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thats probably a reason why she doesnt have a husband anymore...lol

Beverly Hills

I also jsut saw the latest episode today and Im no longer a Camille fan. I loved her in the first episode but she came across as too much of a bitch this last episode. I hate her passive aggressive attitude, playing the victim and trying to make Kyle blow up. She knew exactly what she was doing and that little ms innocent act was all too transparent.

IA with the Lisa love. She is by far the most grounded and refreshing housewife. I love her. Every series needs a Lisa. She's fabulous

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YES! Haha, spot on, although I think you might warm up to Cat later. I hated her so much the first half of the season, and by the reunion, was totally on her side and loved her. I think I just *got* her finally.

The supermarket grape thing had me ROLLING too - so hilarious.

I just love the DC season, maybe because it was my first and I didn't have the crazies of NJ and Atlanta to compare it to.

Cheap - didn't you see a bit of Danielle (NJ) in Camille on that episode. Crazy!

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I agree that by the time the show is finished you'll have warmed up to Cat, especially by the time the reunion happens. I actually ended up really liking Cat, second only to Linda who, as WTGH points out, is a cold bitch who owns it and you gotta give a woman props for being authentic. Linda wasn't mean, per say, she was just straight up and honest with people. Cat does much of the same by the end of the show, so hang in there, you'll like her.

Danielle Staub and Camille are cut from the same crazy, trashy, self absorbed cloth. Camille, to quote Caroline Manzo, is garbage.

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I wanted Kyle to channel her inner Theresa and flip the table on her. Camille is not as sweet as she comes across as. I didnt think of the Danielle connection but like Danielle, she tries to make herself come across as the victim when she is anything but. No wonder Kelsey cheated on her. She probably shouldnt have done this show bc I no longer feel bad for her and understand why he'd want to get away from her.

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I just got caught up with the latest eps of BH and ATL...

BH - I agree with you guys about Camille. Talk about a Grade A Bitch! I started disliking her immediately when she talked about how much of a giving person she is when she loaned her home to one of her friends who's husband had lost his job. She went on and on about how she was blessed to have so much with her giving nature while looking like a smug Bitch. The argument with Kyle was completely manufactured. Kyle was sincere and Camille knew exactly what she was doing. That shtick about winning the argument because she kept her composure while Kyle lost her cool was such a Bitch thing to say. "Never lose your cool in an argument" - cue smug smile :rolleyes:

ATL - Hilarious! Those heffas were cheap! And their reactions to Sheree's dancing were fantastic. Sheree is so full of herself and that dancing was asexual as hell. I rolled my eyes when she rolled up in her Martin and she snarkily asked the valet if he wanted her to open the door.

Cynthia is so boring; they really should have gone with Victoria Rowell. It was nice of Nene to help with the proposal however I agree with Cynthia that the proposal should have been intimate. It was tacky and Cynthia had every right to be underwhelmed. I wonder if Nene has a crush on the geriatric boyfriend. She kept gushing about Black love and the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice. :lol:

Khandi and Kim were boring.

Phaedra was ridiculous with her 'penis juice'. Who rolls up to the hospital to give birth in a backless number? One thing about Phaedra, it's ALL about her and she doesn't give a crap. I'm starting to warm up to her.

Next week looks good. Sheree's boyfriend seem to be outed and Sheree definitely needs to be knocked down a peg.

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Danielle can sing, BUT, she could use some voice lessons. Shes miles better than kim on ATL though. I'm really surprised Danielle is going there in that vid since her and her ex who I guess is the guy she's referring to came to an agreement to drop the charges of defamation for saying he abused her. What the hell does susan lucci have to do with reality tv, I don't get the connection.

Edited by EricaKane70
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Oh another thing about Camille, she sure didnt seem to broken up about Adrienne's uncle dying. She was like that sucks that that happened but I hope nothing else goes bad for my little get together. She came across so cold. Every series has a villian, someone the audience and/or the rest of the cast hate. Beverly Hills really didnt have one till last week with this witch.

Lucci should sue her for defamation of character. How dare she. What an insult to Lucci for this prostitution whore to compare herself to her.

Hate her but her singing impressed me as being much better than I thought it would be. I would have loved to have seen her try that sh-t with Joan Collins.

Interviewer: "So Joan, what do you think about Danielle Staubb from the Real Housewives of NJ, saying she's the Joan Collins of reality tv?"

Joan: "Danielle, who?"

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Just finished watching DC.

I'm surprised by how much I ended up liking this franchise. I liked the passive-aggressive, bitchy, catty drama. Love that it's more subdued than the BSCraziness of New Jersey and Atlanta.

That being said, I reallty hope the Salahis aren't asked back for Season 2. They took over Season 1, everyone hates them and the other ladies will probably refuse to shoot with them. Plus, things can go south quickly and the season will end up like S2 of NJ with the ridiculous Danielle drama.

I wouldn't mind Edwina Rogers joining the cast, she known in DC and could bring in more good drama with her messy divorce. Also, I'd like another AA woman, preferably single and Republican. Would be interesting.

Tareq: What a disgusting, vile pig. I can't believe he threw a glass of wine at Linda. I don't care if he was drunk or any other circumstance, you don't do that to people, much less a lady! It's blatant disrepect, and no one deserves to have that done to them. Dude shoul've gotten his ass kicked right then and there.

Stacie: I'm glad she found her father, although I did not like contacting her brother on FaceBook. That brings a shitload of drama, and to me she didn't seem to have an interest in getting to know him. She wanted to contact him, reveal the truth, have things blow up so her mother ´fesses up about her father. Once she had that info she'd hightail out of his life. Or so it seemed...

Is anyone watching The A-List (Gay Housewives) on LOGO? I was immediately hooked!

Onto S3 of NYC...

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I really hope the DC girls get a Season 2, so we can actually see their own storylines. I heard that Edwina was actually the 6th Housewife - cameras followed her and everything (which is why we saw her quite a bit). But then she dropped out halfway through bc of the Salahis and the drama ruining her political image. The party she threw where Cat dressed as Sarah Palin and Edwina was rushed to the hospital - I heard that was more for show. We never saw or heard of her again after that episode.

I think another difference with DC is that the drama was REAL. The Salahis really did these things, and not for show, and the reactions and fallout was all real. Unlike the ATL and NJ girls, who I think play up to the camera for show quite a bit.

I forgot about the A-List - I heard about this months ago and meant to check it out when it premiered! I just set the DVR to record. :)

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