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So I guess that show Sheree is executive producing with Carlos king came out last night and Nene actually tweeted them wishing them both good luck and telling people to watch. I was definitely surprised by that. I wonder if this means a potential Sheree/Nene make up. I could see this being true especially if the rumors are correct that Sheree and Kenya are feuding. 

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Considering she's no longer on the show, I don't see why she would even care about Kenya and who she's fighting. Kenya never hated Nene and if you examine their relationship, they don't really have any deep rooted issues with each other. It's not like her feuds with Kim, Sheree or even Cynthia, all of which were personal. Hers with Kenya was purely superficial and exaggerated bc they were on a show. I would hope that Nene would be big enough to actually move on now that she isn't in a place to compete with Kenya

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Cynthia is GORGEOUS - I just can't with her beauty.  I also love how this premiere was all about Cynthia.  She deserves it for working so hard.


Sheree's entrance was EVERYTHING!  OMG Sheree vs. Kenya - I can't. :lol:


Great premiere - can't wait for more.

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So, I wasn't going to watch this [!@#$%^&*] without NeNe, but because of Kim Fields and my curiosity about SheMan returning, I tuned in.


Cynthia looks/looked beautiful. I'm glad she's standing up to Patricia, finally. I do think it's odd she's got the center peach this year. Regardless of how I personally feel about her, you'd think Kandi would get that spot being the longest running cast member. Or hell, even Kenya, considering she is at the center of the drama. Cynthia is generally a supporting player so it seems odd. Maybe there's a significance there about what's in store for her this year.


Kenya was actually slaying me today with her Sheree shade. 

Cynthia: She's your neighbor! She might need to, like borrow something.

Kenya: Yeah, she might need to borrow like a cup of coffee, or some money for the electricity bill. 


I DIED at that.


Baedra looks beautiful. Losing that dead beat husband has done wonders for her.


Kandi is my girl but she needs to be straight with Phae.


The Marlo/Kenya shade at Nene was tired and played out, but I didn't mind Marlo tonight and I was surprised to see her actually being the voice of reason re: Kenya vs. Peter and Kenya vs Sheree. Funny though, didn't these hoes have a lot to say about Nene getting in Peter's face two years ago? But now Nene's gone and Kenya is bucking her chest at him? Hmmm.


I am already living for Sheree vs. Kenya and I hope they feud all season long.


Kenya is KILLING ME!!! 


"Sheree is screaming at me like I sliced open the air mattress she's been sleeping on for the past four years."


Sheree: "Your house is in a ditch!"

Kenya: "Ok? Well I'll be in the ditch in 3 months, and you'll be sleeping in a tent outside still because you can't move in!"


OMG I might love Kenya tonight. Maybe.


Porsha is still bae, she looked flawless throughout the whole episode and her and Duke are cute. I'm sad it seems they're not still together. 


Cynthia's entrance at the party was a little weird. She looked beautiful but why was she wearing a bikini when it was a sunglasses party? Lol. Either way, werk girl!


Mallory paying Peter in dust was priceless.


Sheree's entrance was epic, I'm almost sorry she doesn't have a peach. 


ETA: Did anyone notice the shady editing? When Sheree first entered and someone said how good she looked and she said "Thank you! You do too!" and they gave her a man voice! I swear to god y'all, go watch it. It was like they had her voice slowed down. I'm DONE. 

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Hey, Boo. :)  I want to say someone mentioned those two renewing their twitter following.


Caught the last few minutes.

Marlo's hair...FLAWLESS.

Cynthia's talking head with the blond top...wouldn't work for me with anyone else, but her? FLAWLESS.

Sheree's entrance was EVERYTHING.

And I could live for Sheree v Kenya.

SO...now watching the repeat..

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Porsha and Phaedra as besties? The two worst housewives together. NEXT.



Phaedra's talking head kills me. Get her back in to film a new one


Cynthia, Peter and the video....the whole thing was fake and I called it as a setup to get a story on the show. She's not attracted to him? I dont find him attractive but dang, she shouldnt have said that on camera. Malorie was so messy to go repeat that to the group


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Cynthia got the center peach. I wanted it to be Kenya! BTW, I wasnt feeling her blonde hair last season but love it now



Kenya is SOOOO shady! "Sheree might need to borrow some coffee from me or money to pay her light bills". :Chateau SheCantPay" Girl you dont know Sheree so you know you wrong. I loved the dramatic camera shots the show had of her house. She shading but I hope she has enough money to fix up this house. Kenya till your house is fixxed, just stop


Yes she got a new one! Looks MUCH better


Phaedra didnt pay Kenya and she didnt pay Todd. She f--ed up. Its been years though so why is Todd bringing this up now? Kenya at least called her out on it right when it happened


People have some interesting ways to spell their names. Why does she have an unnecesary H?



Marlo aint here for Peter. BTW, Did anyone see the shade that Kandi gave Marlo?



At least she got an excuse this season



That was a good entrance. She and Kenya fighting though...why? Too messy



Nene who? The show didnt need her. Loved the premiere


Kandi does have the center peach. They just gave it to Cynthia with the 5 member cast but once Kim joins, Kandi gets put in the center. 


Haha, you will love Kenya in due time. With no Nene around, you'll see that she's a fun chick

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That was a good episode. I did not miss NeNe at all.

All the women were slaying in the looks department! Even Phaedra!

Kenya vs. Sheree was HILARIOUS. "She's screaming at me like I sliced open the air mattress she's been sleeping on for four years" DEAD!

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I really wish Sheree got her peach back and I wonder why they didnt give it to her. Kenya was so shady and messy! I loved that the show looks to be going back to the formula of season 6 which worked and that was having a good cast of friends. We got to see Marlo, Sheree and Mallory this episode and the supporting players really help round out the cast by giving the housewives more material to work with. I didnt like how season 7 dialed back on that

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Season 1- Lisa Wu

Season 2- Sheree

Season 3 and 4- Really wasn't anyone holding a center peach. I think it was just arranged by height because they had tall girls on the outside and the shorter girls in the middle. The line up was Cynthia-Kim-Sheree-Kandi-Phaedra-NeNe

Season 5, 6, and 7- NeNe

Season 8- Cynthia.... Kandi once Kim Fields joins.


Kim Zolciak would have never gotten a center peach. It would have been too easy to draw racist undertones from that :lol: She was always on the outside to not draw any suspicions.

LOL... "I'll be in that ditch in 3 months and you will still be in the tent outside your house because your bitch ass can't move in" LMFAO! :lol: People are dragging Kenya for coming for Sheree but it's no different than the sh-t folks have been saying online since 2011. It is what it is. Sheree can give as good as she gets. She actually called Kenya a bitch first if we want to get technical.

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