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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Ewwww, when is sheree gonna dump dr love??? I would never eat cookie dough off a mans hands unless I knew his hands were clean and he would have to be my boyfriend. Can he please tell her he's broke so she can move on. Nene needs to just divorce Greg, if he's causing her this much pain he ain't worth it. Phaedra and the pickles was just ridiculous is she just on for comic relief? I laughed when Apollo started sucking the pickle with phaedra probably reminded him of his prison years. Cynthia is okay, she is a good friend to Nene. Again why is Kandi on this show, she doesn't need it. An Kim needs to realize she can't sing, funny how Kandi tries to make her a song where she actually has to sing and she can't handle so she tries to geta another song.

On a sidenote, if Bravo gave Danielle the axe why are they still showing commercials of her? BTW I love Danielle I know alot of people hate her but she was entertaining for me at least.

Edited by EricaKane70
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Phaedra is just so bizarre, she's like a caricature, I don't think she's in on the joke: it's all her. Nene, I feel for her, she seems really genuinely hurt and disgusted by Greg. But what the hell is up with Cynthia's geriatric fiancée, what an !@#$%^&*]. Kandi is really boring, Kim is still a lot of fun, Sheree and Dr Love are gross, she can do MUCH better.

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Apparently Wendy Williams isnt impressed with Phaedra either. She was talking about Sheree on Tuesday and asked if there was some way she could get Phaedra kicked off the show...lol. I will agree with Wendy on one thing. I dont like how she disrespects her husband. She treats Apollo more like an employee with the way she talks down to him. I dont get why she would marry someone beneath her in social standing bc she is so uppity. The sex must be really good

As far as last show goes, it was hilarious! I was ROFL when Phaedra didnt know her due date. Are you kidding me? The doctor said that its perfectly fine to give birth at 6 months if the baby is fully developed. What baby is fully formed at 6 months of pregnancy? I loved NeNe's line about girls in the hood may not know who their baby's father is but they know when thye got knocked up. I think Phaedra is lying about when she got knocked up and Apollo may not be the father. Who the hell does she think she's fooling?

I was with NeNe when she was cringing at Kandi and Phaedra sticking sugar on their private area for oral sex. I loved when she said there was no way she was sticking maple syrup, kool-aid, candy yams, etc... up in her vajayjay

Sheree does need to drop her man. All that talk about love was sickening. Has he not watched the show? She's a very practical woman and isnt into those silly games. She wants money and success and he is all BS.

NeNe, no one wants to see you in your bra doing crazy moves.

I cant stand Kandi's mom.

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I hated the way she treated AJ. I could undestand some apprehension bc he has 5 kids and multiple babys mothers involved but he seemed like a decent guy who was doing right by Kandi. He was raising all of those kids (even though at least 1 of the mothers wasnt) and he stepped up to be a father figure to Kandi's daughter. She should have backed up and let Kandi make her own decisions and be happy bc she's grown and in her 30s. That lady just came across as a bitter old witch. She's been seperted from Kandi's step father since she was in 6th grade (thats gotta be over 20 years ago) but still dates him. WTF? Can a divorce! I think she's bitter about her own life and situation and wants Kandi to live the life she wish she had

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Phaedra is incredibly annoying and comes off very fake. And what's up with her mysterious pregnancy? It's probably just that she got pregnant before being married- which coming from a family of pastors can be understandable to try and hide. Otherwise she's pulling a trick out of the soap opera handbook and trying to pass off her kid as her husbands when its really someone else's...

I really like Cynthia... Sheree can be annoying but I guess she's funny. But really- who forces someone to eat off of their hands? If she's not done with him after that she's crazy because she clearly doesn't like a lot about him.

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I LOVE it! Last season Theresa was the Queen B, running her mouth, dishing out threats with no reprecussions bc she wasnt scared of Danielle and really didnt have to cross paths with her except that one time all season. This Melissa is different and Theresa has reason to be intimidated. I hope she isnt outcasted like Danielle is though bc she needs an ally. I cant wait for the next season but it probably wont air till summer

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I have yet to watch DC & BH.

I'm currently finishing S5 of OC. I don't particularly like Alexis, she doesn't seem like a good fit with the group and comes off very preachy and holier than thou. I felt embarrassed for her when she confronted RandomLady at Gretchen's tupperware party because she was flirting with Jim.

Loved the drama with Lynne being evicted, and Vicki vs. Everyone at Lynne's housewarming party.

Tamra's divorce drama is the best thing of the season. Simon did come off as bossy and controlling, and I'm sure he was always that way and Tamra dealt with it. But, being on the show and interacting with the other ladies, plus fame, drama with Ryan made her see she could do better and how controlling he really was.

Money--Check your PM.

ETA: Miami is set to start sometime in the New Year. It'll probably air simultaneously with OC.

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Just finished watching OC's season finale. OMFG at Tamra and Simon's blowup...just WOW! :mellow::o That's one of the most intense things I've ever seen on a reality show.

I'm only interested in Vicki and Tamra, Gretchen, Alexis and Lynne can leave and I would not miss them, especially Lynne and her deluded/spacy/drunk ways. It's no wonder her children are a mess.

Gretchen, run away from Slade!

Tired of the product pimping, Gretchen and her cheap Beeeeeeauuuuuu-taaaaaaaay make-up and Lynne's cuffs.

Onto Atlanta:

I died when Phaedra's pictures were shown. Yeah, eating a pickle is real classy. LOL.

My heart broke when Riley said she didn't really need or want a father. :(

Loved the Mother's Day interactions, especially with Shereè asking Phaedra if she swallowed. :o:lol: Kinda grossed out/WTF-ed out at Kandi's sugar on the vagina so it turns to syrup...WHAT?! :blink:

Love Shereé, but I'm not enjoying her romance storyline. I want She by Shereé back!

Still not liking Cynthia. She's boring.

Am I alone in this...or is anyone else getting a bi/gay/down-low vibe from Apollo? Especially from that pickle sucking scene. :ph34r:

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I've been saying this since the beginning of the season, theres no way a man goes to prison as fine as Apollo is, without any bareback action.

As for tonights episode, Nene needs to lay off the acohol. Kandi needs to give up on kim singing, she can't sing at all and Kandi needs to tell her that point blank. I can't believe Leon is Cynthia's baby daddy, that was a shock. Latavia formerly from Destiny's child needs to move on, DC broke up like 8 or 9 years ago why is she rehashing all this crap now and since when is Phaedra a manager? That whole scene with Latavia and Phaedra was so contrived.

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