja's ass next week!

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I agree - this season is all about rehabbing Bethenny's image. Whatever, it's fine. I don't think taking shots at Luann isn't going to help her cause. But Bethenny can't really hide who she is. 


I love Dorinda and Sonja. I'm glad we're getting this confrontation over with right off the bat. It'll be interesting to see how badly Sonja is slaughtered because sober Dorinda is lethal. 


Carole and the election. UGH. Insufferable. 

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I thought Ramona (and I like her) came off nasty & b-tchy last night. Personally, I feel like Ramona is trying to rock the boat with everyone and she's starting to wreak of desperation. 


I (too) am ready for Dorinda v. Sonja. Dorinda is gonna eat her a** up. 




I'm so over Dawn playing the victim and it was apparent she's manipulative. Like it can't even be denied at this point. She's obviously using Misse as her mouthpiece. 


Poor Tanya took the bait when Dawn turned on the tears. I hope she wises up and listens to Leanne when it comes to Dawn. All these women need to listen to Leanne. All I know is that Ampika and Magali must be thrilled that everyone is finally catching on to what they've been saying from the start. 

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@Antoyne @DaytimeFan Bethenny is growing on me too. She totally didn't let Ramona's 'porn' assertions get to her. Ramona is perfect for reality tv, but she is -- and always has been -- an awful person. She had the nerve to get mad, too, when Bethenny didn't react the way she wanted. 


What got Bethenny riled up was seeing the Ramona-Luann alliance in motion. In fact, the whole lunch smelled of a set-up between LuMona. Bethenny had it coming after the way she trashed Luann last season, but at the same time, Ramona and Luann are just too thirsty with this fake-ass fight.


Sonja needs a wake-up call. She has been clinging to this resentment of Dorinda like a life-raft. IMO a lot of it is displaced anger at the others for shutting her out last year. The fact is that Sonja's delusions have chased everybody away. No-one wants to hear anymore about partying with John-John on the Yacht and the lifestyle brand projects that don't exist. Tinsley looks 1000% over it, too. Sonja is going to get eviscerated by Dorinda next week. 


Don't get me wrong, I could never vote for Trump or his ilk. However, Carole reminds of her candidate who didn't really like mixing with Rust Belt proles and preferred coastal elite types who blew smoke up her ass. Carole's VT when she snooted: "Ramona, like most people, is uninformed about politics" was kind of ugh. 



I am so dumb. All this time I thought Tamra & Eddie were a great marriage because he finally got her, supported her, and wasn't a Perry Wright in the making like Simon was. I feel bad for Eddie if he wasn't in the know. And wow production must REALLY despise Tamra if they want to publicly expose her like this. 


You know the co-star Tamra was accusing of leaking this has got to be Vicki.

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The political talk is eating up the show and Bravo needs to tread lightly bc this is what partially caused DC to fail. Last fall was draining and depressing and to have that revisited here is not making this show appealing. Im already not interested and ready to check out bc Im sick of hearing about Trump, yet Bravo is making him such a big part of the show. I wish they'd downplay it and not make it, its own storyline but I guess Carole has nothing else going on

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Yeah, it was a depressing and stressful time and it's not fun to relive. I guess Andy is hearing this criticism because he basically said last week that the election would be dealt with early on in the season, and then we can get back to HW drama. But given that this episode was the last weekend before the election, it does seem dragged out into next week's episode.


lol and yeah Carole's got nothing. Not even that unwashed chef who should have "30 Years Younger" tatooed on his forehead because that's all Carole talks about when she mentions him. 

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Ampika: "What Misse needs to know that what she says to me is completely irrelevant."  HAHA, Ampika has no patience for her


Rick and Roysten are the worst gay supporting characters on any housewife series. I cant stand them and find them very unappealing whenever they pop up


You know Ive always been Team Dawn but Im kind of over her with this episode. Too damn fake and it feels like everything she says is lies. She's the Phaedra of Cheshire, "Im not trying to play the victim" while totally acting like the victim. Looks like she's about to lose friends left and right bc Tanya was not here for her


When Dawn started crying and offered to step down as godmother, I would have been like "Hallelujah!" in my head and taken her up on it bc I wouldnt want her to be


Stacy being Dawn's friend makes NO SENSE given how hard she came for her last year

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Simply to stick it to Leanne, who sided with Tanya last year that Stacey does act uppity one second and then cool the next second. 


It's all about alliances with Stacey & Dawn. I'm beginning to see that they are very much alike except Stacey actually has money while Dawn is a poser. 


I'm beginning to see too that Seema is another fake b-tch too. Remember, she couldn't stand Dawn the past 2 season too, but now she enjoys her. 

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Odd how I loved Stacey & Seema their first season, and couldn't stand Leanne the first 4 seasons. Now I am growing to enjoy Leanne while finding Seema & Stacey unbearable.



I never bought Tamra/Eddie. I always knew that she was secretly whoring around while acting as his beard. Look, I can typically spot my gay brethren, and Eddie gives me those vibes. Hell most of the Twitter audience has been assuming Eddie has been gay for years. 


I think Vicki has been on the money, and she possibly is the one leaking things. I don't blame her if all of this is true. Tamra had no problem with tossing her to the wolves the past 4-5 seasons when it came to Brooks. Now the chickens have come home to roost for Tamra. 

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Heck Cohen has wanted Eddie to be gay...and you can bet Cohen spotted it right away...and just let it go in order to build to when it is revealed their a bearded couple lol


Season 11 hinted at it.  Maybe season 12 will out Tamra with vicki responsible...then maybe the two will go away.  Time to clean house on that show

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