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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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@Nothin'ButAttitude Thanks for the pics of Dallas. I like the sets. Marie should have been a housewife! Im glad she will at least be at the reunion. Her messy ass needs a star next season



I thought it was messed up how Dorinda invited all the girls but Sonja. I guess at least she let her know ahead of time instead of being scared and not warning her like others may have done. Her excuse was such BS and kind of ironic especially since word on the street is that she's doing some hard drugs and drinking herself, but I aint one to gossip, you aint heard that from me.


Man, LuAnn is a ho. Everyone shades her for sleeping around and she kind of owns it. I gotta respect her for that bc at least she's not sloppy or classless. 


Carole has NO storyline. Her storyline consists of writing a vegan cook book. No one gives a f--k. She is desperately trying to start something with LuAnn but the countess is not thinking about her. Her attempts are failing nad really the only reason she is still here is bc Andy likes her. She needs to be dropped.

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Word on pretty much everything you said. I do think Dorinda did the best she could in the circumstances. Dis-inviting Sonja was likely producer-mandated -- aka Bethenny refuses to film with TipsyGirl! How interesting that Carole does not demand the same thing with LuAnn. Looks like Carole badly needs LuAnn to hate on while LuAnn has her SLs with Bethenny, Sonja and Tom and couldn't care less.


Personally I love Dorinda because she has a lot of heart. I hope she is not too deep into the *alleged* drugs. Personally I believe all the NY HWs are using/abusing something. Possibly coke. Allegedly. LuAnn's a partier. Sonja... well, we've all seen her high as a kite. Same with Ramona. Same with Dorinda. Bethenny and Jules? I don't know. Maybe as part of their weight-loss program? And Carole openly tokes and takes ecstasy because she is so hip to the 'young people' now. 


LuAnn owns that she loves men and loves having a good time. She smokes and parties and adores that whole nightlife/freebee invites thing. So I give her props for not pretending to be something she isn't. *side-eyes Phaedra* In NYC people are pretty open about their love life and dating around. 


LuAnn was totally baiting Bethenny when she said she 'helped' come up with the idea for Skinny Girl. I understand why Bethenny was pissed about that. However, Bethenny has been such an ice-cold bitch. She pretends she doesn't care about anything and is the truth-teller, but she is constantly belittling the other women. Being bitchy is not a sign of strength, it's a sign of weakness because she wants to be the only top dog on the show. I am sure she will kick LuAnn'd ass next week though for daring to suggest that Bethenny is not a lone business whizzkid.


Ramona is tacky for not cleaning up after her pooping dog.

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I loved when LuAnn and Sonja were reading the tabloids together and Sonja struck a pose and busted a move when LuAnn noted her name was in the Post. That was a moment straight out of Absolutely Fabulous. The two of them in their slips and furs and slippers in Sonja's kitchen were hilarious and they could easily be their own spinoff. I could watch a whole season of just LuAnn and Sonja dishing in that slightly crumbling townhouse. 


LuAnn and her guy, Tom, seem a good match. He's articulate and seems attentive and solid. And he has money, and given LuAnn's substantial Hampton's assets, she shouldn't be dating anyone below her and Tom seems to fit that bill.


Jules and Michael are an adorable couple and I'm rooting for them/her. He is Polly Pocket sized but has a gentle confidence that makes him seem taller than any guy in the room. 


Bethenny is a straight up foul bitch. How dare she attempt to slut shame LuAnn? What a gutter move. Bethenny and Carole are so unpleasant and I really cannot fathom why Carole is still on the show as she brings NOTHING to the table this season. 

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Ampika is half Thai! Finally after all these years I learn what her ethnicity is


I like that Dawn is at least host about her issues instead of pretending like things are cool and letting things boil


Misse is so damn messy. Why was she going in on Ampika again? BYE. Ditto on Tanya. Wrong place, wrong time to attack her at her own  event


I loved Lauren's facial expressions and comments during the final confrontation.

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Totally agree with you on all points. I cannot stand Misse and Tanya is awful too - Tanya's really going down in my estimate next week when she insults Lauren. 


It it is good that the mystery of Ampika is solved - half Thai! 


Even though Dawn is still making petty fights her thing she's far more likeable this season than previously because she's up front and pulls no punches. 

Everyone saw this coming. She needs to divorce, clean up her finances (because you know he got his hands on her money) and cut him out of her life. He had always been bad news - don't ignore your family when they try to stop your wedding! 

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Tonight's episode of NYC was epic...but it also doesn't sit right with me.


Bethenny slut shamed LuAnn and that is not acceptable. LuAnn is who she is and she hasn't been The Countess for years. LuAnn has long been a sexually liberated woman. From Jacques to the Pirate to the 'Be Cool, Don't Be All Uncool...NOT REALLY' in St. Barths....LuAnn has been living her life on her terms for years. She's also been dealing with slut shaming from the likes of Carole and Bethenny for years too. At last year's reunion she had to defend herself saying "I'm a grown woman, I can do what I want!" I do not understand or respect Bethenny's argument that LuAnn is a fake and that she acts one way and then judges other people for the same behaviour: no she does not. LuAnn's conflict with Carole (sad, tired, pathetic Carole with no story of her own) exists solely because Carole slept with LuAnn's niece's ex boyfriend moments after he and LuAnn's niece broke up. They can try to make LuAnn look like a hypocrite all they like but it simply isn't accurate.  


Certainly, the scene with LuAnn and Jules was awful and LuAnn was about as self centred as it gets - though Jules, if your father is dying, why in God's name are you in the Berkshires? Get on a plane and see your father. 


Ramona was fun this episode, as she luxuriates in none of the drama being about her. I also enjoyed how she went up to each and every one of those women when Dorinda got upset and told them to suck it up for Dorinda. 


Dorinda (and her housekeeper) clearly put a lot of effort into her home and hosting the event. 


Sonja is always a hoot - though I was disappointed it wasn't Dr. Sharon Giese (she always gets an annual appearance courtesy of Ramona and Sonja) doing Sonja's vaginal refresher. Sonja is a harmless mess. The only person who can possibly be hurt by Sonja is Sonja. I wish her so well, she's got the guts to get herself sorted out. 

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NOT 5 minutes into the epsiode and Im already dying with laughter. LOL at LuAnn insinuating that Bethenny stole her hairstyle. 


Carole and her shade saying she walked in thinking Bethenny was fighting with a man



Yep thats the look of the face of a bitch that doesnt give a f--k. LuAnn is a ho...who cares! She's having fun and Im finding her entertaining. Bethenny was so pressed about her


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Yes, stay pressed bitch!


Wow at LuAnn. Jules is trying to talk about her dying father and she kept chaning it to make it about herself.


I like Sonja but she didnt need to be in this episode. It was nonstop shade for the first half and then the momentum stopped with her. Wasnt interested




What an epic episode. These two have the best rivalry


IA. I havent enjoyed LuAnn this much since like ever. Bethenny needed to STFU. Who does LuAnn need to justify herself to? I watch and I dont get the impression that she's fake and doesnt claim to be anythng but a sexully liberated woman. She is who she is


Good point about Jules. I felt for Dorinda when she blew up. She really cant catch a break

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Granted I don't have the history the rest of you do with LuAnn (I started watching RHoNY her non-regular season), but I've been loving her and the rivalry with Bethanny. I was liking Bethanny last season, but God she was soooo pressed here.

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TT is reporting that Yolanda is out on RHOBH with only Vanderpump, Richards, Rinna and Erika Jayne being asked back full time. Kathryn was not given a contract and they're asking Eileen to be a friend. Let's hope that bore declines so we don't have to listen to her non stop bitching for another season.



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I have a feeling Erika is going to be a trainwreck if she returns. 


So glad Yolanda is gone. I liked her early on but she is now a public health menace IMO. She's just dangerous and does not need a national platform.

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I would've kept Kathryn. Not only did I warm up to her, but she was a good ally for Vanderpump. SO glad YoLemony will be axed. Eileen iced herself out with her insipid storyline, but hopefully she'll pop up as a friend, as RHOBH is always good at bringing back the former housewives for visits (minus Joyce & Witchypoo). 


LuAnn vs. Bethenny is funny as hell because they both like each other overall. LuAnn sticks her foot in her mouth and doesn't own up to her gossipy mouth, but overall has rejuvenated herself as a carefree woman who's having the time of her life while she can still get it. It feels like Bethenny's standpoint stems from 2009, not the here and now. 


Jules talking about her dying father and LuAnn interjecting with her petty Bethenny drama is such a delicious representation of these goofy self-centered ladies. At least *try* to act like you have compassion for someone else for a second, Lu! 


Carole is so desperate for relevancy and is pressed that Lu doesn't give an eff about it... Ramona coming off as the semi-rational peacemaker of the group is a refreshing change... Dorinda continues to be a slop-mouth when inebriated... It was unnecessary not to include Sonja at the Berkshires; if it was Bethenny's doing, whining at producers, that is UNCOOL and NOT REALLY necessary at all. 



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