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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Tre actually had the balls to compare herself to Angie/Brad...I almost turned it off after that...And the nastiness with Kathy is just getting ridiculous. I never liked Teresa to begin with and she's just proving why.

Is it Ashley's goal to be the most unlikeable Housewife child of any series.

Edited by Antoyne
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OMG, that Kim G! The minute I saw her and Monica roll up, I knew sh-t was about to go down! Why the hell would they go to Theresa's brothers party? Kim G needed to STFU! I cant beleive she was fightnig with them about leaving. Like just go already. Kim made an ass of herself.

Theresa...what a bitch she was with Kathy. That was uncalled for and I feel for Kathy, bc she's so frustrated with her. Clearly Theresa is the aggressor in the relationship with Kathy never speaking up to her and standing up for herself. I wish she had called her a bitch to her face

LOVE the preview! Now its going to be Caroline vs Kim and that looks good. Kim G is a nut. Cant believe the Manzo boys have to throw her out. Pathetic old hag

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I think in that moment, she realized just why Theresa doesnt like her. It was incredbly disrespctful and rude of her to try and start drama at Melissa's house and then refuse to do the right thing to avoid it. I like how Melissa handled it as well. I hope she goes off on Kim in a future episode or the reunion for putting her in that position

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Haha, that was a pretty good NYC finale.

As they mentioned on Watch What Happens Live, what was up with Simon's face when LuAnn was performing?? He looked like a murderer.

Kudos to Natalie Cole for showing up!

Did anyone else get the feeling like it was a final episode for these ladies? The way it was wrapped up, and the toast together in front of the Statue of Liberty? I know they always normally have toasts like these (especially OC), but this one seemed extra FINAL to me. Even the captions at the end really didn't tell us anything, as if these ladies have no story left.

What they need to do next year is drop Cindy and Kelly (who really had NO storyline this year, she is so irrevelant now). They bring on Cat from DC. I think Cat will be the villian and the other 5 ladies will learn to team up and support each other. That's how it needs to happen.

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I dont buy for one second that Ramona and her old azz at 55 really thought she was pregnant. I mean really? That was stretching things and I have to think it was for ratings. All that tall about wanting to have another child just seem so phony. I kinda bought into it at first bc I thought she was in her 40s (she looks pretty good). While late, its still plausible. But 55? Girl was out of her mind. I did love when Jill said "When you're in your mid 50s and you miss your period, its not bc you're pregnant. Its menopause knocking on the door" LOL

Kelly was in this episode? Completely irrelevant. Next

Im glad Sonya called Cindy out bc she needed to hear how rude she was. I couldnt beleive Cindy had the nerve to say, she thought Sonya could learn a thing or two about business and thats why she had her listen in on her convo. WTF? If these two remain for next season, I see them eventually having a huge blowout bc they will never be friends.

LuAnn throwing a 1 year anniversary party for her boyfriend...you've got to be kidding me! That was all about having herself as the center of attention. Who does that? They arnt even married. Oh and her guy is not that good looing

I never thought Alex was beautiful by any stretch of the word, but she looked really good and modelesque in her photoshoot.

I have to give it to Jil. She started off this season being the most vile cast member and Im finding myself not hating her by this finale episode. I think it helped that LuAnn and Kelly pushed her out of the wya in that department

Gotta agree here. The ONLY reason to keep Cindy is the eventual blowup between she and Sonya. I see them heading down the same path as Alex and Jill. One of them is going to snap. Cindy was the new girl this year so she kept quiet and played it safe, but I see her having more of a voice in the future especially if someone else becomes the new newbie. Sonya doesnt have a whole lot of patience for her as it is. They are gonna clash. They may be civil to each other but they do not like each other

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So I have never seen the NYC set before but i watched this reunion.

First of all, if the show is half as entertaining im missing out. lol. Second, the brunette women are just nasty to be nasty and bitches to be bitches and not in an entertaining or fun way like the blondes. Was it the hair colors vs each other like they made it seem or was that just at the end and they played it up?

That luanne woman is just... i have no words. and that Jill lady? someone needs to punch her straight in the mouth. I do like this kelly chick because she seems like shes super crazy and knows it but tries to hide it, lol. and then that other one was just... there i guess.

the blondes.. the bankruptcy one i loved. the one next to her i liked a lot and the one next to andy was ok, i guess.

But man, idk.. as much drama as they were today i just can never get into them during the season. I would be down with a compelte overhaul and an all new cast. Esp without that creature-looking thing bethanny there

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With all the talk about these shows recently, I watched my first Real Housewives episode with RH of New York, starting at Season 1. I wasn't blown away but I expect they will up the drama in the forthcoming episodes... if I actually watch them.

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Anyoen see part 1 of the NYC reunion? My god those women are vile. It was hard to watch. It was like they saw the OC reunion and collectively came together and said "we gotta top them bitches" There were times where it was borderline vulgar and cruelty was unnecesary. Jill coming out and calling Alex a f--king bitch with no shame was so unladylike. What happened to the new Jill? Last reunion she was so apologetic for her actions and watched her words but she was throwing out f bombs and getting nasty. Oh and Alex telling Cindy that she needs to get laid was just too much. This was on par with the Miami reunion and you know how much of a mess that was. Andy even was shocked with them and said they were being beasts and thats so true.

Gotta hand it to Kelly to be completely delusional. I hate how she says one thing and when confronted with it, she shuts down and tries to move on. She constantly contradicts herself and has nothing to back up the sh-t she says. LuAnn is another delusional one. She said she has never said anything that wasnt nice to Ramona. I mean really? Can someone play back the Morocco trip for her

One thing I did love is how they had the blondes on one side and the brunettes on the other. Team Blonde! They seem to be the least hateable

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I'm glad you also used the word vile in your review. I totally told my friend that it seemed like they were trying to top OC. Honestly at times it was uncomfortable to watch. BUT I will say Alex was spot on about that humorless twat Cindy needing to get laid.

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