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I agree with EVERYTHING you've said. 


Honestly, I wish that Kathy and Rosie would get off the show, and pay Tre dust. They give her ass too much and that's partially to stay on this show. Let Tre have this hell hole, which is on its last leg anyways. Steer clear of her and she'll come crawling back soon enough. They always do. 

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Kathy and Rosie are Beyond pathetic at this point and quickly approaching Luann levels...why are they so pressed about Tre? She clearly has ZERO F's to give about them or their side of the family. Like let it go and move on already. If they were at all sincere or serious bout forgiveness and moving on they would NEVER half pulled half the [!@#$%^&*] they did in this episode culminating with that awkward book signing.... Teresa hasn't done or said anything negative towards them to warrant this bs response.

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Lies. Tre may not've taken shots at them recently, but she stayed taking plenty of shots in the past. Tre fans kill me how they try and peg her like some innocent victim. She isn't. The bitch is just as vile as those going against her. 


But like I said before, Kathy and Rosie need to pay Tre dust. They don't need her. Both of them live very well w/o her. Tre is the one struggling to stay afloat and will for years to come. Housewives can only provide you enough 'fame' before it wears off. NJ's ratings have been in the dumps for the most part. I give the show another season or 2 at the most before Bravo has to clip it. 


Only way this sh-t show will be saved is if Danielle returns to save it, and she's tweeted she'd be open to returning IF Andy paid her the same amount he pays others (i.e. Teresa). I don't blame her as Danielle's return alone would be the one to revive this dead ass show. 

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That is funny you should say that. Danielle (and Dina) sound like they were going up against Caroline on WWHL tonight.




OOOOOOOOOOOH!!!! So Marlo is on the trip with the girls?




Currently filming a trip in Mexico as Maurcio opens a Mexican branch of his company.

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THANK YOU! This is everything I feel about NJ right now.


And I actually like Kathy and Rosie now, even tho I hate Rich. Kathy actually has a point about Teresa, and I admire her for working diligently and creating a small business for herself and her family. She's a doer, not a talker. I just wish she'd stop complaining about Tre because she has better things to do with her life, and it's not worth begging that branch of the family for acceptance when Teresa always puts her down to build herself up.


I think Bravo feels Teresa carries the show but it is painfully apparent with her return that she cannot. And def agree she has learned zero from being in prison. She has deluded herself that it was a grave injustice that she was sentenced, that she is an eternal victim of the "haters who want to bring me down."


Honestly, letting go of Caroline Manzo in favor of bore-pocrite Dina was a mistake.



YASSS I saw this on Tamara Tattles and was coming over to post the news!


I love Marlo! I think she would be a fab addition as a housewife, not just a FOH. I caught her on that I Dream of Nene spinoff and she was the only thing worth watching on that. She spread fabulosity in every scene. Bless his heart, but Gregg Leakes just does not have the personality to help carry a show.

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But let's not fake like Tre doesn't need them either. Without them, she has no tension on the show, which provides her with nothing to really to really do outside of hocking those books she swears she writes on the audience, and chasing after a husband who doesn't give a flying f-ck about her. 


I agree. Kathy & Rosie need to move on. Who needs a toxic hag like Tre in their lives? 

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She doesnt need them. She has Melissa and Jaqueline to provide tension and those relationships are much more compelling bc Jaq genuinely was her best friend for years and Melissa is her sister-in-law and cant get rid of her no matter what. Rosie and Kathy? They mean NOTHING to her and as a viewer I dont know why I should care if their relationship is repaired bc they are just cousins and ones she's not close to. The entire show revolves around Teresa and has since season 3. Take the thirsty cousins out of the equation and Teresa still has story with her immediate family and off/on again status with Jaq and Melissa. Kathy and Rosie are nothing more than unnecessary annoyances

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Compelling? Sorry but no. Stale as f-ck? Yep. 


And the show revolving around Tre instead of being a full ensemble show, which is was the first 2 seasons, is why the show is pure sh-t now.  They've made Felonresa the end all, be all, which she isn't. This season has flopped. They can wrap it up tomorrow and it'd make no difference. 


Again, I want Kathy off the show. She can gain her success off the show if she sets her mind to it. That's the best way to stick to Teresa--do better than she is. Trust and believe that bitter ass Tre is sitting over there stressing and killing herself to stay afloat. 



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I mean, at this point with Kathy and Rosie all salty about Teresa, they're just throwing in anyone who's willing to go on camera and fret about their lost relationship with Teresa so that they'll have something to fill up the season. We know Kim D is back at some point. After that, who? Kim G? That mannish looking lady with the underbite who had beef with Melissa? Everyone gets a turn. Wasn't there some blonde named Penny who was spreading gossip? Guess we'll see her soon. 



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Sorry but I find Meghan and Shannon's actions tonight to be deplorable. Doesn't matter how they feel about Vicki, but how they acted was just foul and nasty. Yeah, Vicki may not be their friend, but she is their co-star. Without Vicki, there would be no RHOC. She opened the door for their asses. Have some respect. 


Then for these bitches to have the gall and say that Vicki sent the photos. She didn't. Kelly did. Vicki was strapped to a f-cking board panicking. How could she snap a selfie? When did she imply that someone take one of her? If she did, they would've shown it. Again, Meghan and Shannon are just gross and showed all throughout. 


For Meghan to declare that she didn't know the severity of the accident despite getting the pic of Vicki....:rolleyes:

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Then for David to say that Vicki needs to call Brooks to go and see her....

I can't. The people were straight vile! And Jim babbling on ... I can't with him either. Can he go back to doing what he does best and that's neglecting his ostrich-neck wife?


To top things off, Shannon and Meghan both go apologize to Vicki but they had to be the most insincere apologies ever! Especially, Shannon's, who only did it to not look bad. 

Both of these chicks better hope God is merciful on their asses after tonight b/c he works in mysterious ways. Meghan better pray she has a healthy pregnancy and baby, and Shannon better pray that David doesn't grown a backbone and up and leave her ass for real this time. 


Yeah, Vicki might've played it up for the cameras but these people (Shannon/David/Jim/Llama) further helped repair her image. 


Good to see that Tamra is about to turn her fangs on Meghan. It always happens as Tamra is loyal to no one. For once, I will enjoy watching Tamra get her hands on someone. Meghan will learn like Vicki, Gretchen, Alexis, etc. have learned ... Tamra is NOBODY's friend.

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RHOCheshire s4e2 (click here)


Misse is such a scary bitch. For someone who had all that mouth last season, I see she now fears Ampika. Girl, bye. You made your bed with Ampika and now you gotta lie in it. 


Good to see Ampika and Tanya reconcile even though I feel it'll be short-lived. Tanya's head is too far shoved up Dawn's ass to not find something to fight with Ampika about soon enough. 


Lauren lied. Yeah, she didn't say that Ampika gives off 'bad energy' but she implied it. Plus, she did have a convo with Ampika, and Stacey can verify it. Lauren is messy and not even good enough to cover her own damn tracks. 


Next week seems like Seema tries making a go at Ampika and if she does so, she can exit too along with Misse. I like Seema but she truly isn't needed. She adds the least out of everyone. Magali could easily come back in and boot Seema off the island as we'd prefer Magali anyways. 

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I really liked the scene with Jaq/Ter and their kids. That was sweet. I also liked seeing Siggy with her son and her ex's family. The family stuff was good on this episode overall


Im not here for Melissa and Joe's fake storyline. She isnt a good actress and never has been. He is coming across as a chauvinistic pig and this isnt a good look for him either


In the words of Nene:


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Kathy and Rosie losing their over Teresa? GTFO! That was some passive aggressive bulls--t and they looked even more pathetic ambushing Teresa and not getting what they were looking for. What a failure of a scene that was. Kathy has never worked as the antagonist bc its not in her nature. She always looks pathetic when she tries to start some sh-t

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what the hell gave you that impression? I'm assuming you mean Melissa




I live for Ampika's shade! I especially loved the line about putting Misse in a box to collect dust bc she doesn't give a sh-t


I'm glad Tanya and Ampika patched things up bc they had no reason to feud


Poor Misse though bc Ampika repeated the info wrong which made herself and Misse look bad. Lauren shouldn't have lied about talking about her to Ampika. That was dumb


Seema and Stacey are irrelevant



LOL. Agreed

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