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Last night was a terrible one for Rinna. That was the worst acting of her career and she couldn't keep her performance up for even 15 minutes. Anyone watching this episode could see she was lying - even without the flashbacks courtesy of Bravo which prove she was lying - she had all the tells of looking into the distance, fumbling her words and then backtracking all within minutes. 


I find it strange that Affairleen and Rinna thought it wise to comment about LVP being glad of Rinna's gossiping coming out - OF COURSE SHE WOULD BE! I was thrilled for LVP that Rinna was exposed this episode. It doesn't mean LVP is an angel, but it does mean Rinna is a liar. LVP described it perfectly - Rinna has rage and regret. She was so furious and tearful by the pool (as Doritos amusingly said "You're not going to end it all here are you?") but it's all her own doing.


I really liked Erika this episode. The compassion she showed to Rinna was admirable and I loved her robot style dress. It could only work on her. 


Kyle is clearly exhausted from all the Kim talk - who could blame her? 


Eden is a nutcase who shouldn't be on TV.


I enjoyed Eileen basically admitting she has horrible diarrhea on television. And she looked AMAZING in that white dress. Soap Opera Perfection. I'm liking Eileen a lot more this season. 


Doritos and PK seem to actually like each other. And Doritos relationship with her kids is endearing. 



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Rinna done stepped in some bullsh-t! Funny how she played dumb and wouldnt own it. If she didnt remember its bc she was high off them pills she takes which would be quite ironic


Lisa V was messy. I dont think she looked good that episode either


Why isnt Eden a housewife? I thought she would be and based on her airtime, she should be. She has talking heads, scenes with her family and is right in the middle of all the drama. She feels like more than a friend. BTW, she and her mother look exactly alike


Maurico is Mexican? I thought he was just Israeli? I dont think his Mexican roots were ever touched on before

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I thought they mentioned he was a nice Jewish boy from Mexico City. He was born and spent part of his childhood there before his family moved to CA. I'm assuming he has dual (or even tri-) nationality.


Rinna played dumb and it was a bad mistake, especially as she and Eileen made it their mission to destroy LVP over something similar and even more innocuous last season. I get that Eileen is ride-or-die for her girl. But Rinna just needs to OWN that she is an incorrigible gossip. It keeps BH's wheels turning after all and it's not the worst character flaw in the world. When she backtracks or pretends like she doesn't know, it makes things 1000% times worse. The cover-up can be worse than the crime!


ETA: Eileen is defending Rinna on her blog and saying "It's complicated/she didn't mean it." After the way she went after LVP last season like a rottweiler for apparently 'forcing' Rinna to mention the M word about StalinYolanda, I really can't forgive her attitude now. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, Nagleen!

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she looks even worse next week going after Eden instead of taking responsibility for what she said. I have no problem with Eden defending herself and providing context to her actions, considering Rinna left her out to dry and arguably used her to do her dirty work. Rinna should just leave it alone bc attacking Eden wont do her any favors

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My god, that Maury Povich therapist is on every reality show!


Robin was invading Ashley's personal space and deserved to be slapped. I would have hit her bc that was beyond antagonistic


I cant wait to see Monique snatch Giselle by her jealous wig



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I know TT mentioned that the reason Eden wasn't a housewife is (and going by the STILL TO COME appears to be true) Eden was tooooo much drama of the bad kind and wasn't only a FOH cuz of it.

ETA: That trailer looked good. I might actually be here for Karen this season.

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Yeah but she can go. While I like her as a person and thought she was good her first season, she was an absolute dud last season even after her little tiff with Lauren. This show desperately needs Magali back. She IS the Nene Leakes, the Bethenny Frankel, the Vicki Gunvalson of RHOCheshire. Her one liners were everything. 


That aside, I read on a blog that Leanne and Dawn's feud gets worse as it stems from money. Apparently, Dawn and Ashley owe Leanne's man 500k. I guess the rumors of the Wards not being really rich are about to come flooding out the closet. 

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I think the ship has sailed for Magali - if she didn't return this season I don't see them ever having her back. 


I read about the loan issue between Leanne and Dawn - sounds terrible. A five hundred thousand pound loan is an awful lot of money and if the Wards needed it that sure speaks to their financial situation.

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